Matt Fiddes: MJ's Former BodyGuard Drug Overdose.

DancingTheDreamDancingTheDream Posts: 4,923
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Michael Jackson’s former bodyguard overdosed on same pills the singer used.

Friday, December 3rd, 2010

Tags: Celebrity, drugs, Health, Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson’s former bodyguard nearly died of an overdose after taking the same prescription pills the singer used before his death, it emerged today.

Michael Jackson's former bodyguard took overdose on same pills the singer used

Martial arts expert Matt Fiddes, 31, became close friends with Jacko when he ran his security operation during his British tours.

But he has spiralled into depression over recent claims he fathered the star’s youngest son Blanket after donating his sperm in 2001.

The stress of the situation – and a messy divorce battle – caused him to down five powerful painkillers he claims he was given by one of Jackson’s doctors.

But he fell unconscious and was rushed to hospital by ambulance amid fears he may have suffered a potentially-fatal drugs overdose.

He spent nine hours under observation and was told by medics that the painkillers – which are banned in Britain – could gave killed him.

Matt, who is now recovering at home in Barnstaple, north Devon, said: ”Luckily the doctors were able to save me.

”They told me if I had taken two more of the tablets I would have been gone.

”It is a very powerful painkiller and was one found in Michael’s body. Like me, he didn’t know the strength of the drugs he was given.

”The last thing the doctor told me was that if I carried on like that I was I would end up like my old boss Michael Jackson.

”It is hard to grieve for Michael. To most people he was a superstar, but to me he was a buddy. Also the Blanket situation is ongoing. I’ve got problems coming from everywhere.”

Matt was prescribed the painkillers after tearing a muscle in his arm protecting Jacko from a mob of fans during a shopping trip with Uri Geller in London in 2002.

Michael Jackson's former bodyguard took overdose on same pills the singer used

He didn’t take the Soma tablets – which are used as a muscle relaxant and painkiller – and stored them in his bathroom cabinet.

But over recent months, Matt has spiralled into depression since discovering in September that he may be the father of Jackson’s eight-year-old son Prince Michael II – known as Blanket – after donating sperm to the star in 2001.

He previously claimed the star offered him £500,000 for the sperm but he turned the money down and donated it for free.

The following year Blanket was born and Matt says he was told the baby was his by Mark Lester – another Jackson sperm donor thought to be the father of his daughter Paris.

Matt says the revelation has taken its toll on him and he has become increasingly depressed in recent months.

He added: ”It’s been a constant source of stress for me ever since I found out I was Blanket’s father.

”I go to bed every night thinking that I have another son that I can’t see.”

Matt has also struggled to deal with a bitter divorce from wife Marcia and the news that his mum Marjella (corr) Norris, 55, was last year diagnosed with terminal breast cancer.

He took five of the 350mg Soma tablets – a muscle relaxant – last Saturday (27/11) evening and instantly started to feel nauseous.

Within minutes he was struck down with stroke-like symptoms when he lost the feeling in part of his face and became drowsy.

Matt called NHS Direct and the operators were so concerned they dispatched an ambulance to take him to North Devon District Hospital at 1am.

The former bodyguard was put on a heart monitor as doctors used a saline solution to flush the drugs from his system, before carrying out a series of tests and releasing him at 9am on Sunday.

A close friend of Matt’s, who did not want to be named, said he had taken the drugs after failing to come to terms with Jacko’s death and being unable to visit Blanket.

Michael Jackson's former bodyguard took overdose on same pills the singer used

He said: ”We all think Matt does need a wake up call. We do not want him to end up like Michael Jackson.

”The pain of losing Michael and the Blanket story leak put him in a bad way.

”He could not sleep due to the stress of his life and being so alone in his mansion day and night.”

Matt claimed in September that he donated sperm to the late pop star in 2001 after Jackson told him he wanted an ‘athletic’ child.

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  • Thank you for sharing this story. I would hope that Matt makes a full recovery and finds help for his emotional well-being.

    What struck me is that he's had these pills since 2002...and he's just now taking them. 8 years is a long time and their strength isn't going to be the same. Not saying they aren't as dangerous with the same risks. I'm just saying that it strikes me odd that he'd take those now. I will be praying for him.

    Also, I am curious about where he learned he could be the father of Blanket. Wouldn't you think that if he had any suspicion that he was the father he'd have it by looking at Blanket (I think Blanket looks like MJ, by the way). I mean, Mark Lester told him he was the father? How does Mark know...
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    This article is so's really bad journalism. They had 3 facts, and they tried to make a story out of that....

    I agree that all tablets have a shelf life. Most have an expiry date on them, and I can tell you now, that those tablets would have expired by now.

    I call "An attention seeker" looking for a few more minutes of fame, again .


    Thanks for sharing this article. God Bless xoxo
  • Soma
    Generic Name: carisoprodol
    Brand Names: Soma, Vanadom

    What is Soma?
    Soma is a muscle relaxer that works by blocking pain sensations between the nerves and the brain.

    Carisoprodol is a centrally-acting skeletal muscle relaxant. It is a colorless, crystalline powder, having a mild characteristic odor and a bitter taste. Carisoprodol is slightly soluble in water and freely soluble in alcohol, chloroform and acetone. The drug's solubility is practically independent of pH. Carisoprodol is manufactured and marketed in the United States by Meda Pharmaceuticals Inc. under the brand name SOMA, and in the United Kingdom and other countries under the brand names Sanoma and Carisoma. The drug is available by itself or mixed with aspirin and in one preparation (Soma Compound With Codeine) along with codeine and caffeine as well.

    When is Carisoprodol Prescribed
    The pain pill carisoprodol is used to relieve the symptoms associated with acute musculoskeletal pain. This type of pain can be caused by the wear and tear of everyday activities on muscles, falls, accidents, sprains and poor posture. The medication is available as 350 mg tablets to be taken 3 to 4 times a day. To increase the medication’s effectiveness, it is sometimes prescribed with other medications such as opiates, analgesics and benzodiazepines.

    Neither Soma nor Carisoprodol has ever been mentioned in the Michael Jackson "death". The drugs listed in the autopsy are benzodiazepines and not muscle relaxers or pain medication.
  • ”It is a very powerful painkiller and was one found in Michael’s body. Like me, he didn’t know the strength of the drugs he was given.

    FALSE, even if you believe Michael is dead. The AR makes no mention of any such drug, even among those simply prescribed to MJ. And that guy Matt Fiddes has long been discredited as a liar and opportunist.

    Dancing, if you don't mind: Have you read the AR? If so, you must know this story is BS. You have posted a few tabloid stories on this forum that are ALL BS, and I'm wondering what your purpose is in doing this. You haven't explained why you're sharing these stories with us... If there's a reason, could you please explain? I really don't understand, and am trying to.
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