Area 51, New World Order and CIA??? So, who Helped Michael?

AnaMarciaAnaMarcia Posts: 860
I was doing research on the New World Order and found it very interesting text.
He makes an association between CIA and military base in Nevada (area 51) in such a way that suggests that CIA, Area 51 NWO and Illuminati are all associated.
I do not know to what extent this text is true, but from what I understand, this area is the regulator of the U.S. and around the world and that is what encouraged the theories about secret societies.
I'll put some text here:

"Area 51 is also known as Dreamland (Fantasy Land), or The Ranch (Fazenda), where the U.S. government carries out nuclear tests and experiments on captured alien spacecraft since 1947, at the time of Roswell. According to confidential information of former employees of Base, Area 51 was where he lived EBE,
Until 1955, Area 51 was considered an area of Navy training, but thereafter, along with the CIA, was transformed into a secret base for testing the U2.
An alleged conspiracy theory? Admittedly, there is a trail of numerous reports of the imminent formation of a New Secret World Government that will dominate the world. The Secret Government covers not only the U.S. but the governments of most developed and wealthy countries in the world. This governmental organization would not be the dreaded New World Order that seeks to dominate the world soon? If we have strong reasons to believe that we will be under the control of the government of major powers in partnership with extraterrestrial beings. Spearheading the Beast mentioned in Revelation.
At the heart of the theories of David Vaughan Icke (British writer and speaker, who dedicated himself since 1990 to researching "who is really controlling the world." Previously, he was a reporter, television sports presenter and spokesperson of the Green Party of England and Wales. He has published 20 books explaining his ideas, thoughts and visions. The basic conspiracy theory is that the world is controlled by a network of secret societies called "Brotherhood", with the "Illuminati" or " Global Elite "at the top."
Thus the world is ruled by a secret group called "Global Elite" or "Illuminati," which linked to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in 1999, he published The Biggest Secret, in which he said that the Illuminati are a race of reptilian humanoids known as the Babylonian Brotherhood, where many prominent figures are reptilian, including George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Kris Kristofferson and Boxcar Willie.
The Global Elite controls the Brotherhood and the world using a "pyramid of manipulation," which consists of a set of hierarchical structures involving banking, business, military, educational system, media, religion, drug companies, intelligence agencies and organized crime."

So ... as Michael was protected by the CIA, FBI and the government if they are associated with the NWO?? That does not seem to make much sense.
Do not know if I'm traveling too much, but Murray is the State of Nevada, is just coincidence??
We have to consider everything in this story, then I will continue my journey provided by Michael: <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
And if instead of it to escape the Illuminati, he is actually being protected by them?
There maybe an entity worse for Michael than the Illuminati??
Who knows ...
<!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->


  • your right maby he not running from them cause they protecting him
  • Isn't there a part of Area 51 called "Neverland". I believe another poster mentioned this some time ago. This would be an ideal place for MJ to hide-out.
  • CameronCameron Posts: 956
    Maybe the governement, CIA... killed MJ because he was saying too much "bad" things in his speechs.

    Edit: I'm just kiding. I just don't believe in CIA/Government theories...
    MJ is alone with some friends to do this hoax <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Maybe the governement, CIA... killed MJ because he was saying too much "bad" things in his speechs.

    Edit: I'm just kiding. I just don't believe in CIA/Government theories...
    MJ is alone with some friends to do this hoax <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    But if Michael is not under protection of laws, it would be very difficult to return. Surely he would be arrested! Am I wrong?
  • Maybe the governement, CIA... killed MJ because he was saying too much "bad" things in his speechs.

    Edit: I'm just kiding. I just don't believe in CIA/Government theories...
    MJ is alone with some friends to do this hoax <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    But if Michael is not under protection of laws, it would be very difficult to return. Surely he would be arrested! Am I wrong?

    No arrests can be made when his rightful name by law isn't even on any of the documents. This is why the middle name discussions are so important. You will find that his legal middle name is "Joe", not "Joseph" as is on all the documents involved in his 'death'. Careful planning indeed took place so that nothing illegal had to happen. But even so, I personally doubt that Michael would care much if he was arrested after he pulled off a death hoax that would wake up the world...I know I wouldn't.
  • I think it's important to bear in mind that not everyone in the CIA or other official organisation is necessarily 'one of them'. So this could very well be an explanation.

    I was just thinking that, while all this talk about illuminati, etc. is all very good and necessary, not all info out there is set on stone. Let's not forget why conspiracy theories are called "theories". For what it's worth, I don't give a damn whether they are in truth called Illuminati or not; that is not a known fact. But we are pretty much sure that it is global corporations, powerful political individuals (in short, money), who are happily ruling behind the curtains -and very happy indeed to be called reptiliants, in the knowledge that with that argument there is hardly any danger of them being opposed by the general public.
    Thus the world is ruled by a secret group called "Global Elite" or "Illuminati," which linked to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion in 1999, he published The Biggest Secret, in which he said that the Illuminati are a race of reptilian humanoids known as the Babylonian Brotherhood, where many prominent figures are reptilian, including George W. Bush, Queen Elizabeth II, Kris Kristofferson and Boxcar Willie.

    These kind of claims fuel society's regard of conspiracy theorists as total nutters. No wonder with reptilians and the like coming into the picture. The following article makes an excellent read. I'm sorry is not exactly relevant to the OP's topic, but I loved reading it and thought some of you might as well.

    <!-- m --> ... mid=100091<!-- m -->

    We shouldn't be afraid to investigate, but let's not get carried away either!
  • "These kind of claims fuel society's regard of conspiracy theorists as total nutters. No wonder with reptilians and the like coming into the picture. The following article makes an excellent read. I'm sorry is not exactly relevant to the OP's topic, but I loved reading it and thought some of you might as well.

    <!-- m --> ... mid=100091<!-- m -->

    We shouldn't be afraid to investigate, but let's not get carried away either![/quote]"

    Interestingly this text on theories of conspiracy. For many, our theories about Michael are pure "Conspiracy theories". But reading the text, it is confirmed that many of them actually are not just theories ... is the case here!
    I liked it!
  • Illuminati exists no doubt about it and Michael probably talked to a few people in power so who knows but he's against them so I doubt he talked to members from them
  • SkySky Posts: 62
    Not sure about area 51
    But there are "factions" within the CIA.. just found this.
    RMNEWS -- In 1989, the Publisher of Rumor Mill News, Rayelan Allan, married Captain Gunther K. Russbacher, Office of Naval Intelligence attached to the CIA.

    Gunther Russbacher is the first person to introduce the concept of "The Factions" to the world at large. Rumor Mill News was the first internet news site to to write about the "Secret War Between the Factions"... a mostly silent war that goes on behind the scenes.

    The Factions exist in every country throughout the world. They are in every political party, every Non Governmental Group (NGOs), every state, county, town and even your school boards!

    Faction One is the group of international bankers and corporations that wish to control the entire world. Faction Two (F2) is made up of a covert group of men and women who know what Faction One (F1) wants, and purposely throws roadblocks in their path to slow down their world takeover. <!-- m --> ... read=41807<!-- m -->

    umm, you should not call others "nutters" this sounds like what CIA say about sane ppl who find the truth...

    Also see the massive list I found of mind control centers
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=90&t=13746<!-- l -->

  • umm, you should not call others "nutters" this sounds like what CIA say about sane ppl who find the truth...

    I hope you are not referring to me with this comment, as I never called conspiracy theorists 'nutters' -for one simple reason, I am very interested in "conspiracy theories" myself and find many of them highly revealing and eye opening! Actually I was trying to point at the fact that SOCIETY in generall regards conspiracy theorists as nutters -which is their weapon against truth. In other words, I agree with you <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    BUT, I'm not buying the reptilians theory. Sorry

  • your right maby he not running from them cause they protecting him

    It's funny you should say that because I've had an epiphany as of late and been thinking along the lines of the same thing.
  • your right maby he not running from them cause they protecting him

    It's funny you should say that because I've had an epiphany as of late and been thinking along the lines of the same thing.

    Me to I've been wondering how he could just vanish without anyone knowing no way he just did it by himself with a couple friends it had to be someone in the fbi or cia or something and those people all work for the same people so would they really have Mike's best interest at heart
  • Please be aware that the illuminati are not one group of people. The illuminati is built up of many different groups of brotherhoods. Some are very good groups and others not so good.
    To debate if the illuminati is protecting him or he is fleeing them would be a false debate and would always result in a negative, since there are many different groups involved.

    I hope that helps you.
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