Bahrain ... the key to this Hoax?

AnaMarciaAnaMarcia Posts: 860
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Hi guys,

Let me put here a text I found in a forum. To me it makes sense ... maybe we could make a good discussion ... Here it is:

"MJ has never been part of Islam.
It is part his brother Jermaine, that on the pretext of defending Michael against attacks by "white", pretext proved concrete after the acquittal of Michael from each indictment, has included in its staff some followers of NOI. Since then Michael Jackson's life has changed ...
Michael Jackson never severed ties with the Nation of Islam, even if it was what was thought to have made before the trial in January 2005.
Even if the new lawyer Thomas Mesereau, hired by the singer for the trial about accusation of the harassment, fired all members of the Nation of Islam, including bodyguard. Man for me is a real "mastiff. "

The former manager of Neverland Ranch, Joe Marcus, told a story quite interesting during the deposition that issued in the lawsuit between Jackson and former partner Marc Schaffel.
According to sources, Marcus in the deposition he said that when authorities raided at Neverland in Santa Barbara the second time in December 2004, they forgot a sealed envelope containing the money in a safe. Marcus said that Jackson told him to hand over the money to Leonard Searcy, known as Leonard Muhammad, in a Beverly Hills hotel.
Muhammad, son-in-law of Louis Farrakhan, had begun to take care of business and of the safety of MJ in December 2003, at the request of Jackson's brother, Jermaine. Less than a month had passed from arrest of Jackson for child molestation. For months, Jackson's advisers, many family members and friends were kept away from the singer by the same Muhammad.
This caused several things, including the assertion of the former wife of Jackson, Debbie Rowe, that she was worried that his children were close to members of the NOI because she had converted to Judaism (Judaism) and considered them Jews (Jewish ). This declaration has contribuited to retaliate her parental rights in court.
Marcus has also confirmed that no one at Neverland had been paid in the last six months (this is the 1st of February) and that he himself had gone to Arizona. The fact that Jackson still sent money to the NOI in December 2004 came as a surprise. On April 27, 2004 allowed his brother Randy Jackson and to lawyer Brian Oxman to remove Leonard Muhammad and NOI from Jackson's world. But after the revelations of Marcus, it seems that Michael still believed or at least gave the money to Leonard Muhammad six months later.
Combination, was Jermaine Jackson, brother of Michael, who led the Nation of Islam into Jackson's world. Jermaine spent most of his time in Bahrain in 2004-2005, paving the way for Michael to do business there, once the process ended. Jermaine planned to become a partner of Prince Abdullah of Bahrain with a record label called 2Seas that would see his brother Michael as a star.
He also put together a website for 2Seas Records <!-- m --><!-- m -->. The interesting thing is that the 2Seas website was registered in November 2004, long before they began the process of Jackson. It seems that Prince Abdullah was planning projects some from time. Il first album scheduled for 2Seas is charity's single of Jackson "I Have This Dream."
In April 2006,MJ confirms Michael Guy Holmes as its new manager. Michael Signature 'a recording contract with Records, a label founded by Sheik Abdulla Hamad Al-Khalifa of Bahrain. Guy Holmes, chairman of Gut Records, was appointed Executive Director of Two Seas Records and MJ was working on a new album that should see the light in 2007. In September 2006, Michael left 2Seas the label due to a quarrel with Holmes while the Michael Jackson Company Inc, deals both 'of the artist's interests, both of the record label. The Michael Jackson Company Inc had to publish the new album from Jackson in 2007, reportedly with the help of producer Teddy Riley.
In 2008 rumors of a possible complaint of 2Seas Records of Prince of Bahrain, Abdullah vs the King of Pop, Michael Jackson.
All this started as I wrote above in April 2006, when Guy Holmes had stated that it was contacted by Prince in 2005 for the return of Michael with a new album. Abdullah met the manager to discuss it and arrived at an agreement which, unfortunately, jump ', due to the "escape" the King of Pop from Bahrain, who had not honored his contract and therefore at risk of complaint. We get to November 2008
The Sheikh of Bahrain cites the King of Pop in court for an album and a book never published.
On November 21, 2008 start to come out other details:
in late 2004 Sheikh in question had already 'musical projects with Jermaine, who was paid the trip to Bahrain and the purchase of a Rolls Royce worth $ 450,000, but of the audio tracks not if they did nothing, even if Sheikh never claimed to be compensated for money spent for Jermaine.
Hopefully more to Michael, Sheikh in 2005 offered him a musical collaboration, this time' decided not to come to terms in the event of any "cheats" as already 'succeeded with Jermaine
Michael's lawyer has already revealed that 'June 22, 2006 Mj declare' in a letter to the Sheikh that he did not wish to continue with any musical project.
During the process arrived in London Grace Rwaramba, the nanny of the children of Michael, to testify in favor of pop star.
At the end of November the both sides reached an agreement, according to the spokesperson of Sheikh ...
Moreover, apparently the contract was signed but at name of a company 'phantom (the 2Seas) and therefore not valid.
The sheikh asserts that Michael would repay the 7 million in question with the proceeds of sales of the disc produced in Bahrain and financed by Sheik.
Were even planning a new album by Michael Jackson, an autobiography and a tour: and only the proceeds from the autobiography of Michael would provided high amounts, about $ 24 million."

I think this may be one reason for Michael to have to disappear ...
Does anyone know more about it?
<!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
Kisses ...


  • Never heard of it. Thank you for posting it, something new to read.
  • Thanks for sharing. Part of this I have heard about but part I have not. I'll need to think about this as there is so much information. I do believe that Michael and the Prince settled out of court (from what I remember). First glance it looks like they too were trying to take advantage of Michael.

    Another thing...I'll have to look closer at time lines but if Dr Murray's process is normal then they really rushed Michael's court date along.
  • AnaMarciaAnaMarcia Posts: 860
    Yesterday I watched a documentary about Michael. Frank Dileo told that two weeks before Michael to die he was feeling very ill and unable to go testify in the case which the prince of Bahrain has taken against him. For me this informations are also new, so I found interesting to share.
  • sunburstsunburst Posts: 85
    The prince of bahrain lawsuit was settled in November 2008.

    <!-- m --> ... 97,00.html<!-- m -->

    * November 23, 2008:

    Michael cancels his trip to London upon learning that his legal team has reached a settlement with Sheik Abdulla bin Hamad Al Khalifa's lawyers.

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    this is a much better take on the story:

    Incidentally, the Lowly Newshound brought you the lowdown on that case - or at least the Prince's side of the story - back in April of this year when the Prince filed papers in London and New York.

    In a shameless display of bias, the mainstream media jumped all over Jackson's decision to settle the case and commentators began speculating that he had done so in order to avoid a 'humiliating public appearance'. In actuality, Jackson looked set to win the case.

    The Prince of Bahrain claimed to have signed Jackson legitimately to his own label, 2 Seas Records, for which he said he had paid Jackson a $7million cash advance. However, testimony on Friday 21st November proved devastating for the Prince's case.

    In the morning, the Prince's own employee took the stand and was forced to admit that 2 Seas Records - the company the Prince had signed Jackson up to - did not technically exist.

    In the afternoon, Jackson's former manager Guy Holmes added insult to injury by revealing that Jackson only signed a draft paper, never a finalized contract.

    In short, the Prince had used a void contract to sign Jackson to a non-existent company.

    It was also revealed during the week's testimony that most of the purported $7million advance was given to Jackson in the form of gifts long before he ever signed anything - some of it before the pair had even met.

    In court, the Prince produced a list of items and cash sums for which he said he wished to be compensated - a list so petty as to seek reimbursement for, among other things, a tub of Ben and Jerry's ice cream.

    The media failed to report any of this information and instead portrayed Jackson's decision to settle as a sign of guilt and weakness.

    It has since emerged that Jackson was ready to board an airplane to London when he was told of the settlement, which indicates that the settlement was most likely initiated by the Prince, not Jackson, when he saw his case crumbling before his eyes.

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  • ijcslyijcsly Posts: 128
    i'm not buying that story bout the settlement really. I've allways thought that the terms of the settlement are the reason for this hoax, i feel the Prince was forcing MJ to do something during the 02 concerts and thats why it was settled this lawsuit, possibly MJ went to the authorities and he made the deal to hoax his death and imo he's not coming back <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • I think this whole story with the prince is somehow part of the hoax. The prince of Bahrain wants to be compensated for ice cream ? Please, thats just silly. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
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