7/2/09 TII tour masterminds discuss MJ´s death

CCCC Posts: 2,136
This is the first part, then you have the second... I never see this until now, like english is not my first language maybe is something here that I´m missing but I think we have to watch again all this interviews maybe we found something... this was a week after MJ death so...
<!-- m -->http://www.accesshollywood.com/this-is- ... eo_1132369<!-- m -->


  • cc, Thank you for posting that video,
    I wonder why Randy said he wanted Michael to work harder. He did what he had to do. He also said that he passed the physical with flying colors, according to the insurance policy. Michael Beaden, also stated that in that profession any one has to be focused, so what I am thinking is that they are telling us inderectly that MJ was not on drugs. For some odd reason, I feel that Randy is hidding something. Just looking into his eyes, his expression makes me believe something was up.
  • These are the people who were working "closely" with MJ on a daily basis and to me they are clearly saying that MJ was NOT on drugs. They also make a point of saying that Cherilyn Lee was only at the house a couple of times to treat the children, not MJ. Also, though not mentioned here, we have NEVER heard Conrad Murray say he gave anything to MJ. In fact, he said that he NEVER gave MJ "anything", that would have killed him! To me it is obvious that someone "planted" a rumor about the drugs and the media ran with that! There is a fine example of how "conditioned" and "manipulated" the general public is,when it comes to believing the "media". Here the people close to him are telling the truth, yet the media chose to run with the "drug" story instead!

    There is a clear message to why MJ planned this whole hoax in the first place. We need to "think for ourselves" and stop believing everything that is being fed to us!
    We have spent so much valuable time trying to figure out all the "clues"in this hoax, but when are people going to understand that the"hoax" isn't what is really important anymore? The "message" is what is important! I firmly believe that Michael used the "hoax" as a "vessel" to guide us to his "message". We have had a lot of excitement over the last 14 months, but how many more clues do we need to tell us that michael is alive?
    He has made it so clear to us, but we still keep looking for those clues!

    Why did Michael hoax his death in the first place? Why did he start planning this hoax so many years ago? Do you know the answers to these questions yet? If you say no, then don't you think that maybe its time to stop looking for the clues that prove MJ is alive(he IS alive!) and maybe you should be searching for what the "purpose" of this hoax is all about? What is his message? The reason is beyond anything that you have imagined, but the "message" has been right in front of us this whole time!

    I'm sorry if I seem to be repeating myself a lot through my posts, but when you finally figure out the "bigger picture", you will understand why I keep saying that this is all about MJ's "message". Michael wouldn't have hoaxed his death if it wasn't for a very important reason! He has given us so much information, hoping that we would see the "light", so to speak. He is trying to prepare us for what is going to happen in the very near future, but in order for you to understand what his message is all about, you need to change the way you are looking at this hoax. You need to "think for yourself".If you continue following all the garbage that is being fed to you by the "media", whatever "source" that might be, you will continue to bang your head up against the wall, because you are going in the wrong direction and won't find the answers you are looking for there! Michael is proving to you how easy it is for him, and for anyone in that matter, to steer you off course. He really has been "testing" us friends and there is a valuable lesson to be learned from all of this.

    I have made some previous posts that will take you directly to the reason this hoax, but most people just ignore the "facts", because they don't BELIEVE, but it is all there for the world to see and sooner or later, everyone will see the "TRUTH".

    This journey is all about Love and making a change within ourselves, so that we can work together to bring peace and love back to our planet.
    Blessings and Love to you all!
  • CCCC Posts: 2,136
    @mjj4ever777 thanks for your post!
    I know that he IS alive, i don´t need more clues, proofs or dates for BAM! just post this because i never see this before and i didn´t know that a week after "MJ death" they sit all together to give this interview to make clear that MJ was fine! is just hilarious that i never saw this before...
    I really feel the way you do... is all about the message and I have to say that I was a fan of MJ when I was younger, then I have my ups and downs and wasn´t after his dead that i start following him again... for me his dead was really an AWAKENING and I understand that he have to do this for us, he was sending a message for so many years... just a few listen his message... and then: this is the moment, THIS IS IT!
    We never will be here if he wasn´t dead, we never spread his message like we are doing now if he wasn´t dead... we have the control now! Is on us or never be donne... big thank you, really! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • @mjj4ever777 thanks for your post!
    I know that he IS alive, i don´t need more clues, proofs or dates for BAM! just post this because i never see this before and i didn´t know that a week after "MJ death" they sit all together to give this interview to make clear that MJ was fine! is just hilarious that i never saw this before...
    I really feel the way you do... is all about the message and I have to say that I was a fan of MJ when I was younger, then I have my ups and downs and wasn´t after his dead that i start following him again... for me his dead was really an AWAKENING and I understand that he have to do this for us, he was sending a message for so many years... just a few listen his message... and then: this is the moment, THIS IS IT!
    We never will be here if he wasn´t dead, we never spread his message like we are doing now if he wasn´t dead... we have the control now! Is on us or never be donne... big thank you, really! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    God Bless you CC!! Sending you Love always! <3
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