jacilovesmichaeljacilovesmichael Posts: 2,474
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Ok I just went to to check and see if there was anything new. No new articles but a new background. It says SCREAM 2010. I looked at it for a few moments, puzzled. I felt I had seen that before. Then I remembered...

Here's one from TMZ...


And here's from Michael's video...


The SCREAM 2010 thing is/was on tonight...just curious if there was anything significant on it. Anyone watch it? I just found it interesting because it appears to be the same text as MJ's SCREAM video...with the A kind of sideways, and the M leaning in towards the A. And the fact that it's on TMZ makes me think there's a connection. Or perhaps TMZ simply NOTICED the title of this show was copied from MJ and so they thought they'd put it on their site just to confirm they are on Mike's side...


  • Intresting... <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • This may not be important, but in the bold "SCREAM", on the "S", "C", "M", and "0", it looks like part of the Sony commercial (the colorful lights) is on it, doesn't it???? Please say so; I may just be really colorblind!!!!!
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    They probably just posted that background because Halloween is coming up. If they can connect something to MJ image I believe they will do it. Someone at TMZ porbably like oh lets put a scream background but make it better and attach an image of MJ to it. They know MJ is always a hot topic. TMZ show is a trip. Has anyone notice how they always have that dude singing in the funny high pitch voice making up songs about celebrities? The songs are actually funny because the guys voice makes them funny. He was singing a funny song about Lindsay Lohan dad being the world's worst dad and then he said he make Joe Jackson look like a nice guy. Anyway I was laughing too at the blonde surfer dude last night. His eye was all jacked up like he got punched in the face. I was like dang why didn't they cover his eye with some make up? TMZ staff are just so <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> It's like they don't care and they do it on However, they do always seem to get the stories that other sources can't get for some reason.
  • elocin_mjelocin_mj Posts: 147
    very interesting....
  • Scream is an awards show that they have every year. They give awards for horror, sci-fi, and fantasy films.
  • Scream is an awards show that they have every year. They give awards for horror, sci-fi, and fantasy films.

    I like your user name, it made me laugh.... lol. What is the story behind your name?
  • Scream is an awards show that they have every year. They give awards for horror, sci-fi, and fantasy films.

    I like your user name, it made me laugh.... lol. What is the story behind your name?

    One day, I ate a radioactive cheeto and I suddenly gained the power to be...really...cheesy.

    Nah, I just randomly made this my username for AOL back in 2004 and it stuck. I use it as my username for almost everything. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> Sorry for the boring story <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • LUNALUNA Posts: 361
    Ok I just went to to check and see if there was anything new. No new articles but a new background. It says SCREAM 2010. I looked at it for a few moments, puzzled. I felt I had seen that before. Then I remembered...

    Here's one from TMZ...


    And here's from Michael's video...


    The SCREAM 2010 thing is/was on tonight...just curious if there was anything significant on it. Anyone watch it? I just found it interesting because it appears to be the same text as MJ's SCREAM video...with the A kind of sideways, and the M leaning in towards the A. And the fact that it's on TMZ makes me think there's a connection. Or perhaps TMZ simply NOTICED the title of this show was copied from MJ and so they thought they'd put it on their site just to confirm they are on Mike's side...

    where can i find this news?? link,please??

  • Hum, that´s interesting! <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • TMZ is full of shi_ , they do not care about nothing or nobody but their ratings and lies.
  • TMZ is full of shi_ , they do not care about nothing or nobody but their ratings and lies.

    Oh really? Evidence?
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