October Trial Date?

mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Hi....sorry mods move this if need be. WHEN is the next trial date for Murray? What will this trial date consist of? If there is another trial date coming up for Dr. Murray (well I should take the title Dr. off of his name) Why are we not hearing anything regarding the trial. Maybe this is normal? For the past couple of trial dates for him it always goes unusually quiet leading up to the trial and then Whamo! None other than TMZ will give us live coverage and information. Any thoughts?


  • I thought I had read somewhere after the last hearing on Aug. 25th that the next court proceeding will take place in January 2011. Can anyone elaborate on this??? Thanks.

    Yep, I agree, for as "high profile" as this case is, it gets very little media attention.
  • Dang i know there was supposed to be another one this month i remember that clearly. CNN did report that after the Aug one. I know about the one in January but i had heard there would be one this month as well....
  • Next trial date is on 4th January 2011 <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

  • If my memory is not failing me:

    Dr. Conrad Murray's legal team was granted a request to draw fluids from the body of Michael Jackson as part of their defense in his involuntary manslaughter trial, and there's a hearing regarding this scheduled for October 26.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387

    If my memory is not failing me:

    Dr. Conrad Murray's legal team was granted a request to draw fluids from the body of Michael Jackson as part of their defense in his involuntary manslaughter trial, and there's a hearing regarding this scheduled for October 26.

    Yes this, except one correction.... no where did any source state that these fluids are from the body of Michael Jackson. This was only alluded to and we are supposed to jump to that conclusion.

  • If my memory is not failing me:

    Dr. Conrad Murray's legal team was granted a request to draw fluids from the body of Michael Jackson as part of their defense in his involuntary manslaughter trial, and there's a hearing regarding this scheduled for October 26.

    Yes this, except one correction.... no where did any source state that these fluids are from the body of Michael Jackson. This was only alluded to and we are supposed to jump to that conclusion.

    I am asking that everyone play along with me for one moment because I have a question for anyone who understands science, forensics etc.

    How can appropriate body fluids be extracted from a dead body if it is embalmed? Wouldn't they only be able to extract formaldehyde?????
    I understand the bit about obtaining tissue for DNA verification.......but fluids????? Really??????? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->

    So, I will liken this to the old adage: "You can't suck blood from a turnip." Well, "You can't suck blood from an embalmed body."
  • ijcslyijcsly Posts: 128
    as i understood it, it concerned re-testing fluid samples the coroner had preserved...
  • I think this trial will be going on and on and on , just like the pink rabbit(duracell batteries) <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Obviously it will go on, due to the fact that Michael has to make his appearance. I am sure they will not be able to test the fluids, because #1 there are not fluids from Michaels body, #2 there is no body, and #3 they probably cannot test due to some odd reasons. Something major will happen. So my friends just have faith in the good Lord, and positive and everything will come to a good ending .
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    So they gonna retest body fluids that were already preserved. Has anyone EVER in their life heard of this??? I mean I guess I could understand the coroner preserving the fluids until after the trial but ummmmmm.........IDK I think I have totally lost my mind. MJ if you are reading this thread PLEASE PLEASE come back. <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: -->

    So to sum all of this up. The body fluids that the coroner has had preserved since June 25th of 2009 are going to be retested AGAIN even though they have already been retested and even thought "supposedly" MJ is already in the ground right?

    Coroner" Let me stash MJ's body fluids just incase they come back and ask me to retest them months later" <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    GOD I will be soooooo glad when this is all over.
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