The timeline of death – the inconsistency and the lies

Alem (Thetruth)Alem (Thetruth) Posts: 372
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation

We find “clues” here and there but fail to realise that the truth may possibly be in front of our eyes. We have to go back, back to the horrific day when all things turned. The world stopped for a few seconds before realizing what had happened. What went wrong on June the 25 th and what actually occurred?

Michael was on the 24 of June at his rehearsals as usual and came home late around midnight. Dr Murray had on the 24 managed to put Michael to sleep without using Propofol and instead experimenting with other sedatives, he wanted Michael off that particular drug.
Here is the timeline according to the affidavit:

-- At about 1:30 a.m., Murray gave Jackson 10 mg of Valium.

-- At about 2 a.m., he injected Jackson with 2 mg of the anti-anxiety drug Ativan. (Lorazepam)

-- At about 3 a.m., Murray then administered 2 mg of the sedative Versed.

-- At about 5 a.m., he administered another 2 mg of Ativan. (Lorazepam)

-- At about 7:30 a.m., Murray gave Jackson yet another 2 mg of Versed while monitoring him with a device that measured the oxygen saturation of his blood.

-- At about 10:40 a.m., "after repeated demands/requests from Jackson," Murray administered 25 mg of Propofol, the document said. Murray gave in…

After this moment things get complex and inconsistence. According to the affidavit Dr Murray went outside the room and came back a couple of minutes after to find that Michael was not breathing at around 11 am (however according to Dr Murray's lawyer, the police made this up). He started to perform CPR on the bed (they didn’t put Michael on a hard surface until the dispatcher told him to hours later). He didn’t get any response. He went outside to make three specific calls, remember this he did not mention to the police. He talked for approximately 50 minutes before calling Prince Jackson and the security staff up to try to revive Jackson. Do I really need to point out the inconsistency?
Anyhow at 12:22 they phoned the 911 and the ambulance arrived at Michael’s house and brought Michael to the hospital 45 minutes after arrival. Remember Dr Murray found Michael not breathing hours ago (according to the affidavit), he would have been dead by now if they didn’t manage to revive him, right? Obviously they succeeded although we are once again hearing contradicting stories from the ambulance attendants who clamis that they weren’t able to recognize him and they thought that the man they were reviving had already passed. That is not true since Michael wasn’t pronounced dead until 2:26 pm and doctors will not revive a dead guy for two hours, they will not do it.

“The Los Angeles coroner has concluded preliminarily that singer Michael Jackson died of an overdose of Propofol, a powerful sedative he was given to help him sleep, according to court documents released Monday. “
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So lets go back to the statement Dr Murray was giving through a spokesperson:

“He neither prescribed nor administered anything to Jackson that should have killed him."

Wow,this might be the biggest contradiction! How on earth can he state that he diding give anything to Michael that would kill him but yet he confess to have injecting him with Propofol which eventually killed him according to coroner. Is he claiming that Michael self-injected himself when he was away? In that case why take the blame for him and second why would they rule it a homicide? No I will rule out the selfinjecting part, but what does he mean by saying that he did not administrate or prescribe anything that should have killed Michael Jackson? It dosent make sence does it...this whole case dosent make any sence actually


  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Wow <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> a horse could have been sedated with all that <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
  • Wow <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> a horse could have been sedated with all that <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    Possible, but why rule the death as Propofol intoxication? That would mean that he died of a lethal level of Propofol which supposedly was found in his body, but 25 mg is a normal amount to administrate
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Wow <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> a horse could have been sedated with all that <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    Possible, but why rule the death as Propofol intoxication? That would mean that he died of a lethal level of Propofol which supposedly was found in his body, but 25 mg is a normal amount to administrate

    In my opinion is irrelevant.

    That drug cocktail could have caused an intoxication leading to a heart failure.

    Even a healthy body can be cracked down by that combination of drugs.

    Propofol induces amnesia. Who knows? I am more in to the theory (my own )that brain damage can be caused by propofol more than heart failure. But I am not a medical doctor <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • 4KB4KB Posts: 49
    I have another question about propofol. I remember hearing, just shortly after the 25th, CNN reporting on what propofol was and how it would be given. I also remember, at that time, that they said that it would be VERY dificult to detect in an autopsy because it leaves the body so quickly. They did not know about the propofol during the time of the first autopsy --- it was only the second autopsy that showed propofol in his system. How could they have found that when most experts reporting on it, initially, said that it would only show up in the system hours after used.....
    Does anyone else remember hearing that?
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I lost track on the medical causes, but I know that drug traces can be detected inside the brain one discated and cutted in to layers. What I am unsure is if propofol will show also then.

    Drugs that leave the body can be also found in hair test years after of the comsuption.
  • Wow <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> a horse could have been sedated with all that <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    Possible, but why rule the death as Propofol intoxication? That would mean that he died of a lethal level of Propofol which supposedly was found in his body, but 25 mg is a normal amount to administrate

    In my opinion is irrelevant.

    That drug cocktail could have caused an intoxication leading to a heart failure.

    Even a healthy body can be cracked down by that combination of drugs.

    Propofol induces amnesia. Who knows? I am more in to the theory (my own )that brain damage can be caused by propofol more than heart failure. But I am not a medical doctor <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    It is higly relevant since he was suposedely given a lethal level of Propofol and that is why he "died" not due to combination with any other sedatives which he was also given. It was too much Propofol and that is why they have ruled it a homocide.
    You can read more about the side effects Propofol has on this site <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    I can say that its main sideeffects does effect the heart not the brain.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I think we are not understanding each other. My english sucks at times.

    What is your point? what is your opinion about this and what is your conclusion? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • I think we are not understanding each other. My english sucks at times.

    What is your point? what is your opinion about this and what is your conclusion? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    lol, ok. The coroner stated that Michael died out of a lethal lever of propofol which was found in his system. This indicates too much Propofol. Somebody had to administated it, right? Yet the doctor clamis that he did not give Michael anything that would have killed him, now how does that work?
  • I have another question about propofol. I remember hearing, just shortly after the 25th, CNN reporting on what propofol was and how it would be given. I also remember, at that time, autopsy because it leaves the bothat they said that it would be VERY dificult to detect in an dy so quickly. They did not know about the propofol during the time of the first autopsy --- it was only the second autopsy that showed propofol in his system. How could they have found that when most experts reporting on it, initially, said that it would only show up in the system hours after used.....
    Does anyone else remember hearing that?
    [color=#FF0000]Yes, I remember that. I also remember that until Sheryl Lee came out about Michael asking her to get Diprivan for him, nobody even looked into it. Like I said before I think Lee was planting the Diprivan story on purpose.
    Most people don't pay close attention to reports, and would never question it. So they would not recognize inconsistencies such as this.
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I think we are not understanding each other. My english sucks at times.

    What is your point? what is your opinion about this and what is your conclusion? <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    lol, ok. The coroner stated that Michael died out of a lethal lever of propofol which was found in his system. This indicates too much Propofol. Somebody had to administated it, right? Yet the doctor clamis that he did not give Michael anything that would have killed him, now how does that work?

    My conclusion is that propofol was the drop that full the glass, the tip of the iceberg.
    Mayb popofol mixed with all the other drugs was a bomb!

    Still, nothing has been clear from day one <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Yes prehaps, but still to claim that he did not administrate anything that would have killed him and Michael ends up dead and this doctor not being charged makes me think twice about everything. This scream either hoax or a coverup of some sort...
  • the longer it goes on the more confusing it gets, but why give him propofol in the morning anyway i thought he had to rehearse something that day .wasnt he due at staples <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    @ Alem .
    In deed. The usual procedure would have been to suspend his medical license ot at least to suspend his ability to prescribe drugs to patients untill a court case is done according to investigation.

    How do we know that the man in not covering is back by saying " hey, I ony gave a little bit".
    The toxicology autopsy reports are soupose to be legit, right? In that case, how come that a case like this, rulled as murder, can be handled so lightly?

    I agree. Either is hoax or is a mayor corrupt cover up or a proof that the legal and health system in USA has alot of lagoons.

    Still MJ is not with us and If he has been murdered I want justice <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    the longer it goes on the more confusing it gets, but why give him propofol in the morning anyway i thought he had to rehearse something that day .wasnt he due at staples <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    I remember reading 2 different news:
    1 said Prince was called to watch his father die that NIGHT
    the second said Prince was called to watch his father die that MORNING

    <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Miky Miky, where are you? I wish you to be in heaven, because here is hell for sure.
  • the longer it goes on the more confusing it gets, but why give him propofol in the morning anyway i thought he had to rehearse something that day .wasnt he due at staples <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    I wonder that too, why would he need sedatives on morning which would put him to sleep? He was supposed to go to rehearsals since they were waiting for his arrival at the Staple Centre. And about the inconsistencies with Prince I think the media got it wrong since Michael died in the evening in Europe but on the morning in the U.S.
  • i think this is strange as well cos also they said the kids thought he was mucking around ,and im sure i heard he collapsed in the living room oh i dont no anymore
  • i think this is strange as well cos also they said the kids thought he was mucking around ,and im sure i heard he collapsed in the living room oh i dont no anymore
    Livingroom, the doctor's room, Michael's room. The media lies.
  • Another thing; Dr. Murray lawyer is saying that the affidavit is false and that the police misunderstood the dates Dr Murray was telling them, they mistook what happened the night of 24 with the morning of 25 June. So what we have been hearing is not the truth? Im surprised? No are u?
  • Thank you for highlighting this again for us. I think the most important clues have always been the timeline of Death, Dr Conrad Murray and the slipups we've heard from the family. The rest is in my opinion irrelevant.
  • XsyXsy Posts: 71
    Another thing I remember is that Conrad Murray said "He was at the wrong place at the wrong time" or something like that.
    What does that mean?

    I mean, you only say that when you witness something you weren´t supposed to see, or whatever, but not when you (like the guy on the 991 call said) are the only person in that situation and you´re the one that act, the one who gave the prescriptions, the one who handle the whole situation. when you know what i mean.

    That´s another thing that screams hoax or coverup!

    (Sometimes the whole thing reminds me of the movie "The life of David Gale" just in another way..)
  • I wanted to point out one thing. I've taken Ativan. (Lorazepam) myself. That's a very powerful drug!It is used for anxiety but I think it's also a sedative . I've had it through IV and pill form. I was in the hospital many years ago for an anxiety attack and the doctor gave me Ativan. With in seconds I was feel really funny, sorta sedated and a out of it feeling(I'm not good at explaining things, I hope you get the drift). It's not a fun feeling at all! In pill form I can't take more then a quarter of a pill without feeling sick. I refuse to even consider taking it again. I don't like the feeling it gives me. I can't see how Michael can take 2 mgs, not have any effect from it and have to take another 2 mgs. Add in the other drugs he was given, he should've been able to sleep. I know with all those drugs in my system, I would sleep for a week! <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • me2me2 Posts: 107
    i start at the beginning:

    his car driver said he drove him to rehearsel last time 2 days before he died.
    So did or didnt he rehearse on the 24th or was he already preparing something else <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • @DontBelieveTheHype
    My point exactly, I don’t believe in the "clues" we have been giving and that I think we look too far and with blind eyes if u know what I mean. Therefore point out the inconsistencies is much stronger "proof" of something that isn’t right.

    Yes I remember that. Very weird quote and it’s not correct or is it?

    @Secret Dove
    Thank you for your story. It was said that Michael created an abnormal tolerance to prescription pills owing to the fact that he was talking this for such a long time, idk wheter to believe this or not. Regardless he received plenty of pills that day, too many and unnecessary perhaps.
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    Yep exactly none of this timeline adds up. Ok who takes a bunch of sedatives when it is getting close to MJ being somewhere (like at the Staples Center) . I mean Murray didn't say he gave MJ those drugs earlier in the evening like 6 or 7 or 8 or even 9! It was the wee hours of the morning! Something is just not right. I really dont give murder a thought simply because I cannot understand what Murray's motive would be! Why would MJ demand Propofol at that time of the morning if he himself knew he would be due to be at the Staples Center u know? And with Murray returning to practicing medicine? While being investigated (because LAPD says he has not been officially charged with anything yet? ) Comeone!!! Then I have read where reports conclude that Murray was not licensed to practice medicine in Calif? Well I read that he was licensed to practice in Cali, Vegas, and Texas, but not licensed to practice in London? So was he going with MJ to London? I am losing it NEED A STRAIGHT JACKET!!! <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    Hey I did not know the car driver stated that he drove MJ to his last rehearsel two days before the 25th? Is this correct? Because....well does anyone have the article featuring MJ's driver or the interview to upload for us? Thanks! HOAAAAAAAX!!!!! <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->
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