mjmyangelbabymjmyangelbaby Posts: 71
I was wondering if someone could help me a while ago I read that michael wanted to go into space and perform the moon walk, then I remember I think it was on this forum a discution about the word I.S.I.S everybody was trying to figure out what it ment, now I found this article about the rapper Mos Def who is trying to send students into space for education now while reading they use the word I.S.I.S and they talk about making the world a better place I just find it strange and I also would like to know what those letters stand for

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  • Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers (ISIS)
    The ISIS Workshop is a collection of tutorials designed to lead students from learning the basics to developing advanced skills in image processing with Isis. Many of the tutorials have interactive exercises where you can visualize what is being described, and some have links to data you can download and practice using in Isis 3. The focus of the software is to manipulate imagery collected by current and past NASA planetary missions sent to Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, and other solar system bodies. The Isis Workshop includes collections for working with data from MRO HiRISE, MRO CTX, MGS MOC, and Viking Orbiter.

    Introduction to ISIS
    The planetary research community has moved into a phase in which virtually all scientists and cartographers must have access to basic planetary data in digital form. Technological developments now permit the dissemination of nearly the entire collection of planetary digital data to the community. As part of the Planetary Data System (PDS), the vast majority of the data are distributed on CD-ROM discs in raw form; no processing is performed other than organizing the original digital data into raster-formatted image files. In addition to expected enhancements in data quality and availability as a result of future space missions, continual improvements in techniques for image processing, geometric information on spacecraft position and pointing, and calibration data are anticipated. The highest level of data processing quality can be maintained by making continually improving image processing capabilities available to researchers. Here we describe the ISIS (Integrated Software for Imagers and Spectrometers) software system. ISIS is under development by the Astrogeology Program (AP) of the USGS in Flagstaff, AZ for use by the planetary science community. ISIS combines basic capabilities of image processing, analysis, and display of 2- and 3-dimensional (multispectral and hyperspectral) data with the specialized planetary cartographic functionality required for a variety of planetary science applications.
  • mdcmdc Posts: 343
    I think in this case I.S.I.S. might stand for "Instituting Science in Schools" per

    <!-- m -->http://oaklandlocal.com/event/2010/09/f ... e-festival<!-- m -->
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