The FBI Files .......Again

mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
Hi, I know I know, I can't help but to go back in time though. MJ is well worth it. LIsten, I was thinking. I do remember the FBI files being released. But the thing is.....why was it only 333 pages released. Was it not longer pages? What was the purpose of the files being released to the public?

As far as the threats go.......with me trying to tye this into a reason for MJ to "die" why would it be a threat to MJ and the shows? I mean it was sooooo long ago that this person had made the threat against MJ. Would it resurface again around the same time that MJ was preparing for the London shows? I mean would this same person come out and try to threaten again., I know Jermaine was like why release the files now??? Why were the files not released then...when MJ was going through everything. you know????? I am just wondering. Is it just routine for the FBI to do this and have files been released on any other celebrity dead or alive? Thanks your thoughts are welcome. Sometimes we can go back and discover things that may have been overlooked at the time that we were all mourning our beautiful MJ. <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->


  • There were 333 pages released because 333 is the exact number needed to turn 666(NWO) upside down into 999.

    Or it was just a 'coincidence'. I think not. But draw your own conclusion <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • There were 333 pages released because 333 is the exact number needed to turn 666(NWO) upside down into 999.

    good thinking <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • SEHFSEHF Posts: 954
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    I just kept thinking I know there was an idiot that made threats a long time ago...and I was just like would this same person resurface after being soooo long ago? I guess 333 pages I would think that they would release the other pages of the files unless the 333 pages were relevant to the trial? IdK forgive me it's late and I am rambling. But I do remember Jermaine saying like why did they not release these files during the time my brother needed them released to show that he was indeed innocent. No they wait until he is gone to do this. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • No, as I posted time ago, that person is Frank Paul Gambino, and he is not threatening him anymore, a long time now.
    Actually he says he´s one more victim and that he was hypnotized so to make those threats.
    That man is related with Mafia, Gambino-Gotti, and Nation of Islam, but also with the army.
    Gambino´s story is a huge one that I´m amazed no one here has digged...not even know his name...

    That´s one of the main lines here that nobody has payed attention, lost in the doubles world.
    That´s the problem with the insistence of doubles, numbers and so on... not that they are not possible, but that they mislead from many other important things. And people trying to focus attention on big things end up tired. In the end, the numbers and doubles thing only tell us how it may be, not why.

    Gambino is not threatening him now, but his story gives lots of clues about who may be behind everything.
    His story looks like a skizoo one, but I think many of what he says is the plane truth.
    There are loads of things about him that some of us have been commenting for a long time now.

    Now you can start searching for his blogs and so on... but it´s a little but late, as he deleted most of Michael´s related stuff since 25J this year... We, the Spanish forum, have read and comment them all and always keep an eye on him.

    FBI releasing those files come to say:
    Look what happened with FPG, but it´s not him who is behind it all... (as they announced to have closed his files on Febrary 2010) <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    Now he is asking to be completly exonerated.
    FPG is not his real name, he uses 6 more Gambino´s family related names, and says he has a seventh name to be revealed. He is black, but he claims to be a member of the italian family... all delirant, but he says he was brain washed to think so.
    Well, he claims lot of things that I just cannot tell in a few lines.

    BTW, everybody including press says 333 pages, but there are 334.
  • I don´t know what happened, but as I was editing the previous post, a message come out that I can no longer edit my posts <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • I can edit again, but not that post <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    I just wanted to add that the name of this man was really easy to find, but distractions may have made almost nobody digged that. The name was very easy to find on old press, but just in case we couldn´t, FBI forgot to delete the name from the files once.

    I just want to stress this... adding 3 plus 3 plus 3 (based on the wrong thought that there were 333 pages) don´t let us see the big picture... FBI is not telling us 333 to beat 666 and so be 999... if they are telling us something is the Frank Paul Gambino´s stroy itself.

    FBI announced they had closed Gambino´s investigation on February 2010, same time they were releasing MJ´s FBI files (but they didn´t connect the two things), as telling, we´re not talking about this man himself, but about the whole case around him.
  • Sorry I was wrong. There are 337 pages:
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    (By the way, here the name is Joseph)


    Gambino´s file is the first one, the longest.
  • JudeJude Posts: 452
    Don't forget that he is also OBSESSED with Janet!
  • Yeap,you´re right Jude. And not only that, he says he is actually her husband. He says that when Janet was a teenager she was given to him in a hotel room, so she lost virginity and got married. He says both of them were hypnotized to do so. And he also thinks Alicia Keys may be their daughter...
    This is a quote of him that WAS on some of his blogs...
    Although he starts saying there was a rumour, that´s exactly what he thinks acording to the FBI letters and more of his posts...
    Rumor has that when Janet Jackson was 13 she had sex supposedly for the first time with a 20 year old man named Frank Paul Jones aka Paul Castellano. Now with all of this being said there was a parental consent for this to happen by her father Joe Jackson, because John Gotti hypnotized Frank Paul Jones which made him turn into Paul Castellano.

    And with Joe knowing all of this was about to take place with his teenage daughter he sold his precious daughter out for 20 years of fame. While standing guard outside the hotel room young Janet tells Paul not to stop because she was a virgin and it was ok.

    Well while being in the room with Janet, Paul hypnotized her as well, with her only to wake up to a bloody bed and he thinking that it was Magic Johnson who has just had sex with her.

    Now the next question is where in the hell does all of this hypnosis stuff come from and how does this circle of people practice it so dam’n well? Makes you wonder is it a well rooted voodoo clique? Facts have it that the United States Military practices hypnosis and lots of other secret codes.

    Paul served in the United States Military ever since he was 17 hears old so he has always been a product of hypnosis. The United States Army had a special interest in Paul because when these methods of manipulative power were used on him, he produced phenomenal capabilities that acquired the United States Army interest.

    These are some of the techniques that were used to gain information:
    · Black Ops
    · Controlled Environment Hypnosis
    · Underground Hypnosis Exposed
    · Roots of Covert Control: The Majors
    BUT, since Michael died he´s more calm and says he wants Janet to leave in peace. He barely speaks about them and thinks Michael was murdered.
    Now he wants to be completly exonerated.
  • i have no idea if this could possibly be hoax related but i thought some might be interested. i was intrigued by the number of pages

    <!-- m --> ... -informant<!-- m -->
  • Sorry I was wrong. There are 337 pages:
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    (By the way, here the name is Joseph)


    Gambino´s file is the first one, the longest.

    Hola!!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> Although I agree with SEHF & with you about numbers, I've got to say they're 333 pages. One of the 9's in your post should be a 5 (PDF September 14, 2004 to December 9, 2004). Anyway, I'll re read the docs...
  • Ooops! <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> You´re right! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    If you want to read them, I recommend only the first one, the rest come to say all the molesting allegations ended up being nothing to the eyes of the FBI.
    Anyway, the first one, the Frank Paul Castellano/Gambino one is very repetitive, he was writting the same again and again to many people in the USA... there are little new details added here and there, but the main message is always the same:
    He married Jannet when she was a teen, they used mind control rituals (according to him Janet thought she was sleeping with Magic Johnson), he contributed that way to the Jacksons succees and now he wanted to be payed back (half of MJ´s fortune). Otherwise he would commit massive murder in a Michael´s concert in order to murder him. The same went for John Gotti and Bush. He was supposedly stopped when he was attempting to get into the White House. But he always started his letters:
    I hope you receive this letter in a good health and in good spirits.
    <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    It´s the whole Gambino´s thing what is important to my understanding... his blogs are even more important, where he explaines that he made all that blackmailing forced by Gotti through hypnosis...
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    The problem is that since 25J this year, he deleted all the tag links, the posts are still there though, but now it´s harder to find Jackson related posts.
    There, we start seeing the relation between Michael and all the mobster families (there are several) and connect it to the threats he received from them.
    <!-- m --><!-- m -->
    Hope this help as orientation, but as I say, the thing is huge, and to me this is the key to everything.
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