Castle Episode - Anatomy of a Murder

simalvessimalves Posts: 730
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Has anybody seen the past week's episode on Castle?? It is about a mystery that involves firstly death by syringe, then a faked death with a body switch in the morgue. They explain how the person could have pretended to get a stroke and then how they faked that they were dead. And also how they switched bodies with a Jane Doe (cos it was a woman).

Familiar anyone????

<!-- m --> ... f-a-murder<!-- m -->


  • new tiuxnew tiux Posts: 104
    haven't seen it but sounds familiar <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • lots of shows wit people faking there death hmm <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • liegiliegi Posts: 640
    It does give you an idea on how it was done--a switch! I've never heard of that one before.
  • I did see that episode. I absolutely love that show. I agree that there are similarities and it is a possible way this could have been pulled off.
  • liegiliegi Posts: 640
    Murray could have given Michael a non-fatal dose of propofol. Then he called Alvarez and performed CPR. I believe Murray never left Michael's side. Then once inside, with Michael unconscious, they switched bodies. This would account for all the indiscrepancies and the fact that the body was covered with towels during the autopsy. Michael was wisked off to the airport (Jermaine).
  • Murray could have given Michael a non-fatal dose of propofol. Then he called Alvarez and performed CPR. I believe Murray never left Michael's side. Then once inside, with Michael unconscious, they switched bodies. This would account for all the indiscrepancies and the fact that the body was covered with towels during the autopsy. Michael was wisked off to the airport (Jermaine).
    Sorry, this isn't plausible. The effects of propofol wear off very quickly, it must be given continuously or the patient will wake up. The body was not covered by towels during the autopsy. The body was covered with "sheets and/or towels" while inside the casket. The coroner's employee who went to Forest Lawn to collect hair samples from the body, weeks after the autopsy was conducted, wrote about the "sheets/towels" in their report which was included in the autopsy report.

    It could have been another drug though, something that causes temporary paralysis and mimics death (think of voodoo zombies). The body could then have been switched at the morgue, as in the show the OP mentions, leaving an actual dead body to preform an autopsy on.

    Another possibility is that it wasn't Michael's body at the Carolwood home to begin with but someone who had already died. This would explain why the heat was cranked up so much in the room, the paramedics physical description of the deceased which doesn't match Michael, the paramedics saying that the deceased had been dead for sometime before they arrived, and why there would be a need for a photoshopped ambulance picture.
  • liegiliegi Posts: 640
    Thank you SerenityDream. I think either of those scenarios is plausible. Thanks to Jermaine's "slip-up" we know that Michael was "out" when he was taken to the airport. So this would seem to support the theory that bodies were switched at Carolwood?
  • simalvessimalves Posts: 730
    <!-- m --> ... 10-19-2010<!-- m -->
    In ode to Grey’s Anatomy, Castle playfully poked fun at it’s sister show this week with sexy doctors, scandal, and a wink to Ms. Shonda Rhimes.

    We start our story at a Jewish funeral where the pallbearers drop the casket and surprise! Two bodies fall out instead of one. You can’t really blame them for the fumble - two corpses are much heavier than one.

    Flash to Castle’s life, Richard’s ex-wife/new girlfriend, Gina, is bonding with Alexis and Martha. Alexis mentions that she and her new boyfriend, Ash, wanted to go to a Taylor Swift concert, but couldn’t afford the tickets when Beckett calls, saving us from more talk of Taylor Swift.

    Back to reality. The deceased is Dr. Valerie Monroe, an attending intern at County Hospital, but the cause of death is unknown for now.

    The funeral home director tells Esposito that someone broke into the funeral home, but since nothing was taken the police didn’t investigate.

    Back at the precinct, Castle and Beckett (Team Castkett) start their handy-dandy murder board. Castle finds out that the victim was searching for hotels in Katonah, New York before she died, but reliable Castle is also goofing off with the victim’s cell phone as usual.

    Castle postulates a jealous lover story as an explanation for Dr. Valerie’s murder, but the lack of any marks on the body - save a small bruise - rules out green-eyed rage. Castle receives a package at the Precinct; it’s the Taylor Swift tickets Alexis wanted. Beckett and Castle banter about music; it’s cute.

    Ryan returns confirming that the funeral home was broken into, but he didn’t find anything else. Esposito has information that Dr. Valerie went to have coffee everyday before she went to work at a café that was twenty blocks from her apartment and in the opposite direction of her work, which is mildly suspicious.

    M.E. Lanie finds gray nylon fibers on the victim's body from a carpet. She also found the cause of death. The bruise is from being knocked out, but while unconscious, someone injected air into her carotid artery, causing her to have an air embolism, suggesting someone she worked with at the hospital murdered her.

    Team Castkett visit the hospital where Castle expounds his medical drama wisdom that doctors like to hook up in hospitals. We discover that Beckett’s new motorcycle riding boy toy is a cardiac surgeon.

    Dr. Valerie was very popular at the hospital, but apparently before she left work the night she died, she had a meeting with one of the nurses. The nurse came out of the meeting looking shaken.

    Beckett and Castle go find nurse McClintock, who turns out to be a pretty boy nurse, Greg, who has the female population of the hospital wrapped around his finger. McClintock says that his meeting with Dr. Valerie was about him being too flirtatious with the residents at the hospital. He says after the meeting he walked her to the ambulance dock, where he saw her leave with a mystery man. When Beckett asks for his alibi, a round of “Seriously’s” ensue. He says he was with a Dr. Rhonda Shimes (teehee, get it?). Said Dr. Shimes confirms his alibi.

    Ryan and Castle postulate on whether Greg is McDreamy or McSteamy; he is special friends with all the women in the hospital but isn’t sleeping with any of them

    Beckett finds out that the good doctor had been making minimum payments on her medical school loans until recently, when she started paying $10,000 at week.

    Captain Montgomery hands Beckett a photo of Dr. Valerie with the mystery man from the ambulance dock.

    Cut back to Castle’s life; Castle returns home to give Alexis her surprise tickets only to find out that Gina has given Alexis tickets and backstage passes. Castle gets upset because Gina didn’t ask him first, but Gina suggests he’s really upset because she stole his thunder.

    Back at the precinct, Esposito shows up with the information that Dr. Valerie was spending nights at a swanky hotel near the suspicious coffee shop with former drug lord Cesar Calderon. The crew suspects something unsavory when they link that with the money being used to pay off her student loans.

    Team Castkett goes to the hotel to question Calderon. He lets them into the room because he is a fan of Castle’s. Calderon seems shocked that the good doctor is dead. Calderon tells Beckett that Dr. Valerie was his personal doctor for his heart problems, she took care him five nights a week, and his brother took care of him the other two nights. Calderon has an alibi for the time of her murder.

    Beckett shows Calderon and his brother a picture of the mystery man from the hospital, Calderon doesn’t recognize him, but his brother says that Dr. Valerie would meet mystery man at a diner near her apartment.

    Beckett and Castle go to the diner to find the guy, who turns out being from the Attorney General’s Office. Dr. Valerie was working for them too. She was helping them investigate corruption and medical fraud at County Hospital, but she didn’t find anything suspicious until the night she died.

    The team suspects the smuggling ring has something to do with the Doc’s searches for hotels in Katonah. Katonah is near a women’s prison.

    Flash to Castle’s life; Castle and Gina make up after they have it out about Gina and Alexis’s relationship.

    Back at the precinct, Beckett finds out that Nurse Greg has a girlfriend, Amy Porter, in the women’s prison. She is serving 30 years to life for being a getaway driver in a robbery where a security guard was killer. They suspect that Greg was smuggling drugs to Amy for her to sell on the inside of the prison

    Esposito shows up telling Castle and Beckett that Amy was sent to County hospital for suffering a stroke - weird considering she is 25. Team Castkett goes to the hospital to find her; she supposedly died but when they go to the morgue, they find a decoy body where Amy’s should be.

    Greg has gotten Amy out of the hospital alive, with the unwitting help of all Greg’s doctor friends. He gave a botox like lotion to Amy to put on half of her face to simulate a stroke, and then when she arrived at the hospital, he gave her enough morphine to fake her death and revived her when she arrived in the morgue. They then proceeded to walk out of the hospital arm and arm.

    Castle and Beckett wade through the couple’s letters, looking for a clue as where they would go. Castle suggests they went to where they had their first date, Burgeropolis. He ends up being right and New Jersey state troopers arrest them there.

    The team figures out the carpet fibers from the victim’s body are from a Deville, which they think belongs to an accomplice of Greg’s.

    When Beckett and Castle question Greg, he says he has nothing to do with drug smuggling or Dr. Valerie’s murder. He broke Amy out because she was innocent of her crime. Her car was stolen at the time of the robbery she is accused of being a part of. He suggests that Dr. Valerie’s boyfriend murdered her. The boyfriend hasn’t been mentioned the whole case. Greg says the boyfriend gave Dr. Valerie a bracelet, but said piece of jewelry was not found on her body, however, it is in the picture of her outside the hospital right before she died.

    The bracelet matches a necklace that Calderon wears. It is part of a matching set that belonged to his mother and father. They also know that the Deville Dr. Valerie’s body was transported in belonged to Calderon. Calderon realizes that his brother took the car that night. The brother admits to killing Dr. Valerie, because he found out she was working for the Attorney General, and he thought she was betraying his brother.

    Beckett arrests him and tells him the truth about Valerie’s working relationship with the Attorney General.

    Castle talks to his mother about the case. Martha says that is the test of love; if you would risk it all to break someone out of jail. Martha asks if Castle would be willing to break Gina out of jail.

    Team Castkett also looked into Amy’s case and find out that her case was unfair. They have the case reopened and if Amy is acquitted of her crime, Nurse Greg will only get probation for breaking out of jail.

    At the precinct, Castle and Esposito discuss the fact the Amy and Greg must really love each other for Greg to have broken her out of jail. When Esposito says he would break out without Castle if they were in jail, Beckett, having not heard the whole conversation, says she would break Castle out of jail too. Castle is stunned. It’s cute.

    Castle will be back next week. Expect high thrills when the team pursues a serial killer that gets Castle in his crosshairs.

    I wonder if the screen/script/story writer is a hoaxer or do they get specific inputs. I remember Grey's concentrated on their propofol administration and even focused on an anesthesiologist when propofol was blamed in MJs death. Now this and somehow apart from using morphine or a botox to fake a death, they also seem to heavily hint that immense love would make a person go to such an extents to free their loved one. Like maybe Joe helped Michael in the end?
  • simalvessimalves Posts: 730
    This weeks's episode of Grey's has an Emir in it and its all hush hush because this Middle Eastern politician had come to America on an important secret meeting, had an accident and the team has to battle to save him. Why do I think they are trying to hint at something.

    Also last week's Castle, his daughter brings home a pet rat to keep for a day and Castle steals some of his food, when his daughter objects, he says he wont mind unless he is BEN.
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