Peter Lopez Funeral

trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Not sure if this has been posted before, if it has I haven't come across it. It's a Daily Mail(UK) article. Three things struck me: in the pics the priest is wearing some kind of wire/earpiece around his neck which I found odd. Secondly the priest in the first two pics is clearly not the same one as in the last one. Thirdly Catherine Bach is reported to have called her mother-in-law to inform her of the death and she said "Peter's not here anymore" before going to collect her daughters from school. I found this a strange choice of words which could be open to interpretation. As an extra thought I also thought the funeral programme was a bit like a "prop", too simple with huge lettering so it could be seen from a distance and with the same pic the press had been showing us of him. I don't wish to disrespect this man or his family at all as if he has actually died it is a great tragedy, I merely found a few things about this article quite odd.


  • is it odd to anyone else that they pointed out that she was wearing sunglasses?
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    Interesting article! Thanks for sharing. The whole story behind Peter Lopez has always puzzled me. I'm not sure how his suicide fits into the mix...which is scary.

    I would like to add that the ear piece thing is likely a microphone. The priest at my church wears one as well. Also, oftentimes at a funeral, (especially if it is someone that has been a pillar of the community) many priests, deacons, and sometimes even the Bishop will come and preside over a funeral. So, maybe the second priest is an additional priest?

    I did find it weird that they would talk about sunglasses and to say "Peter is not here anymore".

    Again, thanks for sharing the article.
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    Yep I wonder will we ever know what really happened to Peter. I think this is something that we should probe deeper into because just think about it he was about to shed light on what he knew about MJ remember? I find it odd that suddenly he decides to take his own life just when he is about to......... <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
    and as most of us on this website believe MJ to be alive it must be hard for him when he heard of Peter's death. Mj was probably like <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    Has anyone found anything else out about this case or has the California officials made it an open and shut case. SUICIDE.?
  • Not sure if this has been posted before, if it has I haven't come across it. It's a Daily Mail(UK) article. Three things struck me: in the pics the priest is wearing some kind of wire/earpiece around his neck which I found odd.
    It is a wireless microphone. This was a very large funeral.
    Catherine Bach was joined by hundreds of mourners
    Secondly the priest in the first two pics is clearly not the same one as in the last one.
    Since it was such a large funeral, the presence of several priests/clergy seems reasonable.
    Thirdly Catherine Bach is reported to have called her mother-in-law to inform her of the death and she said "Peter's not here anymore" before going to collect her daughters from school. I found this a strange choice of words which could be open to interpretation.
    Who knows how she broke the news to Peter Lopez's mother but I would think she did it as gently as possible. Peter Lopez was 60 so his mother would be quite elderly.
    As an extra thought I also thought the funeral programme was a bit like a "prop", too simple with huge lettering so it could be seen from a distance and with the same pic the press had been showing us of him.
    I don't think there is anything unusual about the program. The photo of it is a closeup and it looks similar to many other funeral programs.


    I think the circumstances surrounding Lopez's "suicide" are what are really strange.

    A successful entertainment lawyer, who represented Michael Jackson at one time, who had been speaking publicly about Michael since his "death", who hasn't any reported financial or marital problems, and who showed no outward signs of depression or that he was considering suicide?
    A prominent music lawyer, Lopez represented Michael Jackson for seven years and also The Eagles, Andrea Bocelli, Julio Iglesias and Michael Buble.

    He helped to found the law firm Kleinberg Lopez Lange Cuddy & Klein.

    Bach stayed close to the couple's two daughters Sophia, 14, and Laura, 11

    Lopez, 60, who had been married to Bach for 20 years

    Bach has been devastated and shocked by her husband's suicide

    he had shown no outward signs of depression and appeared happy in his work.

    Something is not right here, this does not sound like a man who would kill himself.
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    has anyone any idea if his wife is still living in the same house..??? or has she conviently moved away..??? we tend to stop looking at those sort of things...............
  • has anyone any idea if his wife is still living in the same house..??? or has she conviently moved away..??? we tend to stop looking at those sort of things...............

    i kind of have wondered if she could be the insider on the tii videos (provided they are legit).
  • has anyone any idea if his wife is still living in the same house..??? or has she conviently moved away..??? we tend to stop looking at those sort of things...............

    i kind of have wondered if she could be the insider on the tii videos (provided they are legit).

    This is all so interesting...and timely. I was asking this morning about Peter Lopez and I wondered if he had any acting background. After all, apparently MJ's lawyer and business manager do so why not others? I think like Serenity - that what is strange is the circumstances surrounding his death/suicide. The priest, earphones, even the sunglasses aren't strange. I've seen people were sunglasses to hide their red eyes from crying.

    The thought that she could be the "insider" is an interesting thought. You could be right. I think these people should be looked at a little closer. What is Catherine doing now?
  • Peter Lopez in August 2009: Jackson Death Mystery 'Will Be Solved Soon'

    "I think it's too early to say, we don't have all the facts but he should not be dead, that's pretty clear.

    "Something went terribly wrong and we'll find something out about that very shortly."

  • Is our Peter Lopez, THIS Peter Lopez?
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    Thanks for clearing that up guys, I had wondered if the wire was a mic for conducting the service and also if there would be more than one priest. Obviously that is different from here in the UK. I also thought the priests could have looked a bit more solemn considering, they looked almost cheerful. I agree with others who find this death strange even though many people who seem outwardly fine commit suicide and their loved ones cannot understand why. Either the man was murdered, he knew something that meant he had to disappear (Witness Relocation) or it's part of the hoax and Sony are seriously worried right now. Will have to see who the photos in the article are credited to. If it's the National Photo Group I'll be even more suspicious. Once again, curiouser and curiouser...
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    As an extra thought on the theory that Catherine Bach could be the insider in the videos, the article states her age as 56, the woman in the video says she is very close in age to MJ which would prove important later on. Also she says she's a singer dancer and had worked with MJ and Kenny before. I don't remember Catherine being involved with them in any project but maybe it needs some more digging. Of course the video could be a total red herring and not mean anything. As always, no answers just more questions.
  • <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> Don't you find it just the smallest bit coincidental that Peter Lopez represented Michael for 7 years? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • :shock: Don't you find it just the smallest bit coincidental that Peter Lopez represented Michael for 7 years? <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    No, he also represented Michael in 2007 (25th anniversary edition of his best-selling album "Thriller") and in 2008 / 9 (This Is It / AEG), when he was fired (mysteriously) by Tohme Tohme.

    Peter was also involved with other projects of Michael, among them, RECORD IN SPANISH.

    <!-- m -->http://loveformichaeljackson.wordpress. ... onnection/<!-- m -->
  • angelshadowangelshadow Posts: 8,257
    Thanks to divide this article with us! I must say it is interesting ... and strangely!
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    Is our Peter Lopez, THIS Peter Lopez?

    I know he was a producer on the film Selena. The others, I'm not sure about. That's my homework for the weekend I guess!
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    If it is strange also that has committed "suicide" out of his house
  • Is our Peter Lopez, THIS Peter Lopez?

    I know he was a producer on the film Selena. The others, I'm not sure about. That's my homework for the weekend I guess!

    Thanks! I don't live in Hollywood but I find it really strange that these lawyers are also producers and actors. Am I the only one who finds this odd? I guess nothing is strange in Hollywood...
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    We've talked about it when the 911 call was (exclusively?) released by TMZ (hmmm) was a very strange call made by his wife. Thanks for the article trustno1 (only God <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> ) I also find this suicide to be very extra super strange...
  • 2 Bad2 Bad Posts: 289
    This has been gnawing at me. Peter Lopez was fine according to all those around him prior with no real problems in his life. So what makes a man shoot himself to death? What?
    My gut feeling is he was murdered, simply because of what was going on in his life at that time. Of course we don't have all the info, the media has given us all it wants. He was working for Michael for TII till fired by Thome....and replaced by whom? Michael had to have a lawyer on this to protect him.
    Perhaps Michael confided with Peter about what has been happening (2001 and on)and what his plans were in the future. Or maybe Peter had knowledge about what was going to happen to Michael? I am going to try to watch the video again.
    I just find this all to be too mysterious. I am so sick of the lies and deceptions.
  • Eyes wide open ... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->

    <!-- s:arrow: -->:arrow:<!-- s:arrow: -->
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    "Lopez also insists that talk of a financial crisis is ‘hogwash’. ‘Neverland is not being auctioned off, it’s simply that Michael has changed lenders. This talk emerges from several journalists in the US who love to spin things in the most negative way possible. The facts are the facts and he’s had some cash flow issues in the past, but it’s all under control now.’

    I've never believed in the alleged bankruptcy of Michael <!-- s:geek: -->:geek:<!-- s:geek: -->
  • There is not nothing strange about wearing sunglasses at a funeral. The earpiece that the minister or clergy or what ever you call him there is nothing strange about that.
    What is the way his wife says that lopez her husband is not here with us anymore.
    Than again every one has different ways of communicating.
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