Glenda Tapes: Real or Fake?

PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I accidentally found this: [youtube:585o91q2]
and it really made me wonder about those Glenda tapes. I can't decide whether they're real or not, and then there's this. What do y'all think?


  • mopey3655mopey3655 Posts: 210
    So was Glenda this guy Damien's mom. Was it his mom that recorded those conversations of her and Michael ?
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    Apparently, yes.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I'm leaning towards real, but I think the added transcripts about this "S" are probably fake. I found this site: <!-- m --> ... d-story-1/<!-- m -->

    This son of Glenda's Damien Stein sounds a little as if MJ visiting them had become a bit of an imposition, that everything became a production around what MJ wanted, and MJ was phoning his mom all the time and making his Dad jealous. Well I can you that if MJ had befriended one of my sons, and started phoning me often, sometimes several times a day, and into the night, my husband would be extremely upset and tell him to get lost (famous or not). He wouldn't settle for just taping the calls. Something sounds very fishy. Is it positive that it wasn't Glenda phoning Michael? From this page of posts it sounds like June Chandler was pursuing MJ and he was sort of trying out a relationship with her but then something turned him off. Anyway there was on this same page an interesting MJ comment from the Schmuley tape:
    Have you ever asked yourself a question WHY Michael would be spending his time in the home of ordinary folks at all if he could have invited them to Neverland if he wanted to?

    After all he had a spacious ranch where it would have been much more convenient to spend time together with anyone he was interested in? Isn’t it strange that he would try to adapt his lifestyle to the lifestyle of ordinary people living in a relatively small house – while he could convert them into his lifestyle instead and dazzle them with the luxury of it?

    Even if you don’t like my version of a possible love affair between June Chandler and Michael Jackson isn’t it a question which still remains to be answered?

    However Michael Jackson answered this question himself – in his completely private conversation with Rabbi Shmuley which was never meant for anyone else’s ears but Shmuley’s and where Michael was surely as genuine and sincere as it is only humanly possible for anyone at all:

    “ . . . I never did birthdays or Christmases – or sleepovers or none of that simple, fun stuff [in my childhood]. Or going into a shopping market and just grabbing something off the counter, you know all those simple things like going out in society and being normal. That’s why when I befriend people it’s usually not the celebrities, it’s usually the simple normal family somewhere. I want to know what their life is like. That’s why I went to that hut in China or going to some of the mud houses in South America. I want to know what it is like. I have slept in crazy places where people say. “Are you nuts?” And I say, “No. I want to know what it’s like.”
    I WANT TO KNOW WHAT IT’S LIKE! Yeeesss, guys. He wanted to know what it’s like to come home every night after a hard working day, to see what it’s like to have a family dinner with a woman he is attracted to and the children, what it’s like to do homework with a son and play games with children in the evening, and what it’s like for the ordinary folk to have a normal and quiet life of their own…

    You think this to be too far-fetched? Then see for yourselves – this is how June Chandler describes their spending time together in her home...(it continues)
    Bo Green permalink
    September 23, 2010 5:43 pm
    …You have certainly heard of the Glenda tapes. I personally believe them to be real and – I just recently realized it – the son of Glenda was in a British documentary in 2005, talking about it. The documentary was called “Michael Jackson’s boys” and as you can imagine by that title, it was a trashy documentary suggesting there was something sinister in his relationship with boys. Here is the part with Damion:

    Notice, how Damion doesn’t say anything suggesting Michael did anything wrong with him, it’s just the narration that makes their relationship look bad (much like what Bashir did). In fact, what Damion is talking about more is the relationship between Michael and his mother (and it seems like the makers of this documentary don’t even want to acknowledge that, they go on making their suggestive, trashy comments).

    Damion is talking about how Michael was on the phone with his mother for long hours, calling her 3-4 times a day, to the extent that it made Damion’s father jealous. And that’s why he decided to tape the calls.….

    It was such a shocker when we learned about this earlier this week, Suzy, that Glenda’s son was in this documentary. Because of the Glenda tapes, we have an extraordinary picture of what Michael’s relationship with this family truly was. So it’s strikingly blatant to hear the narrator lay down this fake sinister tone over Damion’s perfectly innocent story. What I’m curious about now is whether Damion Stein knew he was participating in a smear project or not.

    If he didn’t know, and his words were distorted, he should speak out. Same as the others in the documentary. They haven’t had a good venue or opportunity to do that, and maybe we can help. Damion is publisher of an entertainment mag, and has his own YouTube channel, where he’s posted his interview of Orianthi — they talk about MJ. Damion obviously has no problem with MJ. I’ve asked him to speak up about this on his comment page. People can also message him directly from there. Perhaps we could even invite him to post here.

    If he did it for money, perhaps he regrets it now and would like to say so. I’m more interested in giving him an opportunity to set the record straight than in blaming him for possible betrayal, so ideally I’d see that issue sidelined. This could add to undermining the entire documentary.

    Something is making me sad. I know when MJ did his JW missionary work he, for years, still went to people's houses, was invited in, and he says he loved seeing how ordinary people lived and acted in their homes. And the thing he apparently liked to do was befriend a younger teen boy, spend time at their house, doing fun things. I think he hoped that they would not betray him and reveal things about him. I'm sure they didn't sign a confidentiality document before he spent time with them. It seems from my reading that he pursued many friendships with many people over the years, always hoping for something to take away his loneliness, and craving for love and belonging. He has said he never resented his fame and popularity, but only that he couldn't be ordinary when going to a store or a friend's house. He also wanted a true love relationship with a woman but just couldn't seem to ever be successful. Some of these contacts have kept everything said in their friendship confidential, but others have revealed things like this Stein family, and Chandlers in this article. This must have caused MJ much grief to be exposed like this. I can't imagine how he must have felt-- violated. But I wonder how he didn't even think when he was talking to Glenda, that there wasn't a chance he was being taped. Was that the first time someone recorded his phone calls, or was he so desperate to talk that he didn't think of it? And to think he had his siblings, mother at Encino to talk to if he wanted to, or any of his travelling team people, producers or lawyers, etc. And why would he phone a married woman, wouldn't he realize the husband would be angry? Some things hard to understand... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • PinkTopazPinkTopaz Posts: 1,013
    Oh, MOM, now you've gone and made me all depressed.. I was reluctant to make this thread because I hate thinking of the situation exactly as you described. I don't know. We can only hope it didn't faze him too much seeing as the tapes (if they're genuine) never really got much attention at all outside of the Web..
  • Bee BeeBee Bee Posts: 391
    Now, I don't know much about this Damien guy, but how many children is Glenda supposed to have? Because on the tapes, Michael is talking to a son of hers named Justin and a daughter named Megan, but no Damien. So, I'm confused.
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    About the video when the narrator says "Soon Damien had been replaced by another little boy"..

    Maybe Michael had found out that they were recording his tapes?

    I would be pretty p'd off if I thought someone I could trust was recording my conversations!

    Also, notice how they make it sound like something dodgy was going on even though Damien did not report any abuse.

    Man the media really hate Michael.
  • Bee BeeBee Bee Posts: 391
    It also says he was Michael's boy from 1985 to 1990, but Michael was talking to Glenda longer than that. Has anyone ever heard more about this guy, because it's my first time ever hearing anything about him, and it's kinda weird. And as I said, there's no boy called Damion or Damien or however on those tapes, as far as I know, Glenda's son's name is Justin. But maybe she has several sons ... I have no idea. But I'd like to know.
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    MJ never wanted to BE average, or live average, or he would have gotten rid of all his money long ago, and joined the club of the common man. He was interested in commonplace life and even life in absolute poverty, from a sociological curiosity. Hands on --things one can't learn and FEEL in school. When he was way younger, the actual hanging out with families, was because SOME one there, made him feel, for a second there, at home, in his own skin, as himself, even though WITH other people---not as if he were still on the clock, supposedly "in character" as

    <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> MichaelJackson
    <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

    and it exhilarated him, that it was even possible any more <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->

    I think sometimes, he wanted the girl <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> , and felt safe with her family around, and sometimes he went for a pile of uninhibited kids in the home----but MOSTLY it was for being able to feel like "Mike" inside, without being "the Boss" with the others at his home, or ALL alone in his rooms.

    But for years after MJ grew up, he hung around mostly with very ambitious, creative people like himself. Actual Masters at trade and craft and business. It seemed more important to him than playing games with some manipulative dangerous femme fatales. Some men just simply ARE not interested. Once they distrust, it ruins the magic of ANYthing any woman can be to them. And, unless it is more lies <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> for his "Hoax-Story, we ALL have perceived his heartfelt mistrust...

    There couldn't have been anything adult between June Chandler and MJ. She demonstrated the intellect and persona of an eight year old. "...When she was good, she was very very good, (giggles, batting eyelashes, hugs and kisses <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: --> yuk <!-- s:x -->:x<!-- s:x --> ), but when she was bad...she WAS HORRID..." <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: --> <!-- s:!: -->:!:<!-- s:!: -->

    Bodygards "testimony" not withstanding, I think she cured him for good <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> , if he ever was looking for "True Love". There have been several wannabees around him, sidling up to his kids, before he "died" ( <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P --> ), but it is NOT happening. It is never going to be. Not by fleeting beauty; nor by wiles. HE's the illusionist. He sees through feminine treachery. Is anyone BETTER at SUBTERFUGE <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> than Michael Jackson??
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952
    I've often wondered if there had been something romantic between June Chandler and Michael (even if it was very, very brief). The "Glenda Tapes" have been perplexing to me and why they were played at the 2005 trial (in terms of relevance). Personally, I don't think the written transcripts are real at all and the tapes are questionable. I also wonder if the "Glenda Tapes" were used to illustrate the types of relationships Michael had with "ordinary familys". I think Michael wanted to know what it would have been like to be a "family man" a regular sense. It would explain why he often "stepped in" when the children were in a "broken home" type situation---either the mother was a single mom or the family was on the verge of breaking up (divorce) and also in situations where the husband was still in the picture, Michael merely assumed the father's role ANYWAY (what michael wanted, Michael got--no one told him no). If you look at Michael's track record for dating "ordinary women" he was attracted to; Tatiana, Shana, etc...June would slide right into that profile of that certain type of physical "look". I think initially he may have been attracted to June Chandler, but found out what her personality was like and was turned off by it---but by then he had formed a bond with Jordan and kept befriending him. I think Michael did this situation OFTEN. He liked the idea of a "ready made" ordinary family life. It was a total departure from what his normal life was like. Unfortunately, he ran into opportunist along the way and ultimately got burned.

    What makes me question the authenticity of the tapes is that he never calls this woman by name. He always calls her "girl" which seems sort of generic. I do think the content is authentic (as in things Michael would have said), but the rest of it seems "scripted" and planned.
  • Its herIts her Posts: 1,137
    I've often wondered if there had been something romantic between June Chandler and Michael (even if it was very, very brief). The "Glenda Tapes" have been perplexing to me and why they were played at the 2005 trial (in terms of relevance). Personally, I don't think the written transcripts are real at all and the tapes are questionable. I also wonder if the "Glenda Tapes" were used to illustrate the types of relationships Michael had with "ordinary familys". I think Michael wanted to know what it would have been like to be a "family man" a regular sense. It would explain why he often "stepped in" when the children were in a "broken home" type situation---either the mother was a single mom or the family was on the verge of breaking up (divorce) and also in situations where the husband was still in the picture, Michael merely assumed the father's role ANYWAY (what michael wanted, Michael got--no one told him no). If you look at Michael's track record for dating "ordinary women" he was attracted to; Tatiana, Shana, etc...June would slide right into that profile of that certain type of physical "look". I think initially he may have been attracted to June Chandler, but found out what her personality was like and was turned off by it---but by then he had formed a bond with Jordan and kept befriending him. I think Michael did this situation OFTEN. He liked the idea of a "ready made" ordinary family life. It was a total departure from what his normal life was like. Unfortunately, he ran into opportunist along the way and ultimately got burned.

    What makes me question the authenticity of the tapes is that he never calls this woman by name. He always calls her "girl" which seems sort of generic. I do think the content is authentic (as in things Michael would have said), but the rest of it seems "scripted" and planned.

    Not saying whether the tapes are really MJ or not, but the reason he never uses her name in conversation is because he is not, 1) in love with her, 2) fighting with her.

    It is a male thing. Men never use a woman's name unless they WANT to (i.e., they like the sound of it on their lips, because they really like her), or, they HAVE to (to get a word in edgeways, in a high-volume discussion)! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> It appears that most of them avoid using names at all, to keep a few women on a string, and avoid calling one by the other's name <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> . Hence, a whole slew of generic names (baby, honey, sweetie). But, maybe, that's just the way they do things here. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • Snoopy71Snoopy71 Posts: 952

    Not saying whether the tapes are really MJ or not, but the reason he never uses her name in conversation is because he is not, 1) in love with her, 2) fighting with her.

    It is a male thing. Men never use a woman's name unless they WANT to (i.e., they like the sound of it on their lips, because they really like her), or, they HAVE to (to get a word in edgeways, in a high-volume discussion)! <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> It appears that most of them avoid using names at all, to keep a few women on a string, and avoid calling one by the other's name <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o --> . Hence, a whole slew of generic names (baby, honey, sweetie). But, maybe, that's just the way they do things here. <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->

    I think it depends on the man...I know many men who call women by name that they aren't in love with or have a romantic attachment to. And then true, there are those who play it safe if they are stringing several women along and use "baby", "honey", as not to trip up. The "girl" reference could just be a "Michael" thing...he used to refer to LMP as "girl" too. (and he was supposedly in love with her, so go figure). I do think it is intentionally "generic" though.

    These Glenda tapes are a mystery to me....I just don't get it. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • MJFAN7MJFAN7 Posts: 3,063
    i think they're real, "it doesn't seem like the things michael would say" is what a lot of people say, but we don't know michael behind the camera, anything is possible... even "a spotted d---" <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
    So was Glenda this guy Damien's mom. Was it his mom that recorded those conversations of her and Michael ?

    I heard Glenda's husband recorded them because he though Glenda was cheating on him with Michael.
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