MJ Escalade in Hit & Run in April 2009?

heisinme09heisinme09 Posts: 494
Has this been discussed already? If not, please share your thoughts, if any, in regard to the Hoax:
(found it on The Drudge Report)

<!-- m -->http://www.nbclosangeles.com/entertainm ... e-EMT.html<!-- m -->



  • I think it was discussed at some point, maybe in the old forum? I couldn't find it here.
    Emergency medical technician Jamin Mauro and his partner were idling outside Cedars-Sinai hospital

    Hadn't there been reports that MJ had been taken to Cedars on 25th june, before UCLA become the official news?
  • I think it was discussed at some point, maybe in the old forum? I couldn't find it here.
    Emergency medical technician Jamin Mauro and his partner were idling outside Cedars-Sinai hospital

    Hadn't there been reports that MJ had been taken to Cedars on 25th june, before UCLA become the official news?

    that . and this i also the second thing we've heard of since this started about fender benders involving the pap following . remember the on involveing the kids"s a while back.
  • Wow! I had never heard about this incident. Thanks for posting it!
  • This is the first time I hear of it. Wow, he should have stopped.
  • darkchilddarkchild Posts: 1,161
    Wow! I have never heard of this story before. Thank you so much for posting it! God bless you!
  • I personally don't see a link to any possible hoax. And reading the article I understood that Michael was NOT in the vehicle when it brushed against the mirror of another vehicle. This seems to be a minor incident magnified by the press, just because there's a link to MJ! Notice the sensational (and misleading) headline and the use of the word "bizarre" in the first paragraph... There's nothing "bizarre" about minor car collisions! I really loathe the way so many articles are written about Michael... <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x -->
  • I had also heard about this news for the second time. The emergency medical technician had gone into the Cedar-Sinai hospital. The incident really calls for emergency medical attention.
  • IMHO this story falls into the category of 'Not important'.
  • A dress-rehersal? <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    Has anyone seen this???? I haven't!!!

    Michael Jackson Involved in Ambulance Hit-and-Run

    Michael Jackson Involved in Ambulance Hit-and-Run
    April 23, 2009
    Bridget Daly

    Michael Jackson was involved in a hit-and-run accident with an ambulance yesterday.

    EMT Jamin Mauro and his partner were parked outside Cedars-Sinai hospital when a black Cadillac Escalade plowed into their vehicle, sideswiping the ambulance and knocking a mirror off the emergency vehicle.

    Mauro tells NBC that the driver then hopped out of the vehicle with an umbrella, walked to the hospital doors and greeted Michael Jackson at the door. But rather than assess the damage, the driver and Michael hopped in the car and drove off!

    Mauro said he and his partner were banged up in the crash, but more upset that the driver of the Escalade did not take the time to exchange information before driving off.

    Police noted that Michael’s Escalade was being followed by paparazzi, which isn’t out of the ordinary. But that doesn’t excuse the driver from checking to make sure the people he hit were ok! What if there was a patient in that ambulance?

    Messages left for one Jackson publicist were unreturned. We smell a lawsuit! And that’s probably the last thing Michael Jackson needs right now!
  • <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    Soooo, we know that he was at Cedars-Sinai on April 23, 2009...<!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> maybe we can find out why...maybe for INFO??
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    WOW...how'd I get on this thread??? lol thanks..

    But anyhow, this tells us that Michael was looking pretty well for just 2 months prior to "dying" ...

    <!-- m -->http://www.posh24.com/michael_jackson/m ... _ambulance<!-- m -->
  • This has actually been discussed a few times. Supposedly Michael and Co. were in a hurry to leave and get away from the dreadful paps, and whichever bodyguard was driving accidently clipped an ambulance. I don't think there was anyone in the back of the ambulance when it happened, and it did negligible damage, but as with anything involving Michael, it was blown out of proportion. Personally I don't think this has anything to do with the hoax.
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    Well, I'm NOT saying it has anything to do with the hoax, although, if this was planned prior to this, which was just 2 months before the "death scene"...then he was already LIVING to prepare for the hoax.
    What I'm getting at is..LOOK at the pics, he's NOT sickly..he's walking alone, not in a wheelchair...he's..shopping in some of the pics.....
    2 months, and he's NOT a deteriorated, sickly, thin dying man is my point...
  • My comment wasn't to anyone in particular. Having said that, I get your point Fordtocarr. I've never believed the claims that Michael was a sickly, frail person.
  • fordtocarrfordtocarr Posts: 1,547
    My comment wasn't to anyone in particular. Having said that, I get your point Fordtocarr. I've never believed the claims that Michael was a sickly, frail person.
    I'm sooorrry if I seemed rude. I just sold a car I LOVE...and I sorta attach to inanimate objects. Honestly, I AM sorry <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • My comment wasn't to anyone in particular. Having said that, I get your point Fordtocarr. I've never believed the claims that Michael was a sickly, frail person.
    I'm sooorrry if I seemed rude. I just sold a car I LOVE...and I sorta attach to inanimate objects. Honestly, I AM sorry <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->

    No worries! I just didn't want you to think I had discounted the other things you had said in the thread, since my previous comment hadn't been in response to anyone in particular.
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