Please Help Me To Understand This...

2MuchMJLuv2MuchMJLuv Posts: 332
I heard on a radio show the other day that Joe has a scheduled court date because he's petitioning and fighting for an allowance from MJ's estate--which has been vehemently denied by everyone involved. They referenced the 2002 will and of course he was excluded, but being that this is a hoax what are his motives? I mean, there is a possibility that it will constantly be denied. But, I guess my question is whether or not he is in on the hoax? Perhaps he isn't in on it and he has some speculations of his own. Or, this could all be a part of the plan. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->


  • roxy101roxy101 Posts: 143
    Maybe it is to give Michael more control? - That is if he is alive.
    From what I've heard it's to remove certain executors, right?
    So I thought the reasoning behind it was so that Joseph would have a say and be able to give Michael more control over his finances....
    but then I don't see why Katherine couldn't just do that already.

    Oh man ignore me, I'm just as confused...
  • They're saying that he wants money--in the form of an allowance. According to the will, he gets nothing. Now, I'm not sure what would need to happen for his request to be granted (ie. as it would relate to Katherine, etc.) but that is what he's asking for. They are still married and Katherine is known to be an inabler so it wouldn't be surprising if she were to give her blessing (as part of the hoax), especially if he's doing this so that Michael can gain more control of his estate. What would need to happen for his request to be granted? TMZ mentioned it some time ago when he first asked for it. He finally has a court date.
  • I have always and will always maintain that Joe Jackson is not a part of this great hoax, and my reasoning for this is simple. The only time that Michael has ever spoken to us directly (DD on LKL) he says "to liberate myself from the confines of my father's criminality yeah he is a criminal and he caused all this. To free myself of his name and his legacy I decided to become my own person through changing my name." IMO this means that at least part of this hoax was designed for mj to finally be released from his father's evil clutches. Furthermore I suspect that the only plot that Joe was ever a part of was the plot to seperate Michael from his hard earned money.
  • I have always and will always maintain that Joe Jackson is not a part of this great hoax, and my reasoning for this is simple. The only time that Michael has ever spoken to us directly (DD on LKL) he says "to liberate myself from the confines of my father's criminality yeah he is a criminal and he caused all this. To free myself of his name and his legacy I decided to become my own person through changing my name." IMO this means that at least part of this hoax was designed for mj to finally be released from his father's evil clutches. Furthermore I suspect that the only plot that Joe was ever a part of was the plot to seperate Michael from his hard earned money.

    Wow! Good points. I'm leaning towards "No" as well. Joe's behavior was peculiar on LKL and at times he seemed like he was hiding something. He may be slightly senile too. When LK asked if he'd seen Michael's body and he said "No" or that he didn't want to, that was an indication that maybe the family decided to keep him out of it. It's no big secret that he was a horrible business man during the later part of their careers. They may have feared that he would slip and mess-up the hoax.
  • maybe Joes part in the hoax is to "be joe"!
    If he didn't ask for money and didnt behave like an I*****t, well it would be suspicious. Behaving like himself, and wanting more and more, and lots of attention on himself I think thats his part of the hoax.
  • Do you remember how LK asked Joe "isn't it hard to accept"? (meaning MJ's death) and Joe goes like "accept what, Larry" and then when LK explains (how could Joe not know what Larry was asking him anyway?) Joe goes on talking absolute non-sense, blabbering "people never give him whatever..."

    The interview is very ODD as a whole but I just thought Joe's reactions weren't appropriate, no matter what kind of person he is. It seems to me he didn't know about the hoax before, he only learned about it afterwards. But I really don't get this thing with the suit...I don't think it's part of the plan, if MJ (DD) wants to free himself from the legacy of his father why would he let him be part of the whole thing? Makes no sense to me. I just think Joe hates the idea that he's being left out of the will and he knows probably Katherine wouldn't give him money cause MJ is alive and wouldn't allow it?? It's so confusing!! Plus the divorce thing... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • How about the picture he was laughing the next day of his son's death.We could have seen his tonsils(FIGURE OF SPEECH) <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I think he is in the hoax, he played dumb. This is his part to act like a jerk.
  • MashMikeMashMike Posts: 1,312
    I think too that he is in on it but i also think that he was informed about the hoax later than others and partly, that's why his behaviour is very strange, one day he is laughting like nothing happend, the other day he is a grieving father or demands his part of money from MJ's estate, i think that was the reason that he was so angry at Katherine and said that it was her falt that MJ is "dead".
  • I actually saw the footage from that pic that you're talking about all4loveandbelieve and you're right we could've diagnosed him with/without tonsilitis. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Fans were at the house screaming Joe's name while he was standing outside talking to either Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton. He was craking-up laughing and pointing at people like he knew them saying "Heeeeyyyyy...". The media mentioned his peculiar behavior too. They were like "Um Joe, your son just tragically died dude."

    So, maybe we shouldn't get distracted by Joe's antics because we may miss an important clue. If he isn't in on the hoax, the lawsuit will be his little project to keep him busy and out of everyone's hair while they're putting the finishing touch on everything. This is juicy--I LOVE it!!!!

    L.O.V.E. the screen name too "Tink.I.Am". Cute!!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    maybe Joes part in the hoax is to "be joe"!
    If he didn't ask for money and didnt behave like an I*****t, well it would be suspicious. Behaving like himself, and wanting more and more, and lots of attention on himself I think thats his part of the hoax.
  • I think Joe is in on the hoax too....because of the above mentioned odd behaviors. He probably knows there's a lot more money coming in with all the sales these days and I think still takes the credit for making MJ who he is today....therefore entitled to a larger cut.
  • I have no idea about Joe, he's so hard to figure out. No wonder Michael had such a strange relationship with him. Sometimes I think what Michael (Dave Dave) said on LKL was a hint towards his own father, but at the same time he could have just been saying whatever he thought the real Dave Dave would have wanted him to say, you know? I think the most logical thing is that Joe caught on to the hoax after the fact, and that's why he's been acting strange. I think Katherine knew from the beginning. Maybe that's even a reason for the divorce rumors. Perhaps it's something that caused them to argue because Joe figured some things out and knew that Katherine knew more than he did, and he begged her to give him info and she wouldn't. I'm totally just making things up right now lol but it sounds realistic...
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