MJ was going to talk about depopulation plans on his tour

2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I know we have seen many youtube videos regarding this, but this one really stood out to me............(sorry if it has already been discussed)..

This has given me shivers.....but I must worn you that the outcome suggests he was killed because of it.......but we know differently (he escaped in time). Any wonder Katherine was upset.....

<!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dOWP-Lu5 ... re=related<!-- m -->



  • lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
    Great video! More people need to see this. Think about it... MJ is a threat... BIG TIME! He has a HUGE following! If all MJ fans could just get this message and tell two other people, government would be in trouble!
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    That's a great video! Good to see the silent dance analized by others as well.

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKouvt2sOVY<!-- m -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • ijcslyijcsly Posts: 128
    This is what i think the terms of his settlement with the price of Bahrein existed of!!!
    I just think it was too big for MJ to take in and thus he hoaxed his death...
  • Wow - so heavy. It's amazing and quite brilliant that Michael was able to give a message like that. Yes, I do believe he was always trying to wake people up but so many of us didn't let the true words sink into our hearts. I am listening now.
  • But, instead of talking about it on his tour, which he KNEW they would never allow...

    He faked his death before they could kill him!

    He knew they would kill him anyway...

    So he might as well "kill himself" (TMZ artilcle, Murray claims MJ killed himself)...

    By faking his own death, he STILL gets to release his creative project to the world (This Is It movie) as well as exposing the TRUTH about the Illuminati....

    And BAM! He beats them at their own game.

    Now they will do everything they can to make sure people really think he's dead. Hence all the differing stories and HENCE the disappearing hoax videos on youtube...

    They KNOW they are screwed either way. If they reveal the hoax themselves, they would only be exposing themselves. So they play along, trying to convince the world he's really dead... And they are probably trying to figure out a way to kill him FOR REAL so that he can't speak out against them.

    "Mother always told me, be careful what you do, because a LIE becomes the TRUTH" <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->

    This is why Michael is counting on US, his ARMY of LOVE to spread the message. This is why he's taking his time and letting us have our time to find the truth and spread the truth, because once he comes back in the picture... they may very well kill him for real. But the goal is by that time, too many people will know the truth that Killing Michael Jackson will not make a difference, it will NOT keep their secrets from being exposed.Therefore it won't matter anymore if MJ is dead or alive, because he will have done his part in waking up the world. Not to mention, he already "died" once and God is on his side, "out spirits never die" and "love lives forever". He literally has nothing to lose.

    "You can't hurt me I've found peace within myself!"
  • MichelleMichelle Posts: 325
    I'm truly amazed by this video, thanks 2good2btrue for showing it! Analyzing the dance gives me shivers too, i honestly and sadly never thought about the dancing was really that significant....We always say a lot, but there is no better expression for this, MICHAEL IS THE GENIOUS!!!!!
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    But, instead of talking about it on his tour, which he KNEW they would never allow...

    He faked his death before they could kill him!

    He knew they would kill him anyway...

    So he might as well "kill himself" (TMZ artilcle, Murray claims MJ killed himself)...

    By faking his own death, he STILL gets to release his creative project to the world (This Is It movie) as well as exposing the TRUTH about the Illuminati....

    And BAM! He beats them at their own game.

    Now they will do everything they can to make sure people really think he's dead. Hence all the differing stories and HENCE the disappearing hoax videos on youtube...

    They KNOW they are screwed either way. If they reveal the hoax themselves, they would only be exposing themselves. So they play along, trying to convince the world he's really dead... And they are probably trying to figure out a way to kill him FOR REAL so that he can't speak out against them.

    "Mother always told me, be careful what you do, because a LIE becomes the TRUTH" <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->

    This is why Michael is counting on US, his ARMY of LOVE to spread the message. This is why he's taking his time and letting us have our time to find the truth and spread the truth, because once he comes back in the picture... they may very well kill him for real. But the goal is by that time, too many people will know the truth that Killing Michael Jackson will not make a difference, it will NOT keep their secrets from being exposed.Therefore it won't matter anymore if MJ is dead or alive, because he will have done his part in waking up the world. Not to mention, he already "died" once and God is on his side, "out spirits never die" and "love lives forever". He literally has nothing to lose.

    "You can't hurt me I've found peace within myself!"

    Thank you for that, I agree. This is exactly why it is so important that people understand his message, so he can safely return. And that is why we need media attention, the world needs to know.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • SiMTiiSiMTii Posts: 59
    Wow, this is amazing, thank you for shedding more light on all the symbolism. Let's spread the video and the information. L.O.V.E.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Daniel 6:22 (New Living Translation)
    22 My God sent his angel to shut the lions’ mouths so that they would not hurt me, for I have been found innocent in his sight. And I have not wronged you, Your Majesty.”
    TIAI on Dec. 8
    The Illuminati and Satanic powers are formidable, as you can hear about what Stalin, Hitler and Mao and many other evil rulers have done. No one can do anything unless it was granted to them from above. There is a Hand that guides history, the Creator of the Universe. Jesus said to Pilate who was going to sentence him, "You would have no authority over Me unless it had been given you from above..." John 19:11. I believe MJ is basically saying to them, I'm in control, I dare you to stop me! "You can never kill me!"
  • lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
    But, instead of talking about it on his tour, which he KNEW they would never allow...

    He faked his death before they could kill him!

    He knew they would kill him anyway...

    So he might as well "kill himself" (TMZ artilcle, Murray claims MJ killed himself)...

    By faking his own death, he STILL gets to release his creative project to the world (This Is It movie) as well as exposing the TRUTH about the Illuminati....

    And BAM! He beats them at their own game.

    Now they will do everything they can to make sure people really think he's dead. Hence all the differing stories and HENCE the disappearing hoax videos on youtube...

    They KNOW they are screwed either way. If they reveal the hoax themselves, they would only be exposing themselves. So they play along, trying to convince the world he's really dead... And they are probably trying to figure out a way to kill him FOR REAL so that he can't speak out against them.

    "Mother always told me, be careful what you do, because a LIE becomes the TRUTH" <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->

    This is why Michael is counting on US, his ARMY of LOVE to spread the message. This is why he's taking his time and letting us have our time to find the truth and spread the truth, because once he comes back in the picture... they may very well kill him for real. But the goal is by that time, too many people will know the truth that Killing Michael Jackson will not make a difference, it will NOT keep their secrets from being exposed.Therefore it won't matter anymore if MJ is dead or alive, because he will have done his part in waking up the world. Not to mention, he already "died" once and God is on his side, "out spirits never die" and "love lives forever". He literally has nothing to lose.

    "You can't hurt me I've found peace within myself!"

    Don't need to say any more than this right here. WELL SAID!!!
  • OMG I have shivers (goosebumps) all over my body. This is to much for me to absorb. If they are after Michael, and they have read all our threads, they know we know he faked his death, isn't he in more danger now than before? I feel scared for him right now. I wish he is really protected.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    And this one is the mission that they have entrusted us, there is a lot of ahead, very difficult, but not impossible work.
  • Very good video.

    I believe that Michael was going to take a stand at the 0-2 arena and inform the audience of what the WHO/NWO was planning to do to them. I have always thought that he was singled out for assassination because the powers that be didn't want people to know. However, after watching this. could it be possible of just the opposite? That Michael might have been thought of as the next Hitler by some narrow minded beings. In that the way the dictators operate, they first win over the people, then collectively destroy them. Michael had won over the world. Can you imagine what would be going through a crazed person's mind if he thought Michael was the next human exterminator? Just a thought. Some of the people he dealt with at the top were surely right winged extremist types. Paranoia is a b@tch. Michael did say more than once he had been threatened and was afraid for his life. Could be some crazies wanted to save the world.
  • mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
    But, instead of talking about it on his tour, which he KNEW they would never allow...

    He faked his death before they could kill him!

    He knew they would kill him anyway...

    So he might as well "kill himself" (TMZ artilcle, Murray claims MJ killed himself)...

    By faking his own death, he STILL gets to release his creative project to the world (This Is It movie) as well as exposing the TRUTH about the Illuminati....

    And BAM! He beats them at their own game.

    Now they will do everything they can to make sure people really think he's dead. Hence all the differing stories and HENCE the disappearing hoax videos on youtube...

    They KNOW they are screwed either way. If they reveal the hoax themselves, they would only be exposing themselves. So they play along, trying to convince the world he's really dead... And they are probably trying to figure out a way to kill him FOR REAL so that he can't speak out against them.

    "Mother always told me, be careful what you do, because a LIE becomes the TRUTH" <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->

    This is why Michael is counting on US, his ARMY of LOVE to spread the message. This is why he's taking his time and letting us have our time to find the truth and spread the truth, because once he comes back in the picture... they may very well kill him for real. But the goal is by that time, too many people will know the truth that Killing Michael Jackson will not make a difference, it will NOT keep their secrets from being exposed.Therefore it won't matter anymore if MJ is dead or alive, because he will have done his part in waking up the world. Not to mention, he already "died" once and God is on his side, "out spirits never die" and "love lives forever". He literally has nothing to lose.

    "You can't hurt me I've found peace within myself!"

    GREAT post.

    it makes me think of this speech (one of my favorites)---4:36 is my point:
  • Lee.HLee.H Posts: 155
    But, instead of talking about it on his tour, which he KNEW they would never allow...

    He faked his death before they could kill him!

    He knew they would kill him anyway...

    So he might as well "kill himself" (TMZ artilcle, Murray claims MJ killed himself)...

    By faking his own death, he STILL gets to release his creative project to the world (This Is It movie) as well as exposing the TRUTH about the Illuminati....

    And BAM! He beats them at their own game.

    Now they will do everything they can to make sure people really think he's dead. Hence all the differing stories and HENCE the disappearing hoax videos on youtube...

    They KNOW they are screwed either way. If they reveal the hoax themselves, they would only be exposing themselves. So they play along, trying to convince the world he's really dead... And they are probably trying to figure out a way to kill him FOR REAL so that he can't speak out against them.

    "Mother always told me, be careful what you do, because a LIE becomes the TRUTH" <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->

    This is why Michael is counting on US, his ARMY of LOVE to spread the message. This is why he's taking his time and letting us have our time to find the truth and spread the truth, because once he comes back in the picture... they may very well kill him for real. But the goal is by that time, too many people will know the truth that Killing Michael Jackson will not make a difference, it will NOT keep their secrets from being exposed.Therefore it won't matter anymore if MJ is dead or alive, because he will have done his part in waking up the world. Not to mention, he already "died" once and God is on his side, "out spirits never die" and "love lives forever". He literally has nothing to lose.

    "You can't hurt me I've found peace within myself!"

    Totally agree with this!
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    But, instead of talking about it on his tour, which he KNEW they would never allow...

    He faked his death before they could kill him!

    He knew they would kill him anyway...

    So he might as well "kill himself" (TMZ artilcle, Murray claims MJ killed himself)...

    By faking his own death, he STILL gets to release his creative project to the world (This Is It movie) as well as exposing the TRUTH about the Illuminati....

    And BAM! He beats them at their own game.

    Now they will do everything they can to make sure people really think he's dead. Hence all the differing stories and HENCE the disappearing hoax videos on youtube...

    They KNOW they are screwed either way. If they reveal the hoax themselves, they would only be exposing themselves. So they play along, trying to convince the world he's really dead... And they are probably trying to figure out a way to kill him FOR REAL so that he can't speak out against them.

    "Mother always told me, be careful what you do, because a LIE becomes the TRUTH" <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->

    This is why Michael is counting on US, his ARMY of LOVE to spread the message. This is why he's taking his time and letting us have our time to find the truth and spread the truth, because once he comes back in the picture... they may very well kill him for real. But the goal is by that time, too many people will know the truth that Killing Michael Jackson will not make a difference, it will NOT keep their secrets from being exposed.Therefore it won't matter anymore if MJ is dead or alive, because he will have done his part in waking up the world. Not to mention, he already "died" once and God is on his side, "out spirits never die" and "love lives forever". He literally has nothing to lose.

    "You can't hurt me I've found peace within myself!"

    You've summed this up perfectly jacilovesmichael! I agree that Michael had to fake his death to save his own and to save our lives. Michael's message from the beginning has been about love and peace, healing and understanding, compassion and caring for one another which goes against everything "they" are about. If everyone acted and felt as Michael did, do you think there would be violence in this world? They want us to abandon love and instead be selfish hate-filled hopeless faithless slaves for them to control and kill. Michael tried telling us so much and still people weren't listening, people were either screaming his name or rolling their eyes thinking Michael's paranoid or crazy. He's showing us he's "dead" serious and that it's about time to open our eyes and give our head's a shake. And by faking his death, he's ensuring the world will listen to him if/when he comes back. I think little by little people are starting to realize and question what is going on in the world around them and we MUST do our part in educating people - give them the facts so they can make their own informed decision.
  • But, instead of talking about it on his tour, which he KNEW they would never allow...

    He faked his death before they could kill him!

    He knew they would kill him anyway...

    So he might as well "kill himself" (TMZ artilcle, Murray claims MJ killed himself)...

    By faking his own death, he STILL gets to release his creative project to the world (This Is It movie) as well as exposing the TRUTH about the Illuminati....

    And BAM! He beats them at their own game.

    Now they will do everything they can to make sure people really think he's dead. Hence all the differing stories and HENCE the disappearing hoax videos on youtube...

    They KNOW they are screwed either way. If they reveal the hoax themselves, they would only be exposing themselves. So they play along, trying to convince the world he's really dead... And they are probably trying to figure out a way to kill him FOR REAL so that he can't speak out against them.

    "Mother always told me, be careful what you do, because a LIE becomes the TRUTH" <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->

    This is why Michael is counting on US, his ARMY of LOVE to spread the message. This is why he's taking his time and letting us have our time to find the truth and spread the truth, because once he comes back in the picture... they may very well kill him for real. But the goal is by that time, too many people will know the truth that Killing Michael Jackson will not make a difference, it will NOT keep their secrets from being exposed.Therefore it won't matter anymore if MJ is dead or alive, because he will have done his part in waking up the world. Not to mention, he already "died" once and God is on his side, "out spirits never die" and "love lives forever". He literally has nothing to lose.

    "You can't hurt me I've found peace within myself!"

    You've summed this up perfectly jacilovesmichael! I agree that Michael had to fake his death to save his own and to save our lives. Michael's message from the beginning has been about love and peace, healing and understanding, compassion and caring for one another which goes against everything "they" are about. If everyone acted and felt as Michael did, do you think there would be violence in this world? They want us to abandon love and instead be selfish hate-filled hopeless faithless slaves for them to control and kill. Michael tried telling us so much and still people weren't listening, people were either screaming his name or rolling their eyes thinking Michael's paranoid or crazy. He's showing us he's "dead" serious and that it's about time to open our eyes and give our head's a shake. And by faking his death, he's ensuring the world will listen to him if/when he comes back. I think little by little people are starting to realize and question what is going on in the world around them and we MUST do our part in educating people - give them the facts so they can make their own informed decision.

    DEAD serious is right! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • HassanHassan Posts: 22
    That's a great video! Good to see the silent dance analized by others as well.

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKouvt2sOVY<!-- m -->

    If not seen yet:


    Around 6:50...
  • vilte90vilte90 Posts: 148
    That's a great video! Good to see the silent dance analized by others as well.

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKouvt2sOVY<!-- m -->

    If not seen yet:


    Around 6:50...

    This one is very good. I would like to put everything from these 3 vids into one but can't get Movie Maker or something like that. I'm trying to get it anyway and will try to do one vid in the near future <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • HassanHassan Posts: 22
    That's a great video! Good to see the silent dance analized by others as well.

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKouvt2sOVY<!-- m -->

    If not seen yet:


    Around 6:50...

    This one is very good. I would like to put everything from these 3 vids into one but can't get Movie Maker or something like that. I'm trying to get it anyway and will try to do one vid in the near future <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Win Movie Maker is horrible, ask MJAlive999 for the editor she uses !!
  • vilte90vilte90 Posts: 148
    That's a great video! Good to see the silent dance analized by others as well.

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xKouvt2sOVY<!-- m -->

    If not seen yet:


    Around 6:50...

    This one is very good. I would like to put everything from these 3 vids into one but can't get Movie Maker or something like that. I'm trying to get it anyway and will try to do one vid in the near future <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Win Movie Maker is horrible, ask MJAlive999 for the editor she uses !!

    Haha, ok, I'm trying Sony Vegas now <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
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