5 brother enterprise is gone!

<!-- m -->http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=1 ... 3445214435<!-- m -->

WTF?? everything is disappearing out of thin air, first, mj tweets were deleted, and now 5 brother enterprises face book account gone!!?!?! Yesterday it was there, now its gone


  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    It might just be facebook, they seem to be having lots of problems recently...

    I shall try again in a bit
  • no, its closed. every time i click on their page it directs me to my page
  • PheebzzPheebzz Posts: 683
    Here the same. Yesterday i was on the page and it works and now i read this post and try it again. its gone and its not listed in my favourites anymore <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->
  • me to
  • This has happened a few times over the past year...when big changes are made to the site. I'd keep a close watch as they (hopefully) are making some big adjustments to the layout of the page.

    Once, they removed all of the videos only to bring them back with the layout of the page being different. Another time there were two 5 brother Facebook pages and they were both removed and then a couple of days later only one resurfaced.

    I certainly hope it's not gone for good as it had some great videos and pictures on there. I still maintain that it's connected to the family and not just a fan page.

    Thanks for the info - I'll keep watch too! Blessings.
  • I downloaded all the 5 Brothers Enterprise videos but I don't know the original titles.
    Maybe I should upload them to youtube? <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • I downloaded all the 5 Brothers Enterprise videos but I don't know the original titles.
    Maybe I should upload them to youtube? <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Please do <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Have you noticed all of the videos that have been disabled? There are interviews that I had saved that have been disabled that I could kick myself for not uploading <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> Thing is, I don't really know how to upload. I though when I copied the url that was it. Now reality, lol. It is a positive thing to be computer savvy, which I definitely am not.
  • I downloaded all the 5 Brothers Enterprise videos but I don't know the original titles.
    Maybe I should upload them to youtube? <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Please do <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    There were 17 videos uploaded to the 5 Brothers Enterprises' facebook page I downloaded 12 of them and 1 other that may have been there too and was uploaded to someone else's youtube.

    I have uploaded all 13 to my youtube and they are in this play list. Some of the titles of the videos aren't the original but I did my best to try and give them the same name. Sorry, I just didn't bother to name them when I downloaded the videos. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->


    If anyone else has the other 4 and the original "Earth Girl" one please upload them or send them to me so I can include them in this play list.

    The 5 Brothers Enterprises' facebook page has been cached. Here is the link to the first page:
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    I downloaded all the 5 Brothers Enterprise videos but I don't know the original titles.
    Maybe I should upload them to youtube? <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Please do <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    There were 17 videos uploaded to the 5 Brothers Enterprises' facebook page I downloaded 12 of them and 1 other that may have been there too and was uploaded to someone else's youtube.

    I have uploaded all 13 to my youtube and they are in this play list. Some of the titles of the videos aren't the original but I did my best to try and give them the same name. Sorry, I just didn't bother to name them when I downloaded the videos. <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| -->


    If anyone else has the other 4 and the original "Earth Girl" one please upload them or send them to me so I can include them in this play list.

    The 5 Brothers Enterprises' facebook page has been cached. Here is the link to the first page:
    Thank you so much, SD! My computer is very slow and clunky and could not load any of these longer than three minutes on Facebook, this will be so much easier! Has anyone loaded the other three?
  • Thank you so much, SD! My computer is very slow and clunky and could not load any of these longer than three minutes on Facebook, this will be so much easier! Has anyone loaded the other three?

    Here is the correct play list my youtube was "terminated" so I made a new one, I have 15 of the videos up.

  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    Hm, it seems as if two of the missing ones are two I really wanted to see, a three-or-four minute one called "Is It Scary" and an eight-minute called "HIStory"..
  • PheebzzPheebzz Posts: 683
    Thank you so much, SD! My computer is very slow and clunky and could not load any of these longer than three minutes on Facebook, this will be so much easier! Has anyone loaded the other three?

    Here is the correct play list my youtube was "terminated" so I made a new one, I have 15 of the videos up.


    Thank you Serinitys Dream <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • Tink.I.AmTink.I.Am Posts: 878
    just noticed it was gone <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Glad I saved the videos <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • The Admin of 5 Brothers Enterprises, LLC is interesting. I still maintain he has a connection to the family far more than just running a fan site. Okay - so Pheelyks Mcnzi (is that a real name?) can be found on youtube along with most, if not all, of the videos. The link is below. He also can be found on twitter...below is the most recent posts. Now, he also is connected to mjff.forumfree. He appears to have superior skills in video creation which lead me to believe he's no amateur. Yep - very interesting person.

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/results?search_q ... mcnzi&aq=f<!-- m -->

    <!-- m -->http://twitter.com/PheelyksMcNzi<!-- m -->

    <!-- m -->http://mjff.forumfree.it/?t=48793911<!-- m -->
  • The Admin of 5 Brothers Enterprises, LLC is interesting. I still maintain he has a connection to the family far more than just running a fan site. Okay - so Pheelyks Mcnzi (is that a real name?) can be found on youtube along with most, if not all, of the videos. The link is below. He also can be found on twitter...below is the most recent posts. Now, he also is connected to mjff.forumfree. He appears to have superior skills in video creation which lead me to believe he's no amateur. Yep - very interesting person.

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/results?search_q ... mcnzi&aq=f<!-- m -->

    <!-- m -->http://twitter.com/PheelyksMcNzi<!-- m -->

    <!-- m -->http://mjff.forumfree.it/?t=48793911<!-- m -->

    2011 is tis a clue
  • SIXSIX Posts: 2
    Buonasera <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Mi dispiace che debba scrivere in italiano, poichè non so parlare molto bene inglese. Spero che abbiate modo di poter tradurre quello che scrivo.
    Io sono l'Admin fondatore del MJFF, SIX MJ.
    Ho potuto vedere con piacere che avete scoperto l'esistenza di Pheelyks Mcnzi, sul mio forum. Sono contenta.
    Infatti, posso confermarvi che il mio, è l'unico e il primo forum, dove si è registrato Pheelyks Mcnzi e dove ha postato.
    L'intervento di Pheelyks Mcnzi sul mio forum, è accaduto previo mio invito e dall'amicizia che ci lega.
    Pheelyks Mcnzi ha eseguito post davvero interessanti, e molto risolutivi in riferimento all'Hoax Death di Michael Jackson.
    Ha dato molte informazioni utili, e molti dettagli su Michael Jackson.
    Poichè ho inserito una funzione sul mio forum, che preclude la visione dei post in esso contenuti se non si esegue la registrazione, posso darvi la mia assoluta disponibilità, a postare, previo il permesso dello staff di MJHD, alcuni dei post di Pheelyks Mcnzi sul vostro forum.
    Posso assicurarvi che sono interessanti ed esplicativi.
    Inoltre sempre sul mio forum, si è iscritto anche LeahciM NoskcaJ, il quale è anche lui un mio amico.
    Se necessita la mia collaborazione per farvi visionare i post di Pheelyks, non avete che da chiedermi.
    Data la mia convinzione, che i Fans di Michael Jackson, in qualsiasi posto del mondo si trovino, debbano essere uniti e collaborare insieme.

    Spero di esservi utili.
    Ringrazio lo Staff di MJHD
    Saluto calorosamente
    Souza e MO
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Buonasera <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    Mi dispiace che debba scrivere in italiano, poichè non so parlare molto bene inglese. Spero che abbiate modo di poter tradurre quello che scrivo.
    Io sono l'Admin fondatore del MJFF, SIX MJ.
    Ho potuto vedere con piacere che avete scoperto l'esistenza di Pheelyks Mcnzi, sul mio forum. Sono contenta.
    Infatti, posso confermarvi che il mio, è l'unico e il primo forum, dove si è registrato Pheelyks Mcnzi e dove ha postato.
    L'intervento di Pheelyks Mcnzi sul mio forum, è accaduto previo mio invito e dall'amicizia che ci lega.
    Pheelyks Mcnzi ha eseguito post davvero interessanti, e molto risolutivi in riferimento all'Hoax Death di Michael Jackson.
    Ha dato molte informazioni utili, e molti dettagli su Michael Jackson.
    Poichè ho inserito una funzione sul mio forum, che preclude la visione dei post in esso contenuti se non si esegue la registrazione, posso darvi la mia assoluta disponibilità, a postare, previo il permesso dello staff di MJHD, alcuni dei post di Pheelyks Mcnzi sul vostro forum.
    Posso assicurarvi che sono interessanti ed esplicativi.
    Inoltre sempre sul mio forum, si è iscritto anche LeahciM NoskcaJ, il quale è anche lui un mio amico.
    Se necessita la mia collaborazione per farvi visionare i post di Pheelyks, non avete che da chiedermi.
    Data la mia convinzione, che i Fans di Michael Jackson, in qualsiasi posto del mondo si trovino, debbano essere uniti e collaborare insieme.

    Spero di esservi utili.
    Ringrazio lo Staff di MJHD
    Saluto calorosamente
    Souza e MO

    Another informer? Oh I thought they just made great videos. Well they are still great, but if he is posting on an Italian forum together with Leachim, he just lost all his credits, especially when an admin of another site needs to come here and tell us about him. If he were really an informer, you'd guess he'd make sure we would all know who he is. Sorry, I just got a BoW feeling here. Thanks for letting me know.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • PJ4MJPJ4MJ Posts: 323
    Okay - so Pheelyks Mcnzi (is that a real name?) can be found on youtube along with most, if not all, of the videos.

    The name sounds like a play on "Felix McKenzie."
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739

    Another informer? Oh I thought they just made great videos. Well they are still great, but if he is posting on an Italian forum together with Leachim, he just lost all his credits, especially when an admin of another site needs to come here and tell us about him. If he were really an informer, you'd guess he'd make sure we would all know who he is. Sorry, I just got a BoW feeling here. Thanks for letting me know.
    It's not exactly like that, it was wrong said. I found the italian forum some time ago and the guy was invited there by the administrator to post many times until he went there.

    He didn't post much, around 60 posts and very very few details, it was obvious he didn't want to say much or couldn't.
    He said a few things, very short answers and mostly 'yes' or 'no' or simply smileys. He has nothing to do with Leachim, and the guy said that he has no idea who Leachim is. The thing with this forum is that the administrator had opened many sections and one is dedicated to Pheelyks Mc Nzi, one to Leachim (probably he was invited there) and probably there are many sections, I don't remember clearily.
    These 2 things have nothing in common. The sections were separated and Pheelyks had nothing to do with the Leachim dude. It just happens to be some sections there, one dedicated to Leachim too. Something like 'if one apple has worms doesn't mean that the whole tree is infested'. So the Leachim thing is completely separated.

    I remember that someone asked Pheelyks Mc Nzi about Leachim and he said something like "Leachim?I don't know!"

    I just wanted to point this out. He really didn't seem to have anything to do with that Leachim.
  • SIXSIX Posts: 2
    Chiedo scusa Souza.
    Ma non sono venuta, a propagandare qui il mio forum. Se hai capito questo mi dispiace.
    Volevo solo assicurare la mia collaborazione.
    Comunque ti posso assicurare che almeno per quanto riguarda Pheelyks, non ha niente a che vedere con BoW.
    Pheelyks ha molto materiale in mano e solo una persona che ha a disposizioni detto materiale, è da ritenersi affidabile.
    Chiedo scusa nuovamente se sono stata inopportuna. Ma denigrare il forum altrui, per quando ho solo mostrato collaborazione, non è un gesto amichevole.
    Anche io sul mio forum, abbiamo parlato di TS e dei redirect del TIAI, ma non mi sognerei mai di puntare il dito verso TS e dire che è come BoW.
    Non volevo essere offensiva, se hai capito questo Souza, ma solo disponibile.
    Io sto lottando per unire più fans di Michael Jackson sparsi per il mondo, e dare collaborazione, condividendo le conoscenze per arrivare alla verità, è un desto di amore.

    Un caro e affettuoso saluto


  • Another informer? Oh I thought they just made great videos. Well they are still great, but if he is posting on an Italian forum together with Leachim, he just lost all his credits, especially when an admin of another site needs to come here and tell us about him. If he were really an informer, you'd guess he'd make sure we would all know who he is. Sorry, I just got a BoW feeling here. Thanks for letting me know.
    It's not exactly like that, it was wrong said. I found the italian forum some time ago and the guy was invited there by the administrator to post many times until he went there.

    He didn't post much, around 60 posts and very very few details, it was obvious he didn't want to say much or couldn't.
    He said a few things, very short answers and mostly 'yes' or 'no' or simply smileys. He has nothing to do with Leachim, and the guy said that he has no idea who Leachim is. The thing with this forum is that the administrator had opened many sections and one is dedicated to Pheelyks Mc Nzi, one to Leachim (probably he was invited there) and probably there are many sections, I don't remember clearily.
    These 2 things have nothing in common. The sections were separated and Pheelyks had nothing to do with the Leachim dude. It just happens to be some sections there, one dedicated to Leachim too. Something like 'if one apple has worms doesn't mean that the whole tree is infested'. So the Leachim thing is completely separated.

    I remember that someone asked Pheelyks Mc Nzi about Leachim and he said something like "Leachim?I don't know!"

    I just wanted to point this out. He really didn't seem to have anything to do with that Leachim.

    Anna - thank you for explaining this! I have a language barrier in reading those posts but I had a hard time believing that Pheelyks Mc Nzi and Leachim are linked. They are totally different in MOA (method of operation). Blessings <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Okay - so Pheelyks Mcnzi (is that a real name?) can be found on youtube along with most, if not all, of the videos.

    The name sounds like a play on "Felix McKenzie."

    Excellent deduction - it does sound like that doesn't it...Thanks - I may need to check up on a few things...
  • _Anna__Anna_ Posts: 1,739

    Anna - thank you for explaining this! I have a language barrier in reading those posts but I had a hard time believing that Pheelyks Mc Nzi and Leachim are linked. They are totally different in MOA (method of operation). Blessings <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Yeah, the guy really has nothing to do with Leachim.I think he doesn't even know about his existance.
    2 completely separate things. I have no idea who is Pheelyks or how involved is he, but he was very very silent, people barely could take out a word from his mouth.

    On that forum he just said that he cannot answer everything, that 'Doo Doo is ok', to quote a few of his words there, it was before June 25 when people were waiting for a return on that day and he said something like 'I cannot say anything for the moment, but whatever happens on 25th don't give up. Believe me I know what I'm saying'.
    He was asked many questions and he replied just smileys like this one ' <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> ', then someone asked how does he have the video trailer from the Dome project when it was not anywhere on youtube and he said he has it since 2009.

    Then, he posted on one day something like 'Sorry, changed my boss last minute.I'll come back, keep the faith', then around 22-23 June 2010 he said 'don't panic, I repeat, whatever happens do not give up'.

    This was mainly all he ever said.

    The last message he posted there was on 9th of October when the administrator told him again to come and post something, he said 'I'm also glad to see you again,but I can't address this subject at all for the moment, believe me I know it is hard for you, it is hard also for us, but it's like this for the moment, but at the end of the process you'll understand'
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