IMO Oprah Interview Proves Michael is Alive



  • I've been lurking here for a while but felt this was the perfect thread to make my first post. So, hello everybody!

    Personally I think that the less you shelter kids, the better.
    I don't have any kids, so what do I know?
    Well, I do know that I was not sheltered growing up. I had 2 great parents that were very straight with me about everything. They told me the right and wrong and the consequences for certain actions and situations, then let me learn from my mistakes. I've never been in trouble with the law, I never joined a gang, and I didn't knock any girls up. Also, I never OD'd on drugs, though I have been known to have a good time every once in a while. I just know my limits.
    And that brings me to my point.
    I had several friends growing up who were sheltered and did have very controlling parents. As soon as they were of the age of adolescents they lashed out and rebelled. A couple of them did several stints in Juvi, and eventually spent some time in jail. All of them have some sort of drug problem, and a couple of them had kids right out of high school. One actually became a parent her junior year.
    All I'm saying is, if you give a kid reason to rebel- they will. But if there is no need to rebel, it will be less appealing. Not saying some people aren't predisposed to making bad decisions, but if they are raised knowing that every action comes with a reaction or consequence they will generally be a lot smarter in their life decision making.

    All that being said, and I could have said a lot more:
    Think about it, if he is dead, and Kathering and Joe are now in charge. MJ and his brothers were in the public spotlight from a very young age. Mostly because Joe allowed it, but Katherine didn't put up much of a fight against it. So what's to stop Joe and Katherine from putting his kids through the same thing?
    Joe has already expressed a few times that he wants to make stars out of Michael's kids. If anything I'd say that the kids are being forced to be in the public eye at this point. Even though it's something they may want in the future, you're right they did seem uncomfortable with it at the moment.

    And I'm not saying that your opinions of parenting are wrong, and I hope it works out for you. I'm just saying that not all parents are like you, and its very obvious that the Jackson family has no concerns about keeping too much of their private business private.

    Welcome and have a nice time here!! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> I've been raised up the same way as u and I totally agree! <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • mjkatemjkate Posts: 276
    I am actually not saying that either parenting style is right or wrong. I am sure that both have merits and both have pitfalls. Yes I have chosen the sheltered version but not to the extreme and I also have girls...I may have been slightly different with a boy I don't know. You won't know what is right for you until you bring you first little baby into this world. Believe me it brings out a protection response that you didn't realize you had. Anyway back to the point I was trying to get across...If MJ did choose the sheltered route and the loving and snuggling and reading and going to art galleries and the close bonding with a father who was with them physically playing tag, cooking breakfast, walking on the beach early in the morning, looking at the lights of the city at night and on and on ....then it is extremely important that they still live a life like that and not be exposed awkwardly to strangers on tv for the 3rd since June 25th etc. I hope and pray that he did not die and these sweet little kids have not been thrust into a life that MJ hadn't really prepared them for. He did say once he would allow it but only after explaining everything to them and how it works and certainly by most accounts if we can believe those accounts he would have never let them go on Oprah. If he has died then omgosh he would be soooooo angry, livid, gut wrenchingly sad. He worked painstakingly hard for 12 years to give the kids a perfectly planned out beautiful life filled with love and protection from exactly the same thing that is happening to them right now. The only way I can stand to think of it is to pray he isn't gone and that when the cameras go off he is right there for them.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    mjkate » Thu Nov 11, 2010 4:01 pm

    I have thought long and hard about this post and have written it several times in the past when I have seen the children in public speaking or being photo graphed. I am the mother of 2 girls 11 and 13. We are a private family and my girls are sheltered and protected. They are a little naive and innocent because of that but we are around to protect them until we feel it's time and they are ready to be exposed to the "real" world where things aren't maybe as rosy. But we want to take our time before we gently ease them into some of the more harsher sides of life. When I see Michael's children in public situations (the funeral, the grammy awards, pictures at restaurants, and now Oprah) I think about the laws that would be in place to protect minor children. If MJ was not around, I don't believe social services or professional psychologists or his family would believe that these situations would be good for orphaned children who have been without the love and protection of their doting father for the last year. I don't care if it's Hollywood or scmollywood. Young children's emotions are not to be messed with whether the young children think they are ready for Oprah or not. Children's brains are not fully developed until they are in their early 20's and they are not capable of making sound decisions. A tramatic event like losing a cherished father at that young age is a child's nightmare and what they need is love, support, snuggling, protection and most of all shelter from prying eyes and the media. Little Blanket is 8 for goodness sake and clearly did not want to be on Oprah. Prince didn't look like he was comfortable either. While Paris looked and sounded mature, there was a nervousness to her and there have got to be laws that would protect these children from media circuses like this. I know that Michael has to be alive these children would not be seen out at all. He showed them to us in June of 09 and that must have been his turning point in allowing them out with his blessing as long as he is with them (for the hoax or it was just time) Am I making sense? Basically a long story short. If Michael is not alive there is no way Debbie Rowe or Katherine would be able to condone letting the children awkwardly answer the questions of a stranger in a media circus. There was nothing said by any of the children that was all that necessary. We all saw them at the memorial and to me that was enough. Paris's testimonial said it all and they should have left it at that unless MJ thought more needed to be said.mjkate

    I agree with you, these children are in view of the world from a few days before the "death" of Michael, events, photos and now this interview, if Michael is behind all this.
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