Tabloid Trash: The Edge Radio Station New Zealand

mj33mj33 Posts: 42
edited November 2010 in News
Just heard some cheap remarks about MJ on a national radio station in New Zealand called The Edge. So I decided to post a complaint. (Hope most my facts are right <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> If you live in New Zealand maybe you can complain also. <!-- e --><a href=""></a><!-- e -->

Here is my complaint:

Just want to complain about the tabloid trash cheap shot to the King of Pop by Jay-Jay. She said something along the longs of Michael Jackson liking little kids insinuating he was a pedophile and would have really liked Justin Bieber and a cheap shot about Jesus Juice. I hoped NZ media outlets would be above such ignorant tabloid remarks. The man was innocent! acquitted of like 10 charges in a court of law. Also if you take a look at both the families that placed the charges on the man you will discover that they were trash. The first family (The Chandlers) father wanted Michael Jackson so get his movie script in to a movie and when he didn't he said he would destroy Michael Jackson if you do a little bit of research you will find there are telephone conversations of this douch bag saying that also who would ask for money if there kid was sexually abused... please come on and the money paid out wasn't Michael Jacksons choice he wanted to go to court but his advisors said the court process would take years and put his career on hold so his insurance company ended up paying the money. Also after the first trial the kid disowned the father and last year I think the father committed suicide. The second family the Arviso's were con artists they had tried to con many other celebrities like Chris Tucker, Jay Leno and George Lopez out of money and stolen clothes from shops etc ripped of the government... hmmm why does no one know this? Michael Jackson took care of the Arviso's family and saved the kid from cancer. So much injustice here its ridiculous. I urge you to do your own research and I'm am positive you will feel ashamed (Jay-Jay) of your cheap shots at the king of pop who loved to help children and the world.


  • DoDo Posts: 850
    Great job, thank you so much. You're so right, why does nobody know the FACTS???? Are people so afraid and ashamed to admit they were WRONG in the past?
  • A brave thing to do!
  • Thank you!!! Excellent words that you chose...all correct, by the way. And yes, why don't many people know about these facts? The awful truth is because trash sells.

    I hope beyond hope that this hoax is all about clearing Michael's name and putting to shame those that have continued to bring Michael down with these lies. I'd love nothing more than to see some of these people squirm in their seats.
  • mj33mj33 Posts: 42
    Squirm in their seats <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> I hope so... and I hope some feel mightily ashamed and guilty and after feeling like that for awhile... maybe a long while... maybe a real long while <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> they make a change for the better and maybe question tabloid trash and the world in general more.
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