TII Blu Ray HQ Audio

simalvessimalves Posts: 730
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
While we have all been scrutinizing Michael and his different looks, the doubles and the filming of the rehearsals with a HQ camera, we missed pondering about the audio track.

Here is a review from a non-fan about the TII Blu Ray

He does acknowledge that the video is grainy at times, because all is not filmed in HD. But this part is interesting
The Audio: Rating the Sound

Another thing that lets the occasionally below-average video slide is that, as intriguing as the visuals are, the music is what really carries this movie, and the lossless DTS-HD Master Audio 5.1 track is profoundly stunning.

Quite obviously, when the classic jams kick in for the big musical numbers, it is beyond reproach. Everything just sounds amazing – from the backing band to Michael's on-point vocals. The music will fill any room, no matter what your surround sound set-up looks like. Just hearing those opening notes to "The Way You Make Me Feel" will send shivers up your spine. It's very hard to not listen to this movie and want to dance, dance, dance.

But the other parts of the movie – hearing Michael talk to his backing band about something he wants tweaked, or the clapping that erupts after the backup dancers stop what they're doing just to listen to him rehearse, are equally crisp and clear. Overall, it makes for an absolutely stunning sonic experience.

Even though the DTS-HD audio track is the only audio option, well, it's the only one you'll need. There are also subtitles in English, English SDH and French.

So if it was just rehearsal footage taken for Michael to see the final outcome, why was it in such High Quality audio. Were there tracks recorded for lip syncing purposes and if so why were they incomplete? Remember the missing line 'lie becomes the truth' for example.

<!-- m -->http://bluray.highdefdigest.com/2800/mi ... sisit.html<!-- m -->
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