just check it out! and please no rude comments.

iSupportMichaeliSupportMichael Posts: 3
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
i've been Michael fan since his death, its pretty short though.. hahhaha. so, when i did a search on youtube about Paris Jackson's facebook, its about a year ago, i found someone posted a video that says 'Passiey Heavencanwat Jay' is Paris Jackson's real account on facebook. so, i immidiately added her on facebook. and some posers were posting like 'youre a poser' on her wall. and she had decided to delete her account and make a new one but only for someone that has been her bestfriend on the old facebook. and i was one of them. she posted alot of pictures that never been seen before, and im 100 percent SURE that she's the real Paris. Prince had an account too, but he deleted it. and then, after Michael's 1st anniversary of death, she deleted me. but i still remember her formspring.me and just check it out! its not working anymore but you can see the old questions about Michael that she had answered. here's the link:

<!-- m -->http://www.formspring.me/all4lovepj<!-- m -->

but please dont hack her formspring or somethin like that, cos thats the only way we could found out about Michael's 'death'.

and sorry if my english wasnt clear. cos i'm just 12 years old and not american.. hahhaha <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
and one more thing, she said to me about 6 months ago that only HER and PRINCE that knows about the internet accounts. so, dont ask me about Genevieve's uStream when she said that PPB dont have any accounts on the internet


  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Please, don't be so gullible... I am not being rude, I am being realistic.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Souza, I'm just as much of a skeptic when it comes to "informers" and "insiders", but I looked at that stuff (Paris' answers, possibly) and it's worth reading... Some things are quite precise, such as the names of Paris' close friends, the most humorous person in the family (this person said O Beeee, whom I take to mean Omer Bhatti, and added that he was like family), she related a sort-of-joke involving MJ, insisted that his favorite color was red and the next two favorites (ranking #2, both of them) were black and gold... Other things this person said:

    MJ doesn't know about her answering these questions on the net, and would "kill her (figure of speech)" if he found out.
    MJ is alive, and had to do the hoax for a serious reason. She "cannot say" when he will come back.
    Jermaine messed up the lyrics of "Smile" on purpose.
    Family members at the memorial wore sunglasses so that people wouldn't see their expressions.
    Paris wore an earpiece before the speech, but not during, to "plan" the memorial.
    Paris' reaction when MJ told her about the hoax: "shocked, something new".
    MJ was under the impression that he'd lost many of his fans, and Paris didn't know until the hoax how loved he was.
    This person feels sorry for Murray.
    Kenny Ortega is in on the hoax, and so are the Malniks and others (a few other names/people were mentioned).
    This person said there will certainly be a comeback, hinting that it will probably involve a concert which is already prepared - TII!
    This person says she sees her dad once a month, sometimes "two months", and that he was in Africa at one point and then in the United States.

    Something I found odd:
    When asked when she last saw her dad, she responded "Africa". Have MJ's kids been in Africa at any point since June 25th?

    Anyhow, this person responded very nicely and the info in red above was pretty much consistent with that contained in the recent YouTube video about the "insider"... though there was a slight discrepancy: "Paris" said the concert has already been prepared, while the "insider" said MJ is preparing it now. The "insider" also claimed that the Arno Bani photos were "fresh".

    OK, I don't know what to think. <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> Skepticism is good, but at the same time there could be bona fide insiders who leak info...
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Souza, I'm just as much of a skeptic when it comes to "informers" and "insiders", but I looked at that stuff (Paris' answers, possibly) and it's worth reading... Some things are quite precise, such as the names of Paris' close friends, the most humorous person in the family (this person said O Beeee, whom I take to mean Omer Bhatti, and added that he was like family), she related a sort-of-joke involving MJ, insisted that his favorite color was red and the next two favorites (ranking #2, both of them) were black and gold... Other things this person said:

    MJ doesn't know about her answering these questions on the net, and would "kill her (figure of speech)" if he found out.
    MJ is alive, and had to do the hoax for a serious reason. She "cannot say" when he will come back.
    Jermaine messed up the lyrics of "Smile" on purpose.
    Family members at the memorial wore sunglasses so that people wouldn't see their expressions.
    Paris wore an earpiece before the speech, but not during, to "plan" the memorial.
    Paris' reaction when MJ told her about the hoax: "shocked, something new".
    MJ was under the impression that he'd lost many of his fans, and Paris didn't know until the hoax how loved he was.
    This person feels sorry for Murray.
    Kenny Ortega is in on the hoax, and so are the Malniks and others (a few other names/people were mentioned).
    This person said there will certainly be a comeback, hinting that it will probably involve a concert which is already prepared - TII!
    This person says she sees her dad once a month, sometimes "two months", and that he was in Africa at one point and then in the United States.

    Something I found odd:
    When asked when she last saw her dad, she responded "Africa". Have MJ's kids been in Africa at any point since June 25th?

    Anyhow, this person responded very nicely and the info in red above was pretty much consistent with that contained in the recent YouTube video about the "insider"... though there was a slight discrepancy: "Paris" said the concert has already been prepared, while the "insider" said MJ is preparing it now. The "insider" also claimed that the Arno Bani photos were "fresh".

    OK, I don't know what to think. <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: --> Skepticism is good, but at the same time there could be bona fide insiders who leak info...

    Sorry, but this is info we already knew or stuff that is utter BS. I am not skeptical, I am sure this is another attention seeking a'hole trying to dupe fans.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • Kenny Ortega is in on the hoax, and so are the Malniks and others (a few other names/people were mentioned).

    The Malniks are in on the hoax...??? Al Malnik, was trying to wrangle Mike’s rights to half the Beatles catalog of songs from him? Al Malnik, who has known Mafia ties and was once a close associate of Meyer Lansky? Al Malnik, who was cooperating with Mottola to put his fingers in Mike's business? Al Malnik, who said that he’s godfather to Blanket, and that, last Malnik knew, he was executor of Mike’s estate??

  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    Kenny Ortega is in on the hoax, and so are the Malniks and others (a few other names/people were mentioned).

    The Malniks are in on the hoax...??? Al Malnik, was trying to wrangle Mike’s rights to half the Beatles catalog of songs from him? Al Malnik, who has known Mafia ties and was once a close associate of Meyer Lansky? Al Malnik, who was cooperating with Mottola to put his fingers in Mike's business? Al Malnik, who said that he’s godfather to Blanket, and that, last Malnik knew, he was executor of Mike’s estate??


    Exactly, utter BS in short... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

  • I totally agree with Mo and Souza. And that "Paris" person hasn't said anything that they couldn't have read or seen online.
  • ok then. but how can the 'Paris' has these fresh pictures? i mean the 'never seen before' pictures? i'm new here. but i just wanna ask you all, youre all believers arent you?

  • How come that the majority of people who say that they are new here, but have something we for sure should look at, post through proxy servers.....?
  • Is there any way you can post any of these 'never before seen 'photos of Paris to we can see them for ourselves?
  • too late :'( she already deleted me few months ago
  • Down a ways on there I found this question and answer (I copied and pasted it).......

    isit true ur dad was in terible health? lyk uum, did he have anemia? lukimia? etc etc.. and was he bold? or was he juss a normal healthy person ho has nothin rong wid him?

    He's fine. He's been fine =] tabloids lie. And that tabloid that posted 'crime scene photos' took their own FAKE photos. Why would we let tabloids in neverland to take pics again?

    Could she be talking about a different crime scene photo, other than the death bed photo? The death bed one is the only one that comes to mind and I would think Paris would know that her daddy died at Carolwood and not Neverland. This is why I tend to disbelieve this person. At first, she seemed believable but not after I read this. I'm sorry, please don't think that I'm trying to be rude. I just wanted others to read this so they could come to there own conclusions whether this is the 'real' Paris or a fake.
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    Down a ways on there I found this question and answer (I copied and pasted it).......

    isit true ur dad was in terible health? lyk uum, did he have anemia? lukimia? etc etc.. and was he bold? or was he juss a normal healthy person ho has nothin rong wid him?

    He's fine. He's been fine =] tabloids lie. And that tabloid that posted 'crime scene photos' took their own FAKE photos. Why would we let tabloids in neverland to take pics again?

    Could she be talking about a different crime scene photo, other than the death bed photo? The death bed one is the only one that comes to mind and I would think Paris would know that her daddy died at Carolwood and not Neverland. This is why I tend to disbelieve this person. At first, she seemed believable but not after I read this. I'm sorry, please don't think that I'm trying to be rude. I just wanted others to read this so they could come to there own conclusions whether this is the 'real' Paris or a fake.

    Good observation! I smell a rat...... <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
  • I noticed that comment about Neverland... Sorry if I sounded like a big supporter of "Paris"... I wasn't. I just personally enjoyed reading that stuff on that website, and found myself thinking "hmmm" here and there. Maybe I wanted to believe a little too much. <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
  • This "Paris" is followed by "Hoshen" who is supposedly Prince's online girlfriend.

    You r sooo lucky to have prince as a boyfriend !! I think u r so pretty and i'm jealous <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

    4be6fb7fa1248_thumb.jpg Aww thank you ^^
    Hoshen answered 5 months ago

    And "Hoshen" is followed by "Paris 'GaGasdaughter' Hudson"

    4c13bcce04d4a_thumb.png is ur dad alive?

    ParisKatyJaxn answered 5 months ago

    And none of the facebook accounts exist anymore...
    So how many Paris' are there and they really need to get that story straight. <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
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