BAM mentioned in Karate Kid...made by SONY

thepeacock2012thepeacock2012 Posts: 293
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I am watcing Karate Kid made by Sony and we all know the connection between Mike and Sony and Mike and Karate Kid. For those who don't know, Micheal's kids take Karate and wear Karate kid T Shirts/Bruce Lee...anyway...Jayden smith stars as the Karate Kid and in one scene where he is talking to a girl he met..she says she is practicing violin for the Bejing Acadaemy of Music....and Jayden says those intials spell BAM!!!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> I love you Mike!!!


  • wow maby sony are in on it 2 and are leaving clues in there movies for us <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
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