The big picture - 777 HIStory and The Greatest Show on Earth

friendlikeme81friendlikeme81 Posts: 390
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Guys, I have to tell you something. It bothers my mind since a few days and I have to let it out. I know that most of you will find it disrespectful to Michael and maybe totally unbelievable and crazy, but I assure you that it is not meant to be disrespectful to THE MAN and that I also think it is crazy and that I hardly can believe it myself.

So now I am telling you what I think about HIStory, The Greatest Show on Earth and the big picture:

Michael Joseph Jackson's life was 18.564 days long. <!-- m --><!-- m -->
At the exact middle of it, the Pepsi accident happened (or was hoaxed). It is said to have been the turning point of his life, the beginning of the decline of the superstar.

Now what's amazing: The time before the accident was 9282 days (9+2+8+2=21) which can be symbolized by 777 and the time after until his death was also 9282 days which can also be symbolized by 777.

Michael Joseph Jackson's life a complete symmetry, like a pyramid, like a perfect drama. The rise and fall of the King of Pop. And it is created of the magical number. HIStory is double 777 is the Greatest Show on Earth.

I do not believe in coincidences. This cannot have happened by chance. And therefore I think it was all planned, at least since Michael fixed his biography in Moonwalk.

How could he have done it? He simply changed the date of his birth to fit into the numbers (actually he is about 2 years younger, I think). And he decided to live his superstar-life in a decline (addiction, wacko image, ...) after the turning point until the date of his "death". It also implies the exact date June 25th 2009 was known to him since the late 80s, since Moonwalk and Moonwalker.

In Moonwalker he told us how the things would happen, it was a raw concept of how his life (show) would play out.

We should face the possibility that many things we thought that happened in the real life of Michael Jackson were only a part of his agenda, HIStory, part of the Show. We should face the possibility that we don't know who THE MAN really was and how he lived his life.

We are always speaking about details. This is what I think could be the big picture.

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