MJ just mentioned on Bones

Neverland110Neverland110 Posts: 49
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I'm watching Bones right now on Fox, and Bones and Booth were just talking in a restaurant with a reporter. Hodgens is on speakerphone talking with them. He asks her why every time there is a national disaster, something else is covered in the media. The BP problem in the gulf, Lindsey Lohan is in the news. She says the media is used to distract people all the time. She then says that Michael Jackson's funeral was played 24/7, and no one knew about the coop in Honduras.

I just googled that, and it happened on June 29th, 2009. That wasn't near his funeral at all, or even the memorial, it was just the weekend after he "died."



  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    I love how stuff pops up all the time on shows and some of it I dont think we are seeing just because we want to. I think some of it is deliberate.
  • I'm watching Bones right now on Fox, and Bones and Booth were just talking in a restaurant with a reporter. Hodgens is on speakerphone talking with them. He asks her why every time there is a national disaster, something else is covered in the media. The BP problem in the gulf, Lindsey Lohan is in the news. She says the media is used to distract people all the time. She then says that Michael Jackson's funeral was played 24/7, and no one knew about the coop in Honduras.

    I just googled that, and it happened on June 29th, 2009. That wasn't near his funeral at all, or even the memorial, it was just the weekend after he "died."


    it was still a big part of what was being shown over and over again on the news and some i guess you would have to call them tabloid media shows.
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    I think maybe this was deliberately put in the show to make people think, "I wonder what else happened when MJ died?" because the average viewer would of course think Michael is dead, and not actually pulling off the greatest hoax ever.

    The U.S.'s House of Representatives passed the controversial Cap and Trade Bill on June 26, 2009 when the ENTIRE WORLD was watching about Michael and NOTHING else.

    <!-- m -->http://www.businessweek.com/blogs/money ... es_ca.html<!-- m -->

    Money & Politics
    House Passes Carbon Cap-and-Trade Bill

    Posted by: Dan Beucke on June 26

    By John Carey

    June 26, 2009, will go down as an historic moment in world’s efforts to tackle climate change. For the first time, a Congressional body passed legislation that would place mandatory limits on the emissions of the greenhouse gases that cause global warming. By the barest margin of 219 to 212, the House of Representatives voted for a bill spearheaded by Representatives Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) and Edward Markey (D-Mass.). If it becomes law, the measure would require a massive switch to cleaner sources of energy over the next four decades. “This is the landmark energy and environmental legislative achievement of a generation,” says Phyllis Cuttino, director of the Pew Environment Group’s U.S. Global Warming Campaign.

    The legislation itself is enormous. It’s more than a thousand pages long, filled with obscure provisions that will keep an army of lobbyists employed for years. It’s been resoundingly panned both by groups on the left, such as Friends of the Earth and Greenpeace, who see it as an enormous corporate giveaway, and by Republicans, who accuse it of being a massive tax that will hobble the U.S. economy. It even was attacked by the powerful farm lobby, despite a cornucopia of goodies added in the last few days to get their champion, House Agriculture Chairman Collin C. Peterson (D-Minn.), on board.

    What’s more, the bill lies at the center of a high-stakes political calculation by the GOP. While there’s a strong anti-regulation ideology in the Republican Party, there have been plenty of Republicans who urged passage of climate legislation. Such supporters included governors like California’s Arnold Schwarzenegger and Florida’s Charlie Crist, along with Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.). But those former advocates have gone silent. The party has decided its best strategy for getting back into power is to deny President Barack Obama, who strongly backed the bill, any victories, no matter what the issue. At the same time, the GOP wants to paint the Democrats as the party of new taxes.

    Of course, this Republican plan could backfire. Polls show the public supports action on climate, studies from the Congressional Budget Office and the Environmental Protection Agency show the costs of the legislation would be modest. Eight Republicans voted for the bill.

    All of this adds up to powerful forces that were working against the legislation. So why did it pass? Why did major environmental organizations, such as the Natural Resources Defense Council and Environmental Defense Fund, and scores of companies, from General Electric and Shell to utilities like Exelon and Pacific Gas & Electric, pull out all the stops to push it through?

    Part of the answer is simple. Many in industry have come to believe that, given what science is learning, the costs of inaction are far greater than the price tag of the legislation. “We need to get started,” says J. Wayne Leonard, CEO of Entergy, a New Orleans-based utility. “The idea of moving this problem to our children just doesn’t work for us.” Yes, energy prices will rise, adds Ralph Izzo, CEO of PSEG Energy in Newark, N.J., “but the world we will leave our kids is a lot better than the world we would otherwise leave.”

    Plus, companies figure that curbs on greenhouse gas emissions are inevitable, anyway. Better to get the rules now so that they know what kinds of powerplants or cars to build—and where find new business opportunities. For instance, whoever figures out the best technology for capturing carbon dioxide from smokestacks “will make a ton of money on it,” says William L. Sigmon, senior vice president for engineering, projects & field services at American Electric Power in Columbus, Ohio.

    The mere fact that the House passed a bill at all also gives the Obama Administration a stronger hand to play in upcoming international negotiations. There’s no solution to the global climate problem unless China and India agree to cut their own greenhouse gas emissions. Those countries won’t sign on until the U.S., which has been the main contributor to the problem, first shows that it’s serious. Getting a bill through the House is a major sign that the country is moving on the issue.

    But perhaps the biggest reason why support remained strong enough to win passage, despite the legislation’s many flaws and opponents, is that the measure is actually expected to work. The basic idea is straightforward: The bill sets a cap on emissions of greenhouse gases. By 2020, emissions must be reduced 17% over 2005 levels. By 2050, emissions must be reduced 80% or more. Staying under these caps is done with a system of permits or allowances. Companies must have an allowance for every ton of greenhouse gas they emit. They are allowed to buy and sell those allowances, but gradually the total number of allowances will be reduced, thus reducing overall emissions.

    In the week leading up to the vote, industry groups wrangled fiercely over how those allowances are given out. Should be auctioned off or handed out for free? When utilities managed to win 35% of the initial allowances for free, some environmental groups accused the House of orchestrating a massive corporate giveaway. But the “remarkable” quality of a cap and trade system, says Robert N. Stavins, director of the Harvard Environmental Economics Program, is that all this lobbying really didn’t matter. In some cases the messy political process can doom a policy to failure. It can add enormous efficiencies to a weapons program, for instance (by requiring subcontractors in every district), or completely water down a tax (through loopholes and exemptions). But no matter who wins or loses in the allocation scheme in a cap and trade system, the environmental goal will be reached—and the overall cost to society is the same, says Stavins. “That is the very fortunate property of a cap and trade system. There is this marvelous political safety value.” That’s why the main environmental groups stayed on board, even when individual industries garnered goodies in the bill.

    There’s still a long road ahead for the legislation. The Senate isn’t expected to take up the issue until fall at the earliest—and the path to passage there will be tougher. But for now, supporters are savoring their victory. “Today we have taken decisive and historic action to promote America’s energy security and to create millions of clean energy jobs that will drive our economic recovery and long-term growth,” Waxman said.

    Adds John W. Rowe, chairman and CEO of Exelon, a Chicago-based utility: “Addressing climate change is one of the most compelling causes of our time, and we applaud the House for taking bold and decisive action to pass this pragmatic and balanced legislation.”

    Which is NOT good for the average American, of course.

    <!-- m -->http://www.prisonplanet.com/cap-and-tra ... -home.html<!-- m -->

    "Cap and Trade: A License Required for your Home

    Frank M. Carrio, CMI
    ESOP Committee Member
    Thursday, Nov 19th, 2009

    We encourage you to read the provisions of the Cap and Trade Bill that has passed the House of Representatives and being considered by the Senate. We are ready to join the next march on Washington!

    This Congress and whoever on their staffs that write this junk are truly out to destroy the middle class of the USA….

    A License Required for your house

    Thinking about selling your house – A look at H.R. 2454 (Cap and trade bill) This is unbelievable!

    Only the beginning from this administration! Home owners take note & tell your friends and relatives who are home owners!

    Beginning 1 year after enactment of the Cap and Trade Act, you won’t be able to sell your home unless you retrofit it to comply with the energy and water efficiency standards of this Act. H.R. 2454, the “Cap & Trade” bill passed by the House of Representatives, if also passed by the Senate, will be the largest tax increase any of us has ever experienced.

    The Congressional Budget Office (supposedly non-partisan) estimates that in just a few years the average cost to every family of four will be $6,800 per year.
    No one is excluded.

    However, once the lower classes feel the pinch in their wallets, you can be sure these voters get a tax refund (even if they pay no taxes at all) to offset this new cost. Thus, you Mr. and Mrs. Middle Class America will have to pay even more since additional tax dollars will be needed to bail out everyone else.

    But wait. This awful bill (that no one in Congress has actually read) has many more surprises in it. Probably the worst one is this:

    * A year from now you won’t be able to sell your house. Yes, you read that right.

    The caveat is (there always is a caveat) that if you have enough money to make required major upgrades to your home, then you can sell it. But, if not, then forget it. Even pre-fabricated homes (“mobile homes”) are included.

    * In effect, this bill prevents you from selling your home without the permission of the EPA administrator.
    * To get this permission, you will have to have the energy efficiency of your home measured.
    * Then the government will tell you what your new energy efficiency requirement is and you will be forced to make modifications to your home under the retrofit provisions of this Act to comply with the new energy and water efficiency requirements.
    * Then you will have to get your home measured again and get a license (called a “label” in the Act) that must be posted on your property to show what your efficiency rating is; sort of like the Energy Star efficiency rating label on your refrigerator or air conditioner.
    * If you don’t get a high enough rating, you can’t sell. And, the EPA administrator is authorized to raise the standards every year, even above the automatic energy efficiency increases built into the Act.

    The EPA administrator, appointed by the President, will run the Cap & Trade program (AKA the “American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009″) and is authorized to make any future changes to the regulations and standards he alone determines to be in the government’s best interest. Requirements are set low initial y so the bill will pass Congress; then the Administrator can set much tougher new standards every year.

    * The Act itself contains annual required increases in energy efficiency for private and commercial residences and buildings.
    * However, the EPA administrator can set higher standards at any time.

    Sect. 202:

    Cap and Trade: A License Required for your Home 121109banner2

    Building Retrofit Program mandates a national retrofit program to increase the energy efficiency of all existing homes across America .

    Beginning 1 year after enactment of the Act, you won’t be able to sell your home unless you retrofit it to comply with the energy and water efficiency standards of this Act.

    You had better sell soon, because the standards will be raised each year and will be really hard (i.e., ex$pen$ive) to meet in a few years. Oh, goody! The Act allows the government to give you a grant of several thousand dollars to comply with the retrofit program requirements if you meet certain energy efficiency levels. But, wait, the State can set additional requirements on who qualifies to receive the grants.

    You should expect requirements such as “can’t have an income of more than $50K per year”, “home selling price can’t be more than $125K”, or anything else to target the upper middle class (and that’s YOU) and prevent them from qualifying for the grants.
    Most of us won’t get a dime and will have to pay the entire cost of the retrofit out of our own pockets. More transfer of wealth, more “change you can believe in.”

    Sect. 204:
    Building Energy Performance Labeling Program establishes a labeling program that for each individual residence will identify the achieved energy efficiency performance for “at least 90 percent of the residential market within 5 years after the date of the enactment of this Act.”

    This means that within 5 years 90% of all residential homes in the U.S. must be measured and labeled. The EPA administrator will get $50M each year to enforce the labeling program. The Secretary of the Department of Energy will get an additional $20M each year to help enforce the labeling program. Some of this money will, of course, be spent on coming up with tougher standards each year.

    Oh, the label will be like a license for your car. You will be required to post the label in a conspicuous location in your home and will not be allowed to sell your home without having this label.

    And, just like your car license, you will probably be required to get a new label every so often – maybe every year.

    But, the government estimates the cost of measuring the energy efficiency of your home should only cost about $200 each time.

    Remember what they said about the auto smog inspections when they first started: that in California it would only cost $15. That was when the program started. Now the cost is about $50 for the inspection and certificate; a 333% increase. Expect the same from the home labeling program.

    Sect. 304:
    Greater Energy Efficiency in Building Codes establishes new energy efficiency guidelines for the National Building Code and mandates at 304(d), Application of National Code to State and Local Jurisdictions, that 1 year after enactment of this Act, all state and local jurisdictions must adopt the National Building Code energy efficiency provisions or must obtain a certification from the federal government that their state and/or local codes have been brought into full compliance with the National Building Code energy efficiency standards.

    a license required for your home – Google Search

    H.R. 2454: American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009 (GovTrack.us)"

    Soooo this whole bill will be funded by the average American, who are told this is for their own good when in fact they are being stolen from. Take as much of everybody's money as they can to get even further along in the plans for world domination. Make all aspects of life totally dependent on the government and you're screwed if you don't go along with it. Soon they'll be saying everybody needs to be chipped for their own good, and have newborns chipped. And that's already happening too. Sorry, went a little off topic there.

    Anyways, if this bill ( which by the way, when it was passed was only actually read by less than half the people who signed off on the bill) was passed on June 26, 2009, it would not have been noticed by the majority because of the fact that every news station was reporting on MJ's death. This cannot be good in any way. So my question is, if it was passed on that day - did they rush to do it, knowing they could pass it without anyone noticing or did they know MJ's "death" was going to happen the day before all along? And if they knew all along...what does that mean? I'm genuinely perplexed here. I know what Michael is doing is for the good of the world. Maybe some official-type person heard of the plan, thinking Michael just wanted to disappear and not have a huge comeback (like Elvis) so they didn't try and stop him so they could use his "death" as a distraction.

    Sorry if there is already a thread on this, please let me know it if there is because I would like to read more about it on here!

  • mdcmdc Posts: 343
    And didn't I read somewhere that on July 7, 2009, the day of the memorial, at the Vatican the pope called for a new world authority?
  • i think i heard that also.
    wasn't there also something way back with the clinton / lewensky thing that stuff was going on behind the scence while everyone was focused on that?
  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    And didn't I read somewhere that on July 7, 2009, the day of the memorial, at the Vatican the pope called for a new world authority?

    YES! And he met with Obama either that day or right close to that day.

    <!-- m -->http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blog ... ctive.aspx<!-- m -->
  • i think i heard that also.
    wasn't there also something way back with the clinton / lewensky thing that stuff was going on behind the scence while everyone was focused on that?

    Oh yes! I remember some were saying that the whole affair was just to distract everyone from something more important, going on at that time, unnoticed.
  • And didn't I read somewhere that on July 7, 2009, the day of the memorial, at the Vatican the pope called for a new world authority?

    Yes your correct he called for a new world religiious authority and issued a vatican message, that didnt reach the media either. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
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