The Spirit is Not there...

I don't mean to bash on those who love MJ impersonators - what the impersonators do is pretty admirable, in that they have taken their love of MJ one step further. And some of them do a good job - and most of them dance pretty well, got all the "MJ MOVES" in line. HOWEVER, that being said, and once again, I'm not bashing the impersonator admirers OR the impersonators themselves...BUT - NONE OF THEM - not even the best - perhaps even by MJ's standards himself - NONE OF THEM in my eyes, has been able to capture the spirit of what truly moves an audience like Michael himself. It is something that cannot be duplicated. Either you have it or you don't. In this case, none of them have it. I don't know how to put it into words. It' very interesting because many of them are really really great in the dance part of impersonating him. Some might even have the mannerisms down to the cue. But I don't know how people can be 'taken away' or 'impressed' that much so, to be so in awe and say that these impersonators are like MJ doubles. Often times the "one thing" they didn't do right, or can't change, gives it away immediately. Like the shape of the eye brows, or the overly done shading of the makeup around the nose, the lipstick shade that is waaay too dark, cheek blush that looks more like clown makeup. These things can be successfully recreated to look just like how Michael did it - if they only stop trying SO HARD. It gets overdone. Even when dancing, some of the 'best' - like the Rizzo guy from Australia - yeah, he does dance really great - but I honestly think many, like him - overdo the moves. The moves are too tight, too intense, alhough they are 'correct'. Michael never overdid his moves, - they were always a perfect blend of dance moves and soulful spirit that emanated. His moves never controlled him - these impersonators dance like the movement has overtaken their suave.
These guys might take the breath away from journalists and those interviewing them, as they go to the extent of saying things like Wow I can't believe it - it's like you're Michael himself..BUT...I don't know how they feel that. When you appreciate the aesthetic authenticity of Michael...his spirit is what comes out and grabs you - it's in his step, in his slight swagger, his smooth transition, his cutting popping, his natural glide, his half grimace half smile, his eyebrows that lift to tease, and not an overly done intense overkill of dance moves - that make him who he will forever be. I can view a million of the world's best impersonators, but it only makes MJ himself look even moreso magnificent. Only he can truly impress...


  • PJ4MJPJ4MJ Posts: 323
    I completely agree. I don't wish to take away from what any of these people do, either. However, all I see when they dance is what's missing and then I have to go to YouTube to watch Michael. Some of them are very smooth, very natural but they just lack that "something special" that only Michael has.
  • <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> I laughed when I read how you said you go back to Youtube and watch the actual Mike after watching an impersonator - because that's exactly what I do too. I need to end it with watching the actual Michael and take in all that was not there with the impersonators. It makes me feel better for some reason. With Michael, he's not 'dancing'. He's being Michael Jackson. You know?
    What else doesn't digest very well with me, are the impersonators that don't stop impersonating while they are dancing/singing - but try to keep being Michael when on the sidelines. I don't mind when they are doing the act on stage - walk past a crowd of fans and continue the fascade...sort of to me, is borderline sacrilegeous in a weird way - within the realm of everything Michael Jackson...But I suppose it's supply the demand. If fans love it, and wave and scream out "MICHAEL!!" then hey - it isn't really hurting anyone.
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