Confused About Showing Justice For MJ???

infinatetrinityinfinatetrinity Posts: 123
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Ok so for the past week or so after reading loads of topics concerning the upcoming hearing on CM the more confused I get so maybe someone can help.This may sound stupid but what exactly are we supposed to be showing justice for MJ as Joe keeps telling all of MJs fans to do? I mean I have felt like many others from almost day one that something wasn't right and that there may be a possibility that MJ hoaxed his death and as time has gone on the more firmly I believe this.I am a proud member of The Army Of L.O.V.E. and I have seen topics where there are even tweets about the army of love supporting the Justice for MJ yet if this is a HOAX then why are we The Army of LOVE supporting justice for MJ by trying to condemn a man who would by all means be innocent of these charges if this is a hoax and we would be doing the same thing to CM that had been done to MJ back in 2003-2005 wouldn't we?We have had LaToya,Janet and Joe among others who have stated things like CM is just a patsy,that things are much,much bigger then they appear so if this is a hoax why are we doing the same thing to Murray that was done to MJ and aside from Mj being forced to do 50 concerts instead of 10 and having over a dozen drs giving him and god only knows how many other celebraties prescribed drugs that are causing them to either O.D. or be silenced what exactly are we supposed to be helping show Justice for MJ aside from our love????


  • Good question. I don't know if they are referring to support outside of the courthouse or maybe some of the online petitions for justice for MJ. I am supporting justice for all. "IF" Michael is dead then the appropriate parties should be held accountable. But until we know exactly who they are (as the family seems to know but isn't saying) Dr Murray is innocent. He should get the same consideration as Michael. I do think that so far he's getting better treatment than Michael got, by the way.
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