Creating controversy

Believe 777Believe 777 Posts: 403
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Hi all,

I have been thinking a lot about everything going on recently and I think there are connections. I'll share my thoughts and see what you think!

This all seemed to start with the Oprah show where there was a lot of controversy over the family allowing her into their home, considering her history as well as airing a show about peodophilia around the same time caused big controversy. Many people also felt upset and started to doubt the hoax because of the emotion Katherine showed.

I think it was on the same day that the snippet of 'Breaking news' was released. Immediately the authenticity of Michaels voice is openly expressed, the family say it is not him and TMZ and Sony say it is. My thoughts are that the point of this was to get peoples attention and intrigue to nudge them in the right direction and listen to the lyrics and nature of the song. This has created a "State of emergency" among fans on the mjjc site and other sites, I believe. People are divided on who is really singing, when I think it is the message that is the most important aspect. He is practically saying "Breaking News!!! I'm back".

Three days later we get the full 'Breaking news' track for seven days only. The timing could be significant, I will go into that as I go.

Then we get the Kevin Mckenzie interview on ITV. I didn't watch it but it sounds very blatant and provocative. It has created a outcry, was this what was intended? ( I don't know anything about Kevin so I have no idea if this is his usual behaviour). The timing feels very deliberate though, people are angry and voicing it. This could be a way of getting our voice heard and to show how we are strong and prepared to stand up for Michael as his army of love.

The other thing that happened recently that stirred things up was the release of a book called "A Paedophile's guide to love and pleasure' on Amazon. It was withdrawn, but it's so unbelievable that this book is even in exsitance let alone the biggest online book site actually agreeing to sell it. This is too extreme and I can't believe that Amazon didn't think they would get lynched for this. It does feel, again deliberate. It is becoming so 'in your face' now that it looks like they could be doing all this for the very reason of stirring us up into taking action. Anger is much more productive than apathy.

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All of the above has created either division or unity and a lot of confusion (Opis none!!!)

The other interesting thing is the Conrad Murray tweet from the day 'Breaking news was released'.

DrConradMurray When one is confined you cannot be direct with the message you would like to present. Step back and look at the big picture. God Bless

Are people going to focus on the broadcasted controversy or will they 'hear/see' the message? Is Michael clicking his fingers in order to get peoples attention. He has had ours for a long time now and we are the foundation on ground level. Michael couldn't do this without us, all this should start coming together soon, if my thoughts are right. More people must be seeing oddities in all this, not just us believers.

This is a bit longer than I intended but there is more I would like to add.

Things seemed to take on a different feel as of 11.11 2010. This is an important date in spiritual terms and also for NWO. I found TIAI redirect from this date to be very important considering the redirect to Orson Wells 'War of the worlds' which was before Breaking news was released.

11.11 redirect:-
Joshua 1:8
8This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

This could be interpreted as Michael saying "The truth will not be told but you can meditate day and night and you will find the truth within". Michael could be showing us that everything we need is within us. "This will make this journey prosperous and we will succeed.

Joshua 1:9
9Have not I commanded thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed: for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.

This sounds like his command has already been made, (past tense). Maybe Breaking news was the command. Jackies song titled 'We know whats going on' could be letting us know that we are ready and there are enough of us now who are strong and united in our belief to carry him forward. "There's no need to be nervous this is a great adventure, I am leading the way and God is with us wherever we go" This is just my humble opinion. There is a further connection as I said earlier about the timing of Breaking news relating to the 72 hour theory and thankyou to bec <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> who connected it to the seven day theory posted by back on 25th june 06. This is getting a bit long so I will just link to the thread where this is discussed (page 3). There is also an interesting connection from the background of joshua, thanks to lilwendy <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> , ( I hope it's ok with you both to add your posts here as they fit so well).

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Just a couple more to add as today is seven days after Breaking news release. The whole message and feel has changed since 11.11. The first song Michael wanted on the album is 'Hold my hand'. This is with Akon who we know thinks/knows MJ is alive. This is now available.

'Keep your head up' also has an obvious message.

Just to add that NASA are also supposed to be announcing something tonight,. This is a good thread if you are interested. Things are really happening and I know others are feeling it and seeing it from reading other threads.

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And finally, 'One more chance' video was suddenly available today and it shows the audience on stage and Michael on the floor. Everything is pointing to us, I think it may be our turn now???

Harvey also made a slip up today on TMZ live posted by mjquestions, <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> "If Michael was dead"!!!

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I wonder what will happen on 14th Dec with Michaels album coming out and Elizas court case.

Thankyou for taking the time to read this and I hope I have made sense and not gone too far. It just all just seems to be screaming out, "Stand back and look at the puzzle you have all solved together. Conrads tweet is timed to perfection and is so appropriate. It is the timing and the fact everything that is coming out has two viewpoints, the one we are 'told' is looking at the surface (ie,is it him/isn't it?) and the other one we have learned to see is the message behind it that is not being shouted out as they are given as clues.I'd love to know if any of you can add anything else as I have a feeling there might be more.

Love to all xx


  • AndreaAndrea Posts: 3,787
    There is SO MUCH going on with the hoax this last little while and it makes sense if we are getting closer to the BAM. Get everybody to say WTF is going on with the family, the new album, the songs, etc. while MJ sits back and watches it all unfold from wherever he is. I don't think he's doing it to be mean, but to see where everyone's mind is at in terms of the hoax - are there more believers now than before? Have people been more open to events going on around them or are we still blind to an obvious truth. And I think bec put it best saying that everybody is being whipped into a frenzy because that seems to be exactly what is going on. And if the BAM date has NOT been determined, it would make sense for Michael to gauge where everybody's at because timing is everything.
  • There is SO MUCH going on with the hoax this last little while and it makes sense if we are getting closer to the BAM. Get everybody to say WTF is going on with the family, the new album, the songs, etc. while MJ sits back and watches it all unfold from wherever he is. I don't think he's doing it to be mean, but to see where everyone's mind is at in terms of the hoax - are there more believers now than before? Have people been more open to events going on around them or are we still blind to an obvious truth. And I think bec put it best saying that everybody is being whipped into a frenzy because that seems to be exactly what is going on. And if the BAM date has NOT been determined, it would make sense for Michael to gauge where everybody's at because timing is everything.

    Great job Believe777, for putting this all together. We do need to look at the bigger picture and I think sometimes we run down little bunny trails (myself included) before getting back on track. But the important thing is that we do get back on track and stay focused.

    Andrea - I agree - Michael is probably watching ever so patiently at the developments to see what happens (the recent video "Whatever Happens"). If anyone is an expert at timing, it would be him. Blessings.
  • katson45katson45 Posts: 116
    Perhaps the BAM is to be left to us, THE AUDIENCE? This may be our intended 'part' in this?
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Gonna take some stronger signs if he wants us to act cohesively in some way.

    I don't think we (hoaxers), per say are on stage... but some group is. They probably are unaware. The people in the video don't seem to notice anything amiss.

    This is a good post though and I am tagging it to come back to.

    Ps. I will say things do seem to be ramping up, perhaps gearing up for something... but we've been here before. At least twice before I really felt like we were swelling to a climax of sorts.... only to turn out fairly anticlimactic.

    So this could just be a new stage. Controversy created, yes, but for some agenda other then a return... and certainly something other then just album sales and billboard rankings.

    I do not think this hoax is likely to culminate in something so material as an album release.

    I happen to suspect that this album is not as it appears. A hoax in itself, perhaps?
  • Gonna take some stronger signs if he wants us to act cohesively in some way.

    I don't think we (hoaxers), per say are on stage... but some group is. They probably are unaware. The people in the video don't seem to notice anything amiss.

    This is a good post though and I am tagging it to come back to.

    Ps. I will say things do seem to be ramping up, perhaps gearing up for something... but we've been here before. At least twice before I really felt like we were swelling to a climax of sorts.... only to turn out fairly anticlimactic.

    So this could just be a new stage. Controversy created, yes, but for some agenda other then a return... and certainly something other then just album sales and billboard rankings.

    I do not think this hoax is likely to culminate in something so material as an album release.

    I happen to suspect that this album is not as it appears. A hoax in itself, perhaps?

    Thankyou all for your replies <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    bec, I agree that we have felt this before only for it not to develop into anything major. We have all learned to be cautious about things like this so I think it's good to be aware of all possibilities including dissapointment.
    This could indeed be creating a new stage which is interesting. My personal feeling is that this could be a big step forward and part of the journey towards his return, the timing will be perfect when he does return but I do think there are other factors that have to be worked towards as well. I do not think this is about just an album release, which as you say may not be what it appears to be, we will see. I think that the main reason for the hoax is to change peoples way of thinking, seeing, hearing and feeling etc... It could be that everyone has their own individual BAM moment when the truth is realised. His return could be something different to BAM. There is a lot of truth to absorb for those who are yet to discover. There is a lot more about the outcome than just this and as things unfold more will become clear. The world is in for the biggest wake-up call and reality check and a lot of love.

    Something I want to add to my post is that Katherine said that Murray wouldn't tell her what had happened to Michael and she had to make him. I don't know the timing but on the same day Murray tweeted about not being able to be as direct in his message due to being confined and to look at the bigger picture. This is the first time Katherine has said that it was Murray who told her Michael had 'gone' which I'm sure was deliberate, maybe to connect to his indirect message. Murrays message may have been the command rather than Breaking news, this would still fit the theory as it was the same day as full release of Breaking news.Maybe I'm seeing too much in this and or I'm going completely mad, either way it does seem timed very well. Things will unfold, they have to, however it happens will be perfect, I have learned to have patience and trust Michael.
  • Believe777 - I'm enjoying your posts much more than TS'! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    I hope it is Michael who plants all the clues around... Sometimes I get a bit uncertain about that...
    I guess I'll have just wait and see... Patience patience... <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
  • WOW i have the biggest case of BUTTERFLIES ever! Can you feel it?? I mean seriously....Can You Guys feel it???? Something is about to happen......come on Michael! Bring it! Step out so we can see you. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> We are waiting with open arms. We wanna hold your hand.
  • mjj4ever777mjj4ever777 Posts: 1,467
    Love the post Believe777! This all makes sense to just "fits." I do believe there are a lot more "truths"(as you said) to come, yes indeed. Maybe we are in the next "phase", where we figure out the L.O.V.E, and what the future holds for all of us, part. Everything is unfolding, "Patience" is key.
    Sending you all Blessings Light and Love...Thanks Believe777, please keep posting your thoughts! <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    Don't forget, we need to see this through with Murray.

    Nothing is over until the Murray situation is dealt with.
  • katson45katson45 Posts: 116
    It will be devastating to become aware that while we were being diverted by ''MJ hoax'' and all it's mystery. the globe was litterally enslaved by the 'power seekers' NWO et al....I'm sure this is not something Michael would want to have happen while we were busy checking out and investigating his body parts? If we are going to use love for Michael as motivation, lets become 'aware' of what's going on in the world he loves and wishes to protect. ? L.O.V.E.
  • Believe 777 I commend you for your post. Very well said. You are absolutely right. Somthing is about to happen soon. Michael is a genius,he knew what he was doing before he left on June 25/2009. All these clues coming out we just need to find all the pieces and finish the puzzle as you said. Now Oprah is doing another interview about MJ new cd. Why is she doing that? Is it the contreversy we are having, that it is not Michael singing? Or is it to promote the cd? There is more that meets the eye. We have to simply sit down and watch Oprah. God bless
  • Believe 777 I commend you for your post. Very well said. You are absolutely right. Somthing is about to happen soon. Michael is a genius,he knew what he was doing before he left on June 25/2009. All these clues coming out we just need to find all the pieces and finish the puzzle as you said. Now Oprah is doing another interview about MJ new cd. Why is she doing that? Is it the contreversy we are having, that it is not Michael singing? Or is it to promote the cd? There is more that meets the eye. We have to simply sit down and watch Oprah. God bless

    Thank you again for the great replies. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Something really is going on right now, there is way too much controversy and the clues are huge and the timing is no coincidence. <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
    The Oprah show should be interesting especially as Teddy Riley is going to be on there. In his other interview on the TR thread you can see how he talks about MJ in present tense and is obviously a great friend of his. This should be good, I hope <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • I agree. I think something big is going down and has been for a few weeks. It just feels that everything that is going on at the moment - Teddy, Akon, Oprah, new album, fake intended to be a distraction, to take our eyes away from the bigger picture.

    It's very unsettling though and I think we just need to watch everything - I feel as though something is definitely going on and that we will find out very soon.
  • New Year's Eve fireworks <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: --> BAM could be on the NEW YEAR's thought.
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