Unseen Smooth Criminal footage.

hachimanhachiman Posts: 188
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Here's some SM footage that was not on the TTS film. There are 2 vids playing at the same time and one of them is mirrored so it might get a little confusing. ;p Enjoy.



  • ForstAMoonForstAMoon Posts: 1,126
    this will work:

  • Here is a better copy without the split screen. It is from the 5 Brothers Enterprises facebook page before it was deleted.

  • Love this version...
  • xxmjxxxxmjxx Posts: 304
    Me to,i just feel so sad watching this, <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • Missyb007Missyb007 Posts: 727
    Oh I loved it thank you for posting this!

    Now I HAVE to say something to all the haters who said MJ can't do the moonwalk anymore:

    HA! a big fat HA! for you! cause I spotted a moonwalk by MJ <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    And .. also, there's a big chance there ARE doubles used in This is it pause the video at around 3:39.
    The only real Michael to me seems to be the one without the sunglasses, the ONLY one who's wearing THE smooth criminal jacket ( the white one with stripes)
  • HopelessHopeless Posts: 278
    Thanks for the link !

    @ Missyb007
    I think too that the only real Michael is the one without sunglasses. At 5:30 you could see him and much more, but here you see that typical drive from him when he walks....and he was so comfort with every step and move he did...like his body remembered every performence.

    The one in orange pants wears the jacket too, but he has a different body language....can't explain it better...i must say i am not a fan from Michael untill last year. <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: --> , but i had watch so much video's from him and when i saw TII i wonder why the fans from so many years don't saw it !
    The one who performed the Jackson5 medley....yes he was the one we know .

    He is wonderfull <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With Love !
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Here is a better copy without the split screen. It is from the 5 Brothers Enterprises facebook page before it was deleted.

    I made the split screen to point out the differences between the original TII version and the edit of the facebook page.

    The footage is from the BluRay bonus material though, so not really unseen footage.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • willddoMJwillddoMJ Posts: 699
    i'm sure this has been posted before on forums somewhere
  • i'm sure this has been posted before on forums somewhere

    Yes it was, right here on MJDHI, on August 30:

    In the first part I had the original SC vignette on top, Facebook vid on the bottom. In the second part the TII footage is on top, and again the facebook vid on the bottom. The snippets at the end is all in the facebook vid and I have never seen it before...

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rID-U6VAJA<!-- m -->


    Now where did they get that footag? Hmmmmm.

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=17&t=13799&p=229680&hilit=smooth+criminal#p229680<!-- l -->
  • willddoMJwillddoMJ Posts: 699
    i'm sure this has been posted before on forums somewhere

    Yes it was, right here on MJDHI, on August 30:

    In the first part I had the original SC vignette on top, Facebook vid on the bottom. In the second part the TII footage is on top, and again the facebook vid on the bottom. The snippets at the end is all in the facebook vid and I have never seen it before...

    <!-- m -->http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0rID-U6VAJA<!-- m -->


    Now where did they get that footag? Hmmmmm.

    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=17&t=13799&p=229680&hilit=smooth+criminal#p229680<!-- l -->

    ty mo, i new it was posted b4, i know these forums, and what been posted before... most of the time
  • Here is a better copy without the split screen. It is from the 5 Brothers Enterprises facebook page before it was deleted.

    I made the split screen to point out the differences between the original TII version and the edit of the facebook page.

    The footage is from the BluRay bonus material though, so not really unseen footage.

    I apologize, I did not realize that the original video was yours nor what the intention was. I should have clicked it watched it on youtube as well as read the title, description etc. I did not mean any disrespect or anything, I just thought the original 5 Brothers Enterprises video was clearer without the split screen. I do understand what your video was trying to show now.
  • robdrobd Posts: 106
    And .. also, there's a big chance there ARE doubles used in This is it pause the video at around 3:39.
    The only real Michael to me seems to be the one without the sunglasses, the ONLY one who's wearing THE smooth criminal jacket ( the white one with stripes)

    That's what I've been thinking for a while too, MJ doesn't wear sunglasses when performing on stage normally does he? Without sunglasses = real MJ, sunglasses = double. Perhaps it's too obvious that the double's eyes are different to MJ's.
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