Why no public viewing?

Bee BeeBee Bee Posts: 391
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
In case Michael is dead, do you think it was right of the Jacksons to have a closed casket?

Would you have felt it your duty to show Michael to the world one last time, so they could say goodbye and grasp what happened, or would you have wanted to protect his "privacy", not letting the world see, meaning the fans and even other people close to Michael who didn't get to attend the private ceremony as well.

I have to say, at first I didn't see any reason or excuse for a closed casket. I felt and I basically still feel completely punked when I think about the way Michael's supposed death was handled. I know, they have a right to privacy, and if they wanted to protect Michael, that's wonderful. But it's still bugging me. Because, first of all, we're talking about the Jacksons. Quite a few of those family members don't miss a chance when it comes to publicity, they didn't think it was wrong to use Michael's death for their own publicity in various ways and even dragged Michael's children into the limelight. They didn't care about his rights as a child to even have a childhood, let alone privacy, being rushed from show to show to the recording studio and around the world. If they decided to have a closed casket out of decency and respect for Michael, I just don't think it fits them. And I know that sounds hard, but I mean it.

As a fan and someone who loves and cares about Michael from a distance, I felt completely left out and disrespected. If they had the decency to care about Michael's privacy, when he's DEAD, they forgot the rest of the world, the ones who cared for him who were left completely blind, with a million questions in their heads, for God's sake, we didn't even get to see him. Instead we got to see crappy, sentimental performances, were those of any help whatsoever? We got to see Michael's beautiful children, even got to see Paris, who didn't even cry a TEAR on that stage, and we were left with the uttermost confusion. Well, I was.

If Michael is dead, I think what they did is, they took the chance to say goodbye away from me, the chance to grieve, away from anyone who feels this way. I don't know about other people, but it's Michael Jackson, the most famous person in the world, I can't just believe he's dead because they say so, I need to see it. I couldn't deal with it any other way. It all looks like a bad, bad joke to me. You have paparazzi photos of celebs in underwear, where is one photo or anything of Michael, except for that crappy ambulance pic? We have nothing. And I just can't believe it. UCLA, nothing coming from them, no eyewitnesses speaking out, no photos, no nothing. It's much harder than that to protect the privacy of MICHAEL JACKSON. I just feel there would be more... if he's dead. Which brings us back to why I'm here. But the topic was... if he's dead, do you think it was right to have a closed casket?

I know this all sounds rather melodramatic, and I apologize, I was in a rather bad mood, but I'll be better soon.


  • In case Michael is dead, do you think it was right of the Jacksons to have a closed casket?

    Would you have felt it your duty to show Michael to the world one last time, so they could say goodbye and grasp what happened, or would you have wanted to protect his "privacy", not letting the world see, meaning the fans and even other people close to Michael who didn't get to attend the private ceremony as well.


    As a fan and someone who loves and cares about Michael from a distance, I felt completely left out and disrespected. [...]

    If Michael is dead, I think what they did is, they took the chance to say goodbye away from me, the chance to grieve, away from anyone who feels this way. [...] But the topic was... if he's dead, do you think it was right to have a closed casket?

    No matter who dies, the family always has the right to have a close casket, even if the person who died is a celebrity with a large fan base. Being a fan of someone doesn't mean the family of your idol owes you anything, nor that you're entitled to anything. I find it quite disrespectful that fans demand seeing the dead body of their idol.

    In case he would indeed have died on 06/25/2009 - they gave you a memorial, and that in my opinion is exactly what fans are 'entitled' to.

    I'm sending you positive energy, and hope you will feel better soon...

  • mdcmdc Posts: 343
    While I agree that it is the family's choice and that I am entitled to nothing more than I got, I sympathize with and completely understand Bee Bee's feelings on the matter. Although it would be hard under any circumstances to let MJ go, an open casket would have given closure to a lot of MJ fans and I do kind of feel we were cheated out of that closure. Whether it's right or wrong, unless he is alive and comes back, I will always feel that way. JMO
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Hi BeeBee, hope you're feeling better. You are just having one of those days. I know what you are saying about the "confusion" you felt after the memorial cause I felt like that too. I believe that was our intuition telling us something wasn't right about what we were witnessing. It has been a long 15 months but hey we've come too far to quit now. We are all in this together. The best is yet to come.
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    Yeah, on the one hand as Mo stated that family is entitled to their privacy. I mean if we look back over MJ's life he was Deprived of privacy in so many aspects of his life, maybe the family just felt that they owed it to him to have a closed casket.

    For me it is more like "I will believe MJ is dead when I see it" and in my opinion, me seeing him for that last time would DEFINITLEY given me closure, and I would still have that closure instead of being on this investigative website for the past 15 months, and i have been here from day one (without any breaks btw)

    So........could kinda look at the close casket issue from different ways u know?
    I am not mad at the Jacksons because when I think of how Big a celebrity MJ was/is......well ....MJ deserves his privacy. I just keep saying to myself MJ deserves his privacy. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> But it still does not give that CLOSURE that sooooo many of us are seeking.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Bee Bee If you want to feel mas encouraged it looks at the photos of The Toya in the brief, posing in a "very "sexy" way for the photographer to only a few days of the "death" of his brother, and also it looks at the imgenes of the burial, the family and the children do not show any pain <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • Katherine said that MJ's face was messed up really bad, that's why they had a closed casket. Well, that's what I read somewhere.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    Katherine said that ?,.... and La Toya said he looked "fabulous" <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • JennieJennie Posts: 514
    I agree with everyone else here about the privacy thing and the family' right to a closed casket and they really dont owe us nothing. However I do get what Beebee is saying about why she is kinda confused with what went down with the whole memorial thing. IMO It is contradictory to finally give Michael one private moment by having a closed casket but then to expose the children after Michael went to such length to keep their faces from paparazzi since day 1. I dont expect they would have deprived the children from the memorial however they didn't need to be identified either, not sure how else they could've done this but where there's a will there's a way.
  • ...and Karen Faye said she did his makeup. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Makeup on a 2 plus month old corpse <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Get real.
  • ...and Karen Faye said she did his makeup. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Makeup on a 2 plus month old corpse <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> Get real.

    I'll say!

    When anyone asks me to summarize my thoughts about MJ and the death hoax, I say the following: "No Body, No Arrest, No Death." Period.

    And, not only did KF do the make-up but she did the make-up for over SIX hours. She just couldn't make that face look enough like MJ's -- but she tried, bless her heart. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    L.O.V.E. (Love, Observe, Verify, Evolve.)

    Take care everyone!
  • Red_RoseRed_Rose Posts: 223
    Katherine said that MJ's face was messed up really bad, that's why they had a closed casket. Well, that's what I read somewhere.
    I thought Katherine didn't see his body <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • I understand why some feel like they need to see a body for closure, however, if MJ is really dead I completely agree with the family for having a closet casket service. Back when I believed him to to have passed away, I was so scared that they were going to have an open casket and I was hoping that they wouldn't. The reason being this....Can you imagine having every magazine in the checkout counter, every T.V news channel and every newpaper having photos of a dead Michael Jackson? I think that would be horrible. Some of those magazines, TV channels and newspaper have been very disrespectful in the past and I would hate to read and hear the headlines. This is especially true if his face was a little messed up (like Katherine may have said) Some people are VERY rude and have talked bad about his face in life.....in death I'm sure it'd be worse. IF MJ is dead (which I don't believe) I think the family might have considered this.
  • mjsgirl89mjsgirl89 Posts: 378
    In case Michael is dead, do you think it was right of the Jacksons to have a closed casket?

    Would you have felt it your duty to show Michael to the world one last time, so they could say goodbye and grasp what happened, or would you have wanted to protect his "privacy", not letting the world see, meaning the fans and even other people close to Michael who didn't get to attend the private ceremony as well.


    As a fan and someone who loves and cares about Michael from a distance, I felt completely left out and disrespected. [...]

    If Michael is dead, I think what they did is, they took the chance to say goodbye away from me, the chance to grieve, away from anyone who feels this way. [...] But the topic was... if he's dead, do you think it was right to have a closed casket?

    No matter who dies, the family always has the right to have a close casket, even if the person who died is a celebrity with a large fan base. Being a fan of someone doesn't mean the family of your idol owes you anything, nor that you're entitled to anything. I find it quite disrespectful that fans demand seeing the dead body of their idol.

    In case he would indeed have died on 06/25/2009 - they gave you a memorial, and that in my opinion is exactly what fans are 'entitled' to.

    I'm sending you positive energy, and hope you will feel better soon...


    I agree with Mo 100%...Michale or the fam do not owe us anything...imo
  • i love how this thread went from if he really died to reminding us of all of the contradictions that lead us to the thought that it's a lie. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • In case Michael is dead, do you think it was right of the Jacksons to have a closed casket?

    Would you have felt it your duty to show Michael to the world one last time, so they could say goodbye and grasp what happened, or would you have wanted to protect his "privacy", not letting the world see, meaning the fans and even other people close to Michael who didn't get to attend the private ceremony as well.


    As a fan and someone who loves and cares about Michael from a distance, I felt completely left out and disrespected. [...]

    If Michael is dead, I think what they did is, they took the chance to say goodbye away from me, the chance to grieve, away from anyone who feels this way. [...] But the topic was... if he's dead, do you think it was right to have a closed casket?

    No matter who dies, the family always has the right to have a close casket, even if the person who died is a celebrity with a large fan base. Being a fan of someone doesn't mean the family of your idol owes you anything, nor that you're entitled to anything. I find it quite disrespectful that fans demand seeing the dead body of their idol.

    In case he would indeed have died on 06/25/2009 - they gave you a memorial, and that in my opinion is exactly what fans are 'entitled' to.

    I'm sending you positive energy, and hope you will feel better soon...


    I agree with Mo 100%...Michale or the fam do not owe us anything...imo

    Agreed As Well
  • Katherine said that MJ's face was messed up really bad, that's why they had a closed casket. Well, that's what I read somewhere.
    I thought Katherine didn't see his body <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    Actually no one viewed the "body" because there wasn't an open casket.....and you can figure out why. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    Here's how I found out that no one ans I mean "NO" one viewed his "body" there's this man I know who knew Mike since he was 9 years old and the family for over 40 years...me and my friend was visiting him after we got home from Joe Jackson's bday party in Chicago last year, well to make a long story short I asked him did he attend the family viewing he said no then I brought up what Toy said about Paris having to wrap a necklace around his (Mike) wrist and he told us that there wasn't a private viewing...now of course I'm like <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> because there were reports that little PP and B along with members of the fam had a private family hour at forest lawn before the memorial but he just kept shaking his head saying "nope" there wasn't any open casket...." AT ALL!" Me and my friend just set there like <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> because what he said was massive and totally blew out the water what Toy told Baba Wawa and what the media was reporting.

    Now on the subject of if there should have been a public viewing, well this is how I see it....every since his "death" they have been public as far as constantly going to the media every time you turn the channel, from Larry King to Baba Wawa and the list goes on every time you look up their talking to someone and they say that they wanted to make his funereal a very private affair with only a small gathering of close family and friends but tell me since when did Marsha A. Clark become a close friend and don't even get me started with the funereal that you can pull up on "YOUTUBE" Yea....that's real personal. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I'm sorry but if they were truly trying to keep a low profile then they would not have made it out to be the media extravaganza that it has turned out to be. Yes he's a dominate world wide figure and they are a pretty famous family who like every one els is entitled to privacy but with the actions and decisions they have made in the media up until this point makes it a matter of public domain. Just my humble opine.
  • Sorry..... double post.
  • Bee BeeBee Bee Posts: 391
    Katherine said that MJ's face was messed up really bad, that's why they had a closed casket. Well, that's what I read somewhere.
    I thought Katherine didn't see his body <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    Actually no one viewed the "body" because there wasn't an open casket.....and you can figure out why. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    Here's how I found out that no one ans I mean "NO" one viewed his "body" there's this man I know who knew Mike since he was 9 years old and the family for over 40 years...me and my friend was visiting him after we got home from Joe Jackson's bday party in Chicago last year, well to make a long story short I asked him did he attend the family viewing he said no then I brought up what Toy said about Paris having to wrap a necklace around his (Mike) wrist and he told us that there wasn't a private viewing...now of course I'm like <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> because there were reports that little PP and B along with members of the fam had a private family hour at forest lawn before the memorial but he just kept shaking his head saying "nope" there wasn't any open casket...." AT ALL!" Me and my friend just set there like <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> because what he said was massive and totally blew out the water what Toy told Baba Wawa and what the media was reporting.

    Now on the subject of if there should have been a public viewing, well this is how I see it....every since his "death" they have been public as far as constantly going to the media every time you turn the channel, from Larry King to Baba Wawa and the list goes on every time you look up their talking to someone and they say that they wanted to make his funereal a very private affair with only a small gathering of close family and friends but tell me since when did Marsha A. Clark become a close friend and don't even get me started with the funereal that you can pull up on "YOUTUBE" Yea....that's real personal. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> I'm sorry but if they were truly trying to keep a low profile then they would not have made it out to be the media extravaganza that it has turned out to be. Yes he's a dominate world wide figure and they are a pretty famous family who like every one els is entitled to privacy but with the actions and decisions they have made in the media up until this point makes it a matter of public domain. Just my humble opine.

    The first part is really interesting, and I agree 100% with the second one. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • Usher should of opened it while he was performing at the "memorial"
  • Usher should of opened it while he was performing at the "memorial"

    LOL... for real! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • mopey3655mopey3655 Posts: 210
    Yeah it is interesting and I would like to know who Karen Faye and the other two that was interviewed dressed and put makeup on. According to them they dressed Michael and Karen put on his makeup at the mortuary and it took either 6 or 9 hours cant remember. I guess it was that old man that the medics said they picked up at the house on the day Michael "Died" or should I say went to the airport. Because didnt one of them say that they didnt even know it was Michael they were picking up because the person looked like an old frail man. Boy I must give all of them credit they are such "Good" actors.
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