A Question for the American beLIEvers here...

mjfansince4mjfansince4 Posts: 1,030
this really doesn't have anything to do with the hoax...or maybe it does depending on how you look at it but...

have you guys noticed all these new commercials for joining the military lately? i feel like just in the past two weeks alone there have been a ton of advertisements. it seems there is one main theme behind every single one of these advertisements: they want young kids, and they want their families to accept them joining.

for all of you who aren't in the US, i'll tell you what the premise is for each ad:
the parent says "i wanted you to think about it." the young adult (early 20's, max) says "i have and i want to do this." sometimes the parent says "it's a big decision" or "i'm impressed." and then they have their tag line of "it's a big decision. talk about it."

i just find it ironic (or maybe i'm just permanently in hoax mode) that we have an army of l.o.v.e. forming and growing as more people question what's going on, and these ads just start popping up and getting major airtime. it's as if the government (if you believe in the NWO conspiracy) is attempting to use their propaganda to grow their own.

any one else see these and connect the two? i tried looking on youtube to show an example but i couldn't find one.


  • I have not seen such AD onTV. What is your point?
  • it seems that there have always been the ads for joining the military. you can't let yourself get pulled in a thousand different directions or you'll come out of this thing so loney you'll really need that jacket we've been joking about.
    three little rules for the game of life:
    truth is stranger than fiction
    stranger things have happened
    even a broken clock is right twice a day
  • I haven't been watching much T.V. as of this last year but there has always been advertisements for service. I don't think there is anything out of the ordinary. Blessings.
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