IMBD (Internet Movie Data Base) for "This Is It"....WHAT?

heisinme09heisinme09 Posts: 494
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I saw a TV commercial for a margarine called "I Can't Believe It's Not Butter" yesterday with the former star of "Will & Grace", Megan it, she ends up in a song and dance number with a good looking young man who is a store took me a sec, but I recognized him as one of the TII dancers...the one from Australia...his name escaped me, so I went to IMBD to look for him (I think it is Shannon Holtzapffel) I brought up "This Is It"/Full Cast and Credits" and I was completely blown away by something (and this is reinforcing for me what was said in another forum thread about the the movie by MJHoaxEvidence)....have all of you ever checked this out? MY GOD!!! I have no doubt WHATSOEVER that this movie was The Plan all along....just look at the size and scope of this production!...there is NO WAY IN HELL this was just a documentary of Michael's last tour production that just happened to get caught on film and just happened to come to a theatre near you....look at the SHEER NUMBERS of people involved and you will see what I is a sure to scroll all the way down to see just how many people I am talking about...

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Also, were you aware that Branca/McClain are listed as Executive Producers on the film? WHAT? Wouldn't they have been just a little busy just being executors of MJ's estate between June 25, 2009 & Oct. 28, 2009 when the movie was released? do you just "happen" to capture film for an IMAX version?

Bravo, Michael....Bravo! It is so obvious now....once again, you reveal your sheer brilliance! You continue to blow me away with your intelligence, foresight and (dare I say it?) BALLS! (shaking head in amazement)


  • I'm afraid they mixed credits for the movie with credits for the actual SHOWS. (see e.g. tour managers etc.)
    Not saying it's not always been intended as a movie only...Just suggesting the credits aren't the ultimate proof.

  • Great catch, heisinme09!

    I agree with you!!!!

    The following statement that is included on the IMBD page, as well as the credit section of the movie, had me scratching my head from the start:

    "acknowledgment: Michael Jackson wanted to thank the Choreographers who collaborated with him on past works"

    Hmmm......if this movie wasn't planned and was produced post June 25th, how could MJ personally make this acknowledgment??????

    Hee hee----because he is ALIVE!!!!
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Then you might want to see this as well...Most of the dancers are listed as actors...

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