1950's show-Court case-Conrad Murray.Link from a youtube vid

SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Doing some researching reading...as we all do..and came across this video I hadn't seen before.
Thought it was just going to be more theory and recaps on the already well documented and obvious,it did contain some info we all already know off by heart back to front and upsdie down...but alas...It told me things I didn't already know too.HURRAH!


The Court Of Last Resort
"The Court of Last Resort was founded by Erle Stanley Gardner in the 1950s. The team sought to reveal whether someone already found guilty might really be innocent. The show dramatized the original crime then followed the investigation. Actual cases were used "

This video points out that there was a 1957 (yep check that 5 and 7 first) TV show about investorgators who went back in time to solve crimes that had put innocent people behind bars.
One was titled 'The Conrad Murray Case'.....think that turns your lightbulb on..wait for this,the actor-yes...another Actor...lol..who played Conrad Murray in this TV show episode...was also in a tv show called THIS IS IT something called 'THE SCARECROWE and another one called....THRILLER.......don't we know someone else who has been in all those roles/movies too???....nah...couldn't be...could it?

It was also the 7th Episode in the series.

Is your lightbulb fully lit now?The alarm bells going off?BECAUSE MINE ARE!!!
Coinsidence?I THINK NO.There is no way in hell anyone is telling me i'm crazy.
"Everyone is inspired by someone or something"..Guess that's where MJ got his.

If you dig up any more info on this then let me know guys and dolls!!

Peace and L.O.V.E
Sinderella xo

(p.s I dont think this is up anywhere else,I haven't seen or heard about it until now,but if so sorry..and if its in the wrong place feel free to move it)


  • Sinderella what can I say, wow I am speechless, you have done a magnificent investigation. Thank you for this posting, I can't pin point, but I know there is something off, with Conrad Murrray, His speech did not make sense, it felt robotic, and why is his arm lighter than his hand? I will try to find out more about this individual. He may be a doctor but not a cardiologist. Even I know that you do not give cpr on a bed.
    thanks again, blessings.
  • curlscurls Posts: 3,111
    This is great isn't it?! Everything surrounding Murray has always felt odd to me, but when I first discovered The Conrad Murray Case, in The Court of Last Resort, I pretty near fell off my chair! It's one of the biggest clues for me in this hoax, it's just too much to be a coincidence, especially with the actor's other show titles.

    Thanks for reminding me of it!
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Thanks guys!!
    I was truly expecting just another hoax vid full of stuff i already knew but that little bit I DID NOT.So I did what I always do..go abuse google haha and found out all this information that is a DIRECT link to Michael,the hoax,Murray..and basically the WHOLE plot/storyline.
    To me it now even more so,plays out like a movie with all the lessons and messages thrown in for good measure.
    There are too many similarities to ignore really.

    I'll keep on and see what else I can find to add to it.

    You're so welcome,Glad I passed it on and hope it is useful <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    Sin xo
  • Good Finding Sinderella -

    Here is a link to a thread that discusses the 1957 film - The Court of Last Resort.

    Yes! No coincidences! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Film?Do you mean TV show?
    I think it is good to refresh important links rather than...not going to go there but 'lizard people' which is just absurd.Anyone new coming to this forum needs as much useful info as possible so...I hope this contributes despite there already being a thread on it from a while back .xo
  • SinderellaSinderella Posts: 1,334
    Reviving this since we're inbetween trials and things....worth looking into that episode again?
    I think so..

    "The Court of Last Resort" The Conrad Murray Case (1957)
    <!-- m -->http://www.oldies.com/product-view/5092D.html<!-- m -->

    Description by OLDIES.com:
    "It is you the people who are The Court of Last Resort! The Court of Last Resort is actually at work today, investigating cases throughout the United States," announces the narrator at the beginning of each episode. Established in the late 1940s, the Court was composed of seven experts in law and criminology (including Perry Mason's creator, Erle Stanley Gardner) who came together with the sole purpose of saving the lives of innocent people who had been convicted of murder.





    (the other thread is now locked so I have moved the videos and so on into this one)
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