Where's the compassion O?

mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
[Hi, mjboogie here. I have to get this off my chest not sure if this is in the right place? But do you all find it ODD the way Ophrah interviewed Katherine Jackson? I mean seriously where in the hell was Ophrahs compassion????? <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> When Katherine began to cry Ophrah did not even show compassion , in my opinion she did not even try to comfort her or anything. Yeah she gave a reaction of course! But to me it was a fake ass reaction!

I might get bashed for saying this but.......sometimes I wonder if Ophrah is GLAD MJ "DIE <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> D"I am still a believer (barley because seriously this interview has really brought me down) but I still feel that Ophrah believes 100% that MJ was guilty ..I do! I know a couple of members here had written Ophrah questioning her about the back to back shows she did? Also how she owes MJ family an apology?????? OK well I know we have a thread where a couple of members did a letter to Ophrah about her past behavior and treatment towards MJ but does anyone know if she has RESPONDED???? If she hasnt something has to give? Does she think she is that huge to where she cant apologize? Is it her pride? I feel that she showed us her true colors when there was no reaction after MJ passed? REMEMBER???? NO words from O? NOW.......all of a sudden she wants to have the entire Jackson family on her show smiling and grinning like it aint nothing!! Burns me up! So if she has not responded we should DEMAND a response. Where is her studio located Chicago right? ANy members here who live in the Chicago area that could drop by Harpo? Your thoughts sorry just had to get it ou <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> t.



  • i am curious. was oprahs abuse at the hands of her father ? an uncle? or what ? what part was it that her mother played or did not play in it? perhaps her reactions to katherine depend on her personal experience. anyone know the details?
  • nefarinefari Posts: 1,227
    I think Oprah is probably compassionate but I also think she is in on this whole charade really deep as is Katherine and the entire Jackson family. I don't know what Katherine was crying about but it all looked like acting to me or like the part with Katherine crying was filmed separately from the kid's parts. For all we know Joseph said something hateful and made her cry or something unrelated made her cry and they filmed it for this interview.
  • hi nefari
    yeah it did look like it was all an act put on to make it seem so real!
    but you know what i noticed prince just didnt seem to like oprah so much!
    paris talked but she also didnt seem to act like very strange like she was choosing her words carefully when oprah asked her questions.
    and blanket just so shut off from her.
    it just all seemed to me like they were all acting a bit strange being careful what they said and how they came across.
    something just didnt feel right the whole interview.
    didnt you think?
  • eviltwineviltwin Posts: 154
    Oprah said to Paris a few times something about "When you last lived with your father". I LAUGH OUT LOUD at that quote. Why? Because it sums this all up. Paris does not live with Michael Jackson right now, period. He is living somewhere else away from his kids. I bet Oprah was schooled on what to ask and given exactly that line. THAT'S THE REAL DEAL.

    And Prince and Blanket looked like they were about ready to spill beans in their facial movements. HA. Paris deserves an Emmy, and Oscar, a Grammy and a Tony. She is brilliant.
  • OneLoveOneLove Posts: 470
    The kids look like they were told in advance to dislike the big O. Amirite?
  • <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    I agree!!!! They had that "F-you Oprah" look on their faces. The cousins were much more intrigued with her than J3. They were excited about their 5 minutes of fame and thrust of relevancy. Oprah doesn't give a rat's a$$ about Mike, Katherine, The Jacksons or the children. There is 1 thing and 1 thing only that she was concerned about: SWEEPS!!! The funny thing is that Michael knows the game oh-so-well that he gave Oprah what she wanted and he got exactly the same.
    hi nefari
    yeah it did look like it was all an act put on to make it seem so real!
    but you know what i noticed prince just didnt seem to like oprah so much!
    paris talked but she also didnt seem to act like very strange like she was choosing her words carefully when oprah asked her questions.
    and blanket just so shut off from her.
    it just all seemed to me like they were all acting a bit strange being careful what they said and how they came across.
    something just didnt feel right the whole interview.
    didnt you think?
  • OneLoveOneLove Posts: 470
    It was all about the ratings i'm sure.
  • I was in disbelief over how insensitive Oprah was. She even seemed to be smiling while poor Katherine was crying. And this really bothered me because I usually like Oprah and feel that she has a great deal of compassion. It seems like she's changed or something...I mean...ok..I know most don't like Joe Jackson..but look how cocky she got with him over the 'beat'/'whip' conversation. How can you be a visitor in someone's home and behave that way? Yeah, and the kids did have that "F" you Oprah look on their faces..especially Paris. Children are so sensitive..they can read people better than adults...they can 'feel' the true you.
  • OneLoveOneLove Posts: 470
    If Michael could forgive Joe than Oprah can. It's less her business.
  • TarjaTarja Posts: 645
    [Hi, mjboogie here. I have to get this off my chest not sure if this is in the right place? But do you all find it ODD the way Ophrah interviewed Katherine Jackson? I mean seriously where in the hell was Ophrahs compassion????? <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> When Katherine began to cry Ophrah did not even show compassion , in my opinion she did not even try to comfort her or anything. Yeah she gave a reaction of course! But to me it was a fake ass reaction!

    I might get bashed for saying this but.......sometimes I wonder if Ophrah is GLAD MJ "DIE <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> D"I am still a believer (barley because seriously this interview has really brought me down) but I still feel that Ophrah believes 100% that MJ was guilty ..I do! I know a couple of members here had written Ophrah questioning her about the back to back shows she did? Also how she owes MJ family an apology?????? OK well I know we have a thread where a couple of members did a letter to Ophrah about her past behavior and treatment towards MJ but does anyone know if she has RESPONDED???? If she hasnt something has to give? Does she think she is that huge to where she cant apologize? Is it her pride? I feel that she showed us her true colors when there was no reaction after MJ passed? REMEMBER???? NO words from O? NOW.......all of a sudden she wants to have the entire Jackson family on her show smiling and grinning like it aint nothing!! Burns me up! So if she has not responded we should DEMAND a response. Where is her studio located Chicago right? ANy members here who live in the Chicago area that could drop by Harpo? Your thoughts sorry just had to get it ou <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> t./b]

    In my opinion, what Oprah thinks or ceases to think it's the less important thing. Who cares about that? What it is really important is that, as I said many times, they are actually fighting her using her own guns and she doesn't realise it because she might be probably blinded by how high her audience will be. It's, for me, the smartest move- to use your enemy's gun. And in my opinion, this is what the jacksons are doing and I keep my opinion
  • trustno1trustno1 Posts: 654
    For me it's still possible that Oprah is in on it, it's still 50/50 in my mind. What got me was all the smirking between Paris and Prince while she was meeting the other kids,though that could just be kids being kids. Blanket looked SO uncomfortable and Prince and Paris didn't look thrilled to be talking to her but maybe because this was their first proper televised interview they were self-consious. I doubt it though. Their body language especially Prince's face-touching reminded me of Katherine's similar behaviour at certain points during her interview. They seemed to be deliberately trying to get in the Skittles, Snickers and Coca-Cola like they were being sponsored to!! Noticed another smirk between Prince and Paris there. Joe and Katherine were intriguing. "We don't fight," he says. What about when he accused her of being responsible for MJs death because she didn't step in then? And there was an angry rebuttal by her attorney or spokesman. Once again it makes me ask why won't the world wake up and pay attention to all the contradictions? Are they that disinterested? Even ingrained deference to the media can't be that blinding can it?!

    This interview was done for a reason, Katherine might claim she wanted to end all the misunderstandings about MJ but did she do that? Not really, she cleared up SOME things. Things that he would want known but couldn't say himself way back when, like having more than two surgeries on his nose. Katherine also seemed keen to point out he only had his nose done, no other facial surgery, just like MJ in the Bashir interview.
  • I agree mj is using Oprah just like she used him, though I believe mj is alive I lost a little hope when I saw katherine cry my heart sank, but then I saw the kids and I was like there is no way he is dead I mean they loved their father so much if he was really dead they would be crying just at the mention of their father, and katherine she got emotional but not the way a mother would get, I mean the tears should be coming down like crazy but insted she looked more like choked up like someone who's sad that her son is in hiding, just my thought, and also the part when Blanket wiped his nose or mouth and then shook Oprah's hand. "as saying this is what you get for doing this to my father" Loved it. <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • MJboogie agree with TOTALLY.
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    What I want to know is why has she NOT responded to the letters we sent DEMANDING an apology? <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: -->
  • I'm 50/50 about Oprah being in on it, and if she's not she must suspect something. Everyone was so careful of what they were saying, especially the kids. By the way, Oprah is a journalist she isn't supposed to show emotion during an interview, because that's seen as bias. A lot of TV hosts of talk shows do, but really you aren't supposed to.
  • To be honest I'm unsure what you mean about Oprah's lack of compassion. Haven't watched it in awhile but I recall her looking sad while Katherine cried and telling her it was okay and not to apologise. She also held her hand as they went to a break. I remember reading Randy's twitter page around the time of the interview & he was saying he didn't like Oprah being in the house because she had done a 1993 show about molestation which he felt implied Michael's guilt. Perhaps the kids knew Randy didn't like her, and maybe Randy wasn't the only one disliking her?

    When Oprah went off at Joe for hitting Michael it seemed her and Katherine ganged up on him when they both said beating and whipping are the same thing. I think Joe deserved it, whether Oprah was a guest or not.

    The lack of tears from the kids did seem odd but it was interesting Katherine made a point of saying Paris could look at his photos in her room without crying. Actually Blanket looked like he knew something; he curls up in his chair, covers his mouth and has a little smirk on his face, maybe it's true he is just shy and was trying his best to at least smile, I don't know. Maybe the family told him not to say a lot, because at his age he could easily slip up accidently.

    I know they say kids are resilient but if you watched the Oprah show shot in Sydney (where I'm from!) where Steve Irwin's wife and kids were talking, Bindi seemed okay but Bob, who is 7, just like Blanket was when MJ "died" was tearing up a lot, it was so sad. Note Steve Irwin died when Bob was only 2 years old! So Bob would hardly even remember his father, and yet he still got really upset when his mum spoke about him. Ok, maybe he just got upset coz his mum was, but I just thought it was an interesting comparison between Steve's kids & Michael's kids...
  • I just watched some more of it again. KJ says Paris is very emotional, but straight after she says she can look at his pictures without crying. How is that being emotional? If she were so emotional she would be more upset when talking about him. Ok, so it was about 18 months after it happened, but still? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
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