Justice or a Joke??

mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Hi been doing a lot of thinking about MJ (as usual) and this entire case., Ok can someone here help me understand the answers to these questions?(yes I know we have researched them a bit) but ........I guess I just need to understand them better. Experts are welcome. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( -->

1) Why hasn't the family led any rallies, !! We have Randy being the king of twitter whenever he likes,! So far the only thing I have saw is the 20/20 interview with Latoya, and also Joe and Oxman on L.K. when Joe stated a few names! What on God's earth is the family waiting for???? Is it real justice to be on twitter??? To me the Jackson family do not seem the least bit concerned about how things are going with the case! Heck they should be pursuing the hightest court possible for MJ! Their voices cannot be heard on twitter right????

2) Why hasn't AEG accused or pointed the finger at Dr. Murray?
3) Why did AEG take out the drug overdose insurance on MJ?(Sorry I just really need help with this question guys because I do not understand wheather this ties into the murder theory or <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> hoax
4) Why did family members allow AEG members to host the dam funeral/memorial. Why! If they are suppose to be so bent on getting justice for MJ!
5)Why has the family not led any rallies, I mean serious rallies!!!! ( No them getting on twitter and giving these little interviews here or there does not count in my book! We know Randy is the King of Twitter when he feels like it! That is not seeking justice! So by the family's actions are they trying to tell us Yes MJ was a hard drug addict and the drugs just finally got the best o <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> f him!?
Your thoughts are welcome.....yes I know we have covered these questions to a certain extent throughout the various threads but I suppose I would like to know if any of you have come up with any other theories to these! Sorry just getting close to the trial and I am just losing it i <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> suppose.Your thoughts? Anything new? thanks.


  • From the hoax point of view

    1)They have to be outspoken and create confusion to not arouse suspicion that MJ is alive
    2)Dont know that one <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> but maybe because AEG is part of the hoax
    3)Well it was about 17.5 million I heard and so this is weird that they would insure this much money, not only that but insurance not for natural causes but for a drug overdose, which is what the Coroner said MJ died from.
    4)Dont know this one either <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->
    5)I guess its the same as point 1 they have to act as if MJ died by taking any action that blames anyone for MJ's 'death' when they know he is alive is probably not part of the plan

    With points 2 and 5 remember Oprah asked K if she thought Murray was responsible she didn't say yes I think he murdered MJ because she didn't want to lie and I don't think MJ expects anyone else to, sometimes words are more powerful than actions.

    From the point of view that MJ is dead

    1)It doesn't make sense why they they wouldn't take any action (discounting Joe, although who better to file a suit than Joe when people don't see him as credible or having any legal standings on any of the cases he has filed).
    2) Because he was there when MJ 'died' and also they might just be looking for a scape goat
    3)Doesn't make sense unless they were the ones going to 'conspire' to kill him.
    4)Doesn't make sense unless they wanted to promote themselves, because of course everyone was going to watch the funeral
    5)Doesn't make sense unless they have so much faith in the justice system or unless they are keeping things from everyone of what they have on those involved.

    Hope this helps, even though I don't know the answers myself
  • I'll try to offer some answers from the perspective that MJ is dead (things get harder to explain if this is a hoax, at least for me):

    #1 and #5 (same question, I think?): It may be safer and wiser for the Jacksons to act behind the scenes (and maybe they are?) - especially with an upcoming trial. They may even have gotten legal advice to that effect... to stay quiet and not create waves in the media.

    EDIT (point added): Telling people like Oprah that MJ was a drug addict could get Murray's defense team to relax, thinking that the Jacksons are not gonna pose much of a problem... while behind the scenes the Jacksons could be working furiously to gather evidence that MJ was NOT a drug addict. We'll have to wait and see, but this would make sense to me.

    #2: Regardless of how Michael died (if he did), it's not AEG's business to pursue justice - especially if AEG paid Murray to kill Michael! By all accounts, Murray was paid by AEG as of June 2009... So it would make NO sense for AEG to point fingers at Murray, because then AEG would pretty much incriminate itself.

    #3: I don't know much about this. Was there a "drug overdose" policy, as in AEG had the right to be reimbursed by the insurance company if MJ overdosed? Taking out such a policy ahead of time would make sense if AEG planned to kill Michael and make it look like a "drug overdose"... That is, it might indicate that AEG had an idea of what would happen to Michael, which is chilling to consider.

    #4: What do you mean that "AEG members" hosted the funeral and memorial? Are you referring to Ortega, Phillips and Payne? I don't think the memorial and funeral had "hosts" per se... But I think I understand what you mean. Maybe that was a way for the Jacksons to tell the criminals "Look what you've done and deal with it"? I believe the Staples Center is owned by AEG - but I'm not sure the Jacksons would necessarily care about that, seeing as to how they made the memorial more about showbiz than about Michael and his REAL friends. I think there were people there who really didn't belong. Some say the Jackson family is pretty dysfunctional and greedy... No offense, but maybe it's true? Michael wasn't close to most of them.
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