Can someone help me please?

Ok....So I asked a question on the Chat thread and no one answered it, but instead deleted my post and locked the thread. This is not the first time I have had my comments deleted like I was invisible and I'm sure this will be deleted as before with no answers but here is my question:

Can someone please point me in the direction of the evidence that proves that "PoetryinMotion" was a troll and messing with us as I seemed to have missed it?

Maybe I am just naive. (I don't really think I am) but if I am so easily fooled by people here then I would like to see evidence so as to teach myself to be more aware and not so trusting. I would just really like to know how people know automatically that someone is a troll. I think it is a legitimate question and the answer just might be very helpful to all of us vulnerable people that everyone seems to want to protect from these so called trolls. Can someone please help me understand this? Thanks in advance...Love & Blessings to All!

Keep the Faith!
Michael...I LOVE You More!


  • GoOoFGoOoF Posts: 150
    I think if you read that member's posts you'll get the answer loud and clear. It was obvious from the beginning that he wanted to fool the members here with all the stuff he's expressed himself. He were enjoying that 5 minutes confusion what he caused, but this is already too much said about him/her, so I think it's better to move on.

    Funny thing that I guess noone really knows who Michael Jackson could be. Half of the world believes that he's a weirdo with all te crazy stuff, the other half thinks he's talking like Mother Teresa all day long, eating candy 24/7, with white wings on his back. I'm sure there is a third option too.
    That man is a genius, and I highly doubt that he would come here to cause confusions, speculations, and drama.
    Enough said abt this, i think.
    Take care.
  • DoDo Posts: 850
    Maybe you can read in this thread, it's locked already but it might makes things clearer for you. Me, I don't know what to think about it. Start from page 4.
    <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=59&t=15364&hilit<!-- l -->
  • Goof...first off thank you for replying, I appreciate it very much!

    Second...I did read that members posts every one of them and in no way felt threatened or fooled by this person. I never once assumed that he was Michael. I enjoyed his kind words and poems as did many other members. This is what I don't I so consumed with love and compassion for others that I am blinded to the fact that others are fooling me? that's a good question...I'm older and think of myself as wiser and know who I can and can not trust...maybe I'm just wrong...but I saw nothing in PIM that made me feel like he was playing us...I saw a genuine...caring, loving, person that brought joy to many of us here...that's it! I had no expectations of him only to be himself, whoever that might of been!!

    Thanks again Goof for taking the time to answer me!

    Love & Blessings to All!
    Keep the Faith <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Michael....I LOVE You MORE!!
  • Please also consider the fact that the admins have access to information that we don't have, and can see patterns that regular posters don't see... For instance if someone goes off the forum and comes back with a different username but using the same computer, the admins can tell. We wouldn't know! And I suspect that most of us (and I include myself) have less experience with troll behavior than the admins do... Souza explained to me why trolls are a safety issue and it was best for PIM to go than to risk chaos or the shutting down of this forum.
  • trublutrublu Posts: 1,011
    Hello, I too was left confused by all of this..

    I can only assume that the admin know something we don't about PIM or something to that effect.

    It's difficult because I don't either consider myself naive, but maybe because I'm French I didn't totally get the big deal about PIM 'sounding' like MJ. I just thought that the had similar interests to him, but yes, things he was saying made people think of MJ. I did enjoy talking to him in the chat though and found him very normal and not trying to sound like anything.

    I guess we have to just assume that the admin know something we don't about it all and are doing it to protect us and avoid drama.

    I have vowed not to speak again about this because it will just go round and round in circles and I don't see it as productive.

    Love to you
  • "let me guess you have brown eyes"
    "oh and you love black and red"
    "and you love Romania (bucharest-Romania concert)"
    "you love candies popcorn water fights,pizza"
    "disney /poems"
    "visited hospitals orphanages "
    "you have 3 kids" bla bla......SO which one of you has the same exact likes as PIM (MJ)does?
    I would never say he.she harmed us with his/her poems ...but if nobody stopped him.her some bigger bad things would have he/she never said as asked "i am not Mj i am a normal user"..
    End of my "story" <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
  • "let me guess you have brown eyes"
    Well yes I do have brown eyes!

    "oh and you love black and red"
    I do actually like those colors!

    "and you love Romania (bucharest-Romania concert)"
    No..I have never had the pleasure of traveling the world.

    "you love candies popcorn water fights,pizza"
    Yes I do...who doesn't love candy, popcorn, pizza, water fights not my favorite though.

    "disney /poems"
    Yes to these also!

    "visited hospitals orphanages "
    I wished to God I could say I have, but no I haven't.

    "you have 3 kids" bla bla......SO which one of you has the same exact likes as PIM (MJ)does?
    Yes...I do have 3 children...2 boys and a girl! ohhh....just like MJ!

    I would never say he.she harmed us with his/her poems ...but if nobody stopped him.her some bigger bad things would have he/she never said as asked "i am not Mj i am a normal user"..
    End of my "story" <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->
    And what if...just hypothetically ...what if that was would all you feel....knowing what he was put through? Just something for MJ's army of LOVE to think about. This same thing happened to Callofthewild a couple months ago...and that person meant no harm either imo.

    And what I am trying to get at is...a lot of us probably have things in common with Michael, are all of us going to get interrogated for it? If the admins know more than us, then thats what I am asking. Can they not explain it to us somewhat? Thanks....Love & Blessings to All!

    Keep the Faith:)
    Michael....I LOVE You MORE!
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    MJ_ForeverandAlways, lets put it this way.

    Same patters time after time since veeeeery long <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    Cutting from the root was necessarely.

    I know by now that facing PIM was not a good propaganda for some of us who questioned him, and even less for the administrator, but I am sure that the decision of his banning did not come out from the blue and it was a heavy reason for it.
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    I'd said I wasn't going to post about him again but now he's gone and he's still being discussed I thought what the heck. While he was here he didn't do anything sinister but he was giving very MJ like responses especially in the chatroom when we were all offering prayers for a little girl with cancer, a member's friend's child. He was asking this member to let him speak to the child or at least take their laptop to her so he could speak to her. That disturbed me though no one reacted to it. Michael would definitely do that but not here, he'd be revealed and all these plans would have been for what? As soon as he refused to deny he was MJ and people started believing he was it had to be dealt with. I assume the admins know their stuff. I'd said who cares if he is or not speculation feeds the trolls and offends the genuine members but it really was creating negative vibes. Totally undid all the positive ones when he first joined. Maybe now he has gone it'll be back to business (till the next one!)
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    Hang in there, MJalwaysandforever.....there are a lot of things that don't make sense to me either.

    Hopefully in the end, when all the characters in this hoax are revealed, it will all make sense. I have a feeling that some past and present posters on this forum will be taking a bow. I just hope and pray that all these characters are playing for the same team...the right team......I guess time will tell.
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    Oops...I messed your name up...sorry! <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->
  • I'd said I wasn't going to post about him again but now he's gone and he's still being discussed I thought what the heck. While he was here he didn't do anything sinister but he was giving very MJ like responses especially in the chatroom when we were all offering prayers for a little girl with cancer, a member's friend's child. He was asking this member to let him speak to the child or at least take their laptop to her so he could speak to her. That disturbed me though no one reacted to it. Michael would definitely do that but not here, he'd be revealed and all these plans would have been for what? As soon as he refused to deny he was MJ and people started believing he was it had to be dealt with. I assume the admins know their stuff. I'd said who cares if he is or not speculation feeds the trolls and offends the genuine members but it really was creating negative vibes. Totally undid all the positive ones when he first joined. Maybe now he has gone it'll be back to business (till the next one!)

    Thank you for sharing that with us trustno1...I appreciate it. I did not witness this so I didn't know about the chat room. That's all I asked was there something I missed, because I seen no harm in him what so ever. Thanks again for helping me to understand!

    Love & Blessings to All!
    Keep the Faith <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
    Michael....I LOVE You MORE!
  • Oops...I messed your name up...sorry! <!-- s:oops: -->:oops:<!-- s:oops: -->

    No harm sweetie <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> thank you for the support, I appreciate it! Love & Hugs to you! <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • SouzaSouza Posts: 9,400
    I guess you have your answer. Next time if you want to know why an admin or a mod makes a certain decision, please contact the person in PM.

    "For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places."

This discussion has been closed.