Gavin Arvizos Cancer



  • I really dont believe or think that anyone would dare fake cancer for anything...... thats just sick and wrong in my view if they did fake that, and if it was the case, then Karmas a Bitch <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • I really dont believe or think that anyone would dare fake cancer for anything...... thats just sick and wrong in my view if they did fake that, and if it was the case, then Karmas a Bitch <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I think the same, but maybe some people like the Arvizos don't believe in karma ...
  • The beauty of the Arvizo deception is that it could have been achieved by embellishment and omission. Think about it. A lay person doesn’t know the difference between an appendix scar and a splenectomy scar or between IV therapy and chemotherapy. It all looks the same, you just have to avoid having the doctor and lay person cross paths.

    Obviously there is evidence that there was time in hospital, there was a surgery. What is not clear is what the surgery or hospitalisation was for. All seems very hearsay and anecdotal to me. It could easily have been something benign and built up by them as an opportunity to get to Michael.

    Now, for a little bit on the cancer/s. Souza mentioned metastases. This depends on where the primary tumour is. I would tend to think that the (so claimed) 16lb gastric carcinoma would have been the primary tumour. Now here is where the “rare” part comes in. It’s not that the cancer is rare; it’s that it’s rare in kids. Gastric carcinoma is very rare in children- only 0.05%. Long term survival in kids is also rare. The role of chemotherapy and radiotherapy in treatment is “not well defined” and the best quote of all, “surgical therapy alone may prolong survival but thus far has only proven to be palliative”. 20% of patients live at least 5 yrs. following diagnosis (wow, that’s generous) and a tumour caught in its early stages carries the best prognosis (I don’t think a 16lb tumour qualifies as “caught early”). Most common metastasis sites- LUNG or LIVER, not spleen or kidney.

    The spleen is an infrequent site for metastatic disease and primary Splenic Lymphoma is rare.

    Renal Cell cancer (kidney) usually travels to bone, lung or liver and is USUALLY FATAL. Overall survival rate 56% in patients at 5yrs of age but is RARE in children- incidence 0.1 to 0.3% of all neoplasms. If localised in the kidney prognosis is better (Gavin’s wasn’t). Patients with lymph involvement (includes spleen) had poorer survival rates.

    So, how is it possible that this kid is playing football now? I can only think of three possibilities: Doctors saved him as claimed (hard to believe from above evidence), it was a miracle or they lied.

    You see, we here expect Michael to come back one day. Whether he does or whether he can't I would love to find, here at this investigators site with everyone’s help, just one undeniable by anyone fact that totally vindicates him once and for all. How proud would we all feel if he could come back knowing that we have irrefutably cleared his name?
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