Just wondering ...

MeandMyShadowMeandMyShadow Posts: 385
edited January 1970 in News
Does anybody know if anyone in MJ's family, have come right out and addressed the BeLIEvers? Have they come right out and said, their brother is really dead, or son (if it be Joe or Katherine) or even the kids, though I don't think they have been interviewed other than Oprah, which has not been shown yet.

I am just curious if any have addressed this board personally, in interviews or anything. <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->


  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    Not that I can really remember.....
    if I come across anything I will surely let you know.

    Blessings Always!
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    e: Jermaine with Pearl Jnr
    by backstager » Wed Oct 06, 2010 3:35 pm

    I think at one point Pearl Jr. said she was close to the family. If it is, its probably because of the documentary she made of the trials. And I find it strange that the family would still be so close to her, knowing that she firmly believes Michael is alive and is spreading that message to so many people. Partnership June 25, 2009 - The Day I Woke Up
    This is in the Jackson family and kids section. My computer is stalling again.

    This is clearest that I know of, aside from Orianthi the guitarist tweeting that she was a believer.
  • e: Jermaine with Pearl Jnr
    by backstager » Wed Oct 06, 2010 3:35 pm

    I think at one point Pearl Jr. said she was close to the family. If it is, its probably because of the documentary she made of the trials. And I find it strange that the family would still be so close to her, knowing that she firmly believes Michael is alive and is spreading that message to so many people. Partnership June 25, 2009 - The Day I Woke Up
    This is in the Jackson family and kids section. My computer is stalling again.

    This is clearest that I know of, aside from Orianthi the guitarist tweeting that she was a believer.

    Woah!! Let me get this straight. Did you say that Orianthi is a beLIEver? God, wouldn't she be in the know? She would know for sure whether it's a hoax or not, no? That would also explain the private playing she did at Neverland! Or, am I misreading what you wrote.

    I don't know who Pearl Jr. is. Is she a fan, or a relative to MJ?
  • e: Jermaine with Pearl Jnr
    by backstager » Wed Oct 06, 2010 3:35 pm

    I think at one point Pearl Jr. said she was close to the family. If it is, its probably because of the documentary she made of the trials. And I find it strange that the family would still be so close to her, knowing that she firmly believes Michael is alive and is spreading that message to so many people. Partnership June 25, 2009 - The Day I Woke Up
    This is in the Jackson family and kids section. My computer is stalling again.

    This is clearest that I know of, aside from Orianthi the guitarist tweeting that she was a believer.

    Woah!! Let me get this straight. Did you say that Orianthi is a beLIEver? God, wouldn't she be in the know? She would know for sure whether it's a hoax or not, no? That would also explain the private playing she did at Neverland! Or, am I misreading what you wrote.

    I don't know who Pearl Jr. is. Is she a fan, or a relative to MJ?

    Orianthi had on her facebook page "I am a Michael Jackson believer..." I cannot remember if the "lie" in believe was capitalized or not, and as far as I know that's all there was, she didn't publically comment on it. I think it has since been changed. But to me, that says a lot in itself. If she is in the know, she can't say or do much else. Oh and by the way, her album is called "Believe". <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • Orianthi had on her facebook page "I am a Michael Jackson believer..." I cannot remember if the "lie" in believe was capitalized or not, and as far as I know that's all there was, she didn't publically comment on it. I think it has since been changed. But to me, that says a lot in itself. If she is in the know, she can't say or do much else. Oh and by the way, her album is called "Believe". <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->[/quote]

    That is great. But, I don't want to read more into what it actually is. IF, it was not capitalized (the LIE) it could mean that she just believes in what he stands for and his message of love. And that she believes in his innocence. Or, on the other hand, whether it was capitalized or not, it could mean she believes (and knows) that he is alive and well.

    And again, the album with the name "Believe" could mean something totally different. Believe in yourself, believe in God, believe in love, the list goes on.

    I would LOVE to believe it means something to do with the hoax, but I guess we will just have to wait. As the song says though, "can you feel it?" I just feel with all this hype of Oprah and the interviews, Halloween coming up, and the release of the new album in November, that something big is going to happen soon. What a better way for Oprah to end her show than with a Bam. I just have this feeling that if there is going to be one, she will be involved some how. Either to show her up, or use her and she's in on it. Hard to imagine but so is this whole ride we've been on <!-- s:-) -->:-)<!-- s:-) -->
  • thanks for this You make relevant points I didn't know about Orianthi's post on FAebook on her page and I am on htere all the time. I wonder about Michael Bearden too as On his page fan page he has said a few times that he is working on something really big , or words to that effect. take care
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