A question about TS

truthprevailstruthprevails Posts: 878
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I have a question - mainly for Souza, I guess, though anyone can feel free to address it.
Many people here believe that TS is authentic (i.e. a real insider), but I noticed, in reading his/her posts, that he/she believes Michael's 7/7/2002 will to be REAL. Well, some of the same people who believe in TS think that the 7/7/2002 will is FAKE.

How do you explain this? If I'm misunderstanding anything, please correct me.

Enjoy November 5th, everyone.


  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    I have a question - mainly for Souza, I guess, though anyone can feel free to address it.
    Many people here believe that TS is authentic (i.e. a real insider), but I noticed, in reading his/her posts, that he/she believes Michael's 7/7/2002 will to be REAL. Well, some of the same people who believe in TS think that the 7/7/2002 will is FAKE.

    How do you explain this? If I'm misunderstanding anything, please correct me.

    Enjoy November 5th, everyone.

    My understanding of that 7/7/02 will is that it was the will designed for the hoax - so I guess that would make it real (for the hoax) and fake. If that makes sense. Remember, this has been planned for a very long time, and the will signed on 7/7/02 was deliberate to that the memorial could be exactly 7 years later on 7/7/09. There needed to be "coincidences" planted so it could be recognized as a hoax to those willing to look into the circumstances of the "death" further.

  • I only remember TS pointing out the date of the 7/7/2002 will, but don't recall any statement of his about the authenticity of it.

    I'm one of the people who think that that will is not the real will. First of all it's the will of Michael Joseph Jackson and it contains typos in the names of the kids. Second - I tend to believe that there is a more recent one, dates 7/7/07.
  • I have a question - mainly for Souza, I guess, though anyone can feel free to address it.
    Many people here believe that TS is authentic (i.e. a real insider), but I noticed, in reading his/her posts, that he/she believes Michael's 7/7/2002 will to be REAL. Well, some of the same people who believe in TS think that the 7/7/2002 will is FAKE.

    How do you explain this? If I'm misunderstanding anything, please correct me.

    Enjoy November 5th, everyone.

    Could you post here that part, please? <!-- s:P -->:P<!-- s:P -->
  • <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/ ... date_1.php<!-- m -->
    Under this heading:
    1-14. J.W. Influence Even After the MJ “Death”
    TS wrote, among others:
    This does not mean that Michael still holds all of the same beliefs that he had in earlier years. But on the other hand, he does still have some of those beliefs. The MJ will, signed seven years before the memorial, states: “If any of my children are minors at the time of my death, I nominate my mother, KATHERINE JACKSON as guardian of the persons and estates of such minor children.”

    <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/ ... ate_4c.php<!-- m -->
    Under this heading:
    4-28. MJ Certainly Had Something Big Planned
    TS wrote:
    Another thing is the MJ will, dated 7-7-02, exactly 7 years before the memorial.
    Just a few weeks before, MJ had spoken out and said: “... they never thought, that this performer, myself, would outthink them. ... I promise you, the best is yet to come.”
    and see this similar video, from just one day before the 7-7-02 will:
    [video of MJ speaking out against Mottolla]

    This is why I inferred that TS believes the will to be real.
  • Hmmm, I can see where it could be interpreted that way. I didn't initially interpret it that way though. I see it more as the will being "real" in the sense that it's a REAL part of this hoax, if that makes any sense. In my opinion, the will was probably still created by Michael Jackson even though it may not be legal. Am I making any sense? It's been a long day <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> Maybe someone can help me out with this one...
  • I have a question - mainly for Souza, I guess, though anyone can feel free to address it.
    Many people here believe that TS is authentic (i.e. a real insider), but I noticed, in reading his/her posts, that he/she believes Michael's 7/7/2002 will to be REAL. Well, some of the same people who believe in TS think that the 7/7/2002 will is FAKE.

    How do you explain this? If I'm misunderstanding anything, please correct me.

    Enjoy November 5th, everyone.

    My understanding of that 7/7/02 will is that it was the will designed for the hoax - so I guess that would make it real (for the hoax) and fake. If that makes sense. Remember, this has been planned for a very long time, and the will signed on 7/7/02 was deliberate to that the memorial could be exactly 7 years later on 7/7/09. There needed to be "coincidences" planted so it could be recognized as a hoax to those willing to look into the circumstances of the "death" further.

    I should have read all the posts more carefully before posting my own, because this is exactly what I was trying to say...LOL! Thanks Andrea.
  • http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/tiai_update_1.php
    Under this heading:
    1-14. J.W. Influence Even After the MJ “Death”
    TS wrote, among others:
    This does not mean that Michael still holds all of the same beliefs that he had in earlier years. But on the other hand, he does still have some of those beliefs. The MJ will, signed seven years before the memorial, states: “If any of my children are minors at the time of my death, I nominate my mother, KATHERINE JACKSON as guardian of the persons and estates of such minor children.”

    <!-- m -->http://www.michaeljacksonhoaxforum.com/ ... ate_4c.php<!-- m -->
    Under this heading:
    4-28. MJ Certainly Had Something Big Planned
    TS wrote:
    Another thing is the MJ will, dated 7-7-02, exactly 7 years before the memorial.
    Just a few weeks before, MJ had spoken out and said: “... they never thought, that this performer, myself, would outthink them. ... I promise you, the best is yet to come.”
    and see this similar video, from just one day before the 7-7-02 will:
    [video of MJ speaking out against Mottolla]

    This is why I inferred that TS believes the will to be real.

    So, it's indeed like I said:

    I only remember TS pointing out the date of the 7/7/2002 will, but don't recall any statement of his about the authenticity of it.

    By pointing out that Katherine is appointed as a guardian for the children in the 2002 will TS refers to MJ's belief, not to the authenticity of that will.
  • OK guys, I understand what you're all trying to say.
    It could indeed be that the 2002 will was created by MJ for hoax purposes, and there was in reality another will that we don't know about... However, there was discussion on this forum about that will being fake in the sense of not being signed/created by Michael. Remember how Michael was in NY at the time, and the will was signed in LA? Well, TS implied that the will was signed by MJ, and that it reflects Michael's real wishes (so it's authentic in that sense; the question of it possibly being superseded by a later will is another story).

    If you take the definitions to be:
    REAL/AUTHENTIC = read and signed by MJ
    FAKE = not signed by MJ
    Then TS implies the will is real!

    So if we believe TS, then we must accept that MJ signed the 2002 will himself - which has been debated...
  • Also:
    I believe that one of the Jackson brothers (Randy?) contested the authenticity of the 2002 will - i.e. argued that MJ did NOT sign it. That goes against what TS is saying... TS basically says that the will reflects Michael's wishes.
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