Who is Informer?

Informer as been posting on LKL blog for while and i never knew he/she until today.
<!-- m -->http://larrykinglive.blogs.cnn.com/2010 ... /#comments<!-- m -->
he Informer August 17th, 2010 2:37 am ET

I have remained silent since September and I can only say this: This Is Not It. Wait for the Star Witness. 8)
-The Informer

The Informer August 17th, 2010 3:33 pm ET

To refresh the memory of many. Michael was the old man in disguise at the Memorial NOT the burial. The old man at the burial was a decoy to dispel want many had caught on to. June 25th 2009 – August 23rd 2010 is the Overture. Look for the Star Witness. This Is Not It. This is Reality Film.

The Informer August 17th, 2010 3:41 pm ET

Always remember everyone that for Michael family is first and his fans are second and that will never change 8)
August 23rd, 2010 11:49 pm ET

It is too soon for the Star Witness. That will be for the trial. Today's surprise is the delay. There will be more surprises to come in the first week of September and the end of October for the final buildup in January 2011 and the the magical comeback. Always remember the missing video security tapes of the 25th, the missing Thome Thome, broke Conrad's mystery financing, the old man at the Memorial, Brooke's admittance of being given a speech to read, the invited close friends at the interment, the blank tomb which is historically recognized at Forest Lawn since the early 1950s as a solid block and is merely a decoration underneath the stained glass Last Supper window, Conrad's recorded video statement like Michael had done when he defended himself and most importantly follow the number 7 as it will keep appearing everywhere. This is Reality Film. Michael started planning his shocking comeback with a famous magician back in 2006.

-The Informer

August 24th, 2010 12:00 am ET

VH1 Opens Up Michael Jackson"s Crypt; Special VH1 Halloween Programming Kicks Off On Saturday, October 26 At 12:00 A.M. (Et/Pt*) With Exclusive Special "Michael Jackson: The Making Of Ghosts".

The dates in this saga are not coincidental...they all have parallel meanings/connections to the past.

I love you all. I really do. It's all for love...L.O.V.E.

Michael L.O.V.E.


  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Do you really think MJ would just come out and say it was him like that? Seems so obvious. I find it hard to accept that blond lady is not MJ.

    These words seem related. TS, The Scenario (Lisa), The Informer, The Spokesman (Tohme Tohme missing?)
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    So far everything the informer states is true........it's really hard to trust people who claim to know more about the hoax. It sounds too good to be true. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I don't think it would be MJ himself, but it could be someone he knows....

    For once, I want to believe that someone is actually telling the truth with facts, not fiction. I hope its not another troll or crazed person needing attention......

  • For once, I want to believe that someone is actually telling the truth with facts, not fiction. I hope its not another troll or crazed person needing attention......[/b]

    Hmmm... once again, be careful...I can't see anything new in what this so called informer said <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • He is a........... COPYCAT!

    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • It is too soon for the Star Witness. That will be for the trial. Today's surprise is the delay. There will be more surprises to come in the first week of September and the end of October for the final buildup in January 2011 and the the magical comeback.

    No one else could claim this after the last court hearing... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    Informer as been posting on LKL blog for while and i never knew he/she until today.
    <!-- m -->http://larrykinglive.blogs.cnn.com/2010 ... /#comments<!-- m -->

    -The Informer

    August 24th, 2010 12:00 am ET

    VH1 Opens Up Michael Jackson"s Crypt; Special VH1 Halloween Programming Kicks Off On Saturday, October 26 At 12:00 A.M. (Et/Pt*) With Exclusive Special "Michael Jackson: The Making Of Ghosts".

    The dates in this saga are not coincidental...they all have parallel meanings/connections to the past.

    I love you all. I really do. It's all for love...L.O.V.E.

    Michael L.O.V.E.

    Should this thread be linked with this one:
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=17&t=13578<!-- l -->
  • Good to hear it anyway.from this "INformer"...but with a grain of salt?

    But the facts stand out to me for a HOax..

    Reality Movie sounds plausible..but it is taking a bit too long however, and I just hope Mike knows what he is doing and with the time passing and all.
    Just got to trust Michael is all.!

    Go Mike ..we are waiting for you and we hope to see you soon and very soon.
  • looking4truthlooking4truth Posts: 1,450
    I don't believe this informer because of this:
    Michael started planning his shocking comeback with a famous magician back in 2006.

    I think this was planned a lonnnng time ago. The dates and such seem to trace back to the Dangerous album and the constant imagery from Bad era, seems to be a clue when all of this could've been started IMO.
  • I wonder if this is the truth.. Again, another one who has nothing better to do with his or her life . Although it can be a little different. It was a blog from lKL, that maybe a little more legit. Now the informer said Michael was the hat man, in reality he looked more the blond lady. If this is a movie, it takes time for a movie to be produced. Michael Go, we will be waiting for you new movie. we cannot wait to see you and your production. We love you Michael.

    Can the informer be any of the brothers? I don't think it is MJ??
  • I don't know who this could be but I don't think there is any harm in reading what this person has to say just as long as no one takes what they say as gospel. That would only set someone up for disappointment.

    I guess we will just have to wait and see.

    Love and Blessings
  • backstagerbackstager Posts: 291
    IMO, I don't think its Michael OR an informer. but I'm just pointing out that when he said "Michael L.O.V.E." it could've been someone in his camp. There's Michael Bearden, Michael Cotten, etc.

    As for the 2006 thing, I do think he might've started it around then. Sounds plausible. It was right after the trials, and he was probably spiteful after what had happened (I would be). I think anytime before then, or more specifically anytime before 2000, would be too far away to be thinking about it.

    Of course, just my opinion.
  • IMO, I don't think its Michael OR an informer. but I'm just pointing out that when he said "Michael L.O.V.E." it could've been someone in his camp. There's Michael Bearden, Michael Cotten, etc.

    As for the 2006 thing, I do think he might've started it around then. Sounds plausible. It was right after the trials, and he was probably spiteful after what had happened (I would be). I think anytime before then, or more specifically anytime before 2000, would be too far away to be thinking about it.

    Of course, just my opinion.

    You are right, 2000 too way off. I think this all started after his trial, who wouldn't have been angry towards the world? I would. This was an injustice towards Michael. So if he did good for him. Michael life is short, enjoy every moment as if it were your last.. Love
  • chappiechappie Posts: 529
    It started before the trials.
    Remember Moonwalker?
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • It started before the trials.
    Remember Moonwalker?
    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Indeed, this whole thing was most likely set in motion in the end of the 80s.
  • I don't know who this could be but I don't think there is any harm in reading what this person has to say just as long as no one takes what they say as gospel. That would only set someone up for disappointment.

    I guess we will just have to wait and see.

    Love and Blessings

    Yahoo4u - thank you for sharing this information. Please keep us up to date if you are able as there is so much to follow! Blessings.

    I don't know if this person is legit or when Michael could have started planning all of this but I can't wait for him to tell us when this is over.

    In the meantime the best way to find a liar out is to let them talk.
    Please don't pressure or harass this person for information. Just let them offer the information. If he/she is legit the timelines that they give will add up. No harm done. We already know what is happening the end of October but he mentions the first part of September. We should see what in Michael's history (other than his funeral last year) happened the first part of September.

    I personally think this person has some legitimate information to share and we shouldn't discount it as another crazy person - yet. Blessings.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    "Star Witness",... in reality this is the only thing new, or at least I had ever read
  • "Star Witness",... in reality this is the only thing new, or at least I had ever read

    of course there has to be a star witness. that thing about family first and then the fans.
    goes without saying. that's why it is odd that latoya said it.imo
  • sunburstsunburst Posts: 85
    Michael faking his death and putting Murray through a trial for a movie? i don't think so, but that's just my opinion. if i were the government, i'd put him in jail if he comes back and says, "hi, folks! i'm back and all that was just for the first ever movie of its kind..."


    and all the haters attack.

    i've had my fill of so-called informers. in retrospect, why would Michael give his secrets away? if he had enemies, why would he give them such blatant clues that he's still alive?

    although i do believe there are confusers, propagandists, puppetmasters...

    i've been watching and following ever since, but i realize that after all this time, i'm back to square one. was he broke or not, healthy or not, 136 lbs or 108, addict or not, was he at O2 or not, Joe or Joseph, doubles or not in TII, 10 or 50 concerts...anything else you can add? and LOL about the love letter - genuine or not? and a tongue twister to go with all these - AEG vs AGE...grrrrrrrrrrrrr

    this made me think, though, and step back from the chaos.

    [13:58] thedoctorsaid11: The biggest issue that I am noticing right now
    [13:58] thedoctorsaid11: Is this need for celebrity right now...
    [13:58] thedoctorsaid11: There are now "stars" in this hoax and its creating something horrible.

    [14:03] thedoctorsaid11: Picking apart clues
    [14:03] thedoctorsaid11: Trying to figure out exactly what is going on or what happened
    [14:03] thedoctorsaid11: Is fine and normal, people question what doesn't make sense
    [14:03] thedoctorsaid11: Leaked videos, photos and people having no morals
    [14:03] thedoctorsaid11: Such as actually going to the Media
    [14:03] thedoctorsaid11: Is crossing the line

    [14:08] thedoctorsaid11: Please consider that before wrecklessly subjecting yourselves, Michael and
    [14:08] thedoctorsaid11: his children to danger
    [14:08] thedoctorsaid11: Because I hate for the day to come, that Michaels fans are the reason why he was
    [14:08] thedoctorsaid11: honestly hurt
    [14:08] thedoctorsaid11: The lies, The rumors, all of the drama, the crazy stories
    [14:08] thedoctorsaid11: The grasping at anything to prove a point that really doesn't matter
    [14:09] thedoctorsaid11: Is a waste of time and energy
    [14:09] thedoctorsaid11: It was never the point
  • Michael faking his death and putting Murray through a trial for a movie? i don't think so, but that's just my opinion. if i were the government, i'd put him in jail if he comes back and says, "hi, folks! i'm back and all that was just for the first ever movie of its kind..."


    and all the haters attack.

    i've had my fill of so-called informers. in retrospect, why would Michael give his secrets away? if he had enemies, why would he give them such blatant clues that he's still alive?

    although i do believe there are confusers, propagandists, puppetmasters...

    i've been watching and following ever since, but i realize that after all this time, i'm back to square one. was he broke or not, healthy or not, 136 lbs or 108, addict or not, was he at O2 or not, Joe or Joseph, doubles or not in TII, 10 or 50 concerts...anything else you can add? and LOL about the love letter - genuine or not? and a tongue twister to go with all these - AEG vs AGE...grrrrrrrrrrrrr

    this made me think, though, and step back from the chaos.

    [13:58] thedoctorsaid11: The biggest issue that I am noticing right now
    [13:58] thedoctorsaid11: Is this need for celebrity right now...
    [13:58] thedoctorsaid11: There are now "stars" in this hoax and its creating something horrible.

    [14:03] thedoctorsaid11: Picking apart clues
    [14:03] thedoctorsaid11: Trying to figure out exactly what is going on or what happened
    [14:03] thedoctorsaid11: Is fine and normal, people question what doesn't make sense
    [14:03] thedoctorsaid11: Leaked videos, photos and people having no morals
    [14:03] thedoctorsaid11: Such as actually going to the Media
    [14:03] thedoctorsaid11: Is crossing the line

    [14:08] thedoctorsaid11: Please consider that before wrecklessly subjecting yourselves, Michael and
    [14:08] thedoctorsaid11: his children to danger
    [14:08] thedoctorsaid11: Because I hate for the day to come, that Michaels fans are the reason why he was
    [14:08] thedoctorsaid11: honestly hurt
    [14:08] thedoctorsaid11: The lies, The rumors, all of the drama, the crazy stories
    [14:08] thedoctorsaid11: The grasping at anything to prove a point that really doesn't matter
    [14:09] thedoctorsaid11: Is a waste of time and energy
    [14:09] thedoctorsaid11: It was never the point

    sunburst - this is interesting. Where did you find this?
  • sunburstsunburst Posts: 85
    a friend sent it to me. this came from a chat sometime last month.
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