Michael Jackson Trashes His Family on Tape

all4loveandbelieveall4loveandbelieve Posts: 4,455
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation

I have no clue if this was already posted, if not enjoy...

It's long been known that Michael Jackson's family life was complicated. But interview tapes newly unearthed by News of the World reveal just how mixed his emotions toward his siblings and parents were.

On the tapes, which were recorded at his former estate Neverland Ranch, the deceased King of Pop—who died in June at age 50—lashes out at nearly every member of his family.

On his brothers in the Jackson 5:

"The brothers didn't give me support. We'd be working on a TV show or video and they'd be sitting around moaning and groaning but I'd be watching and learning...It takes a talent, but some people are lazy and don't want to develop anything."

On Marlon:

"People used to call him ugly and make fun of him— and people would say, 'Which brother is that one?' He constantly imitates me on stage. Whatever I do he'll do right after me. I hate when that happens because he looks too 'doo woppy' and so old-fashioned."

On mother Katherine:

"She disappointed me. She did an interview (about him). I don't like her to talk. It's none of those people's business." (Jackson also revealed that his mother never wanted daughters: "She wished she would have had all boys. She told my sisters that—and they agreed! That's how my sisters are—they are prejudiced against other girls.")

On sister La Toya:

"To me she is Mrs. Nice and Nasty. I come in her room (and she says), 'You can't sit on her couch, sit on the bed or walk on the carpet.' She wants to keep everything fresh...If you cough at the table she covers her plate. If you sneeze forget it, she's in another room. If you clear your throat, you can't do that while she is eating."

On father Joe:

"I would suffer if I had to spend a whole day with him...He would sit in a chair with a belt or a switch and we'd do our performance. And if we messed up he hit you...To tell you the truth, I never have felt close to him. He has always been like a mystery man."

Wow; don't hold back, Michael!
<!-- m -->http://www.celebuzz.com/michael-jackson ... e-s136221/<!-- m -->


  • scorpionchikscorpionchik Posts: 2,669
    I have always said Michael is special, like has nothing to do with that family. Although, he is not ideal either (there is no ideal people on the planet), but his character's tough parts come from injustice he was treated with, envy he always was subject to, too much sensitivness and kindness he has constantly bother him to deal with reality. Michael is eccentric, but that makes him more charming.Regardless where this info came from and if it is true, Michael loves his sibblings anyway, and they love MJ too, I want to believe.
  • He only has love for Janet lol they seem to be the closest out of everyone and I always felt like she cared the most about him
  • this is bs
  • We need to remember that these remarks were supposedly made years ago. People change, forgive, move on and grow up. There are many things about my siblings that used to annoy me but now we just laugh about them. Especially my mom, God rest her soul.

    I appreciate you sharing this with us but I hope we keep it in the right content.

    I'm not the same way I was 20 years ago...are you? Blessings <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • this is bs

    Well the thing about Latoya is true. It's even in the Jackson movie "...It's Michael, he knows i don't like anyone breathing on my food"
  • this is bs
    yep, I agree load of crap <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • mjsgirl89mjsgirl89 Posts: 378
    idk if this is true or not...if it is it's not really that bad...im sure there are alot worse things about the fam that Michael could have blurted out...imo...even the stuff said about LaToya was pretty much right out of Moonwalker...this is like the nicest 'trashing' i've ever heard <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> i just can't help but think that if this is just a whole buncha tabloid garbage (which it might be) wouldn't they have added something a lil worse than this? idk <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • We are talking about the News of the World here! Hardly a reliable publication! Stories twisted to sell papers... No more.
    MJ may have said some of it but they twist it to make it more interesting to their readers... My take on it.

    With L.O.V.E
  • this is bs
    yep, I agree load of crap <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->

    It could be crap but Michael is a human being, he says stuff about people just like anyone else. Again not saying its true or not. Though again. The part about Latoya has been confirmed in the movie and in moonwalker like someone said : )
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
    remember what micheal said..............."unless you hear from me one to one.dont believe what you hear"...............i will reserve that priviledge on this occasion as NEWS OF THE WORLD !!!!! PLEAAAAASE
  • I think these tapes were released awhile ago and there were from interviews done for the book Moonwalker so I think this is true. He's not really "trashing" his family. If we were all asked on tape what we thought of our families for a book, we probably wouldn't say only nice things about them if we wanted a somewhat honest autobiography. I also think News of the World plays a very indirect role through releasing tapes. They were the ones who released the footage of Michael's interrogation for the 93 allegations which IMO, clearly shows Michael being innocent if you go by his reaction to the questions being asked. Did they also release the Pepsi footage? If so, then that furthers my point.
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