Check This Out...

2MuchMJLuv2MuchMJLuv Posts: 332
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
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This may/may not have been discussed--and if so please allow it to fade into oblivion. I found this vid on youtube and it supposedly happened back in April. MJ3 is meeting their grandmother for lunch, and by the way they're been hustled and bustled, it's almost as if it's an arranged lunch date--and their daddy most likely arranged it. Ha!!!! Also, do they go anywhere without Jermaine's decoy--oops I meant kids? If you look closely, Katherine just kinda hugs each one, and they move on. It's weird. I'd pay millions to read Paris's mind while she's standing there waiting to go inside the restaurant. She's got that unfazed "girl interrupted" vibe going on. Several of us have said that it's very doubtful that they live at Hayvenhurst. I'm pretty sure of it now. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->


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