Losing my faith...

francina_84francina_84 Posts: 14
edited January 1970 in General MJ Discussion
This is not just an off day... I don't know what to think anymore.

As I started following TS I always believed 100% that Mike is still alive.
But, don't know why, since some time I've such a bad sensation..
I started thinking that it's not as it seems, and all the hoax thing is not real.
Maybe Mike is really gone and someone tried to bring our attention on an hoax that does not exist for real, and succeded in this.
Maybe he had been killed and we are concentrating on a fake death hoax and missing important things to discover who is responsible for his death.
Because, IF he's really dead, it's obvious to me that he had been killed. I don't eat all the drugs and "milk" stuffs.
There's one thing that I can't help thinking of these days: the Oprah interview with the children. I don't know if the chat will be really aired, but i ask myself: if Michael was still here, he really would have let this happen? I don't think so.
And now all the stuff about the new album, and the controversy about the voice. It's really Michael? Or is it a vocal double?
I don't get the meaning of this.. All this news are confusing me a lot. I've not so much faith as some time ago.
I stopped my research, I haven't followed TS since some time ago, and haven't followed any other 'insider'. I started thinking that so much has been said yet, and maybe we just have to wait and see if something happens.
I started cry again, thinking that maybe Michael is really gone. I didn't cried at this thought since ages. I didn't had this feeling since ages.

I come again here to find some confort, I really need it.
I read some recent posts and seems that not many people have lost their faith. I really hope to regain mine. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->


  • Hi! I know how difficult it can be too keep the faith. For me, it's been about reviewing the available information objectively and trying to keep my emotions at bay while doing so. Sometimes our emotions can really cloud the truth. So, when I put my emotions aside I can see that this really is a hoax. No there hasn't been a "BAM" yet, but is there any new information confirming he really died? No, there isn't. In fact, Conrad Murray is STILL a free man and it's been how long?! Not to mention, nobody has been able to debunk TS' posts.

    So please, keep your head up! Take a few days off from the hoax to clear your mind and rest your heart. I've had to do that from time to time and it really, really helped.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts and frustrations with us, we are all here for each other no matter what. I hope you keep the faith as well as keep track of the facts, and know the the truth will always prevail no matter what, even if we end up being wrong.

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