MJHOAXEVIDENCE - Insider Info ... a theory

AintnosunshineAintnosunshine Posts: 481
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I was thinking about this <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=18&t=16246<!-- l -->

and posted an interpretion there but unfortunately the thread seems to have dried out already. Therefore I hope you mods don`t mind if I repost it here.

Considering this "insider`s" concept / message, it might be something like this:

1. Sony is well known for it`s copyright protection campaign (for example blocking youtube vids in many countries).
2. MJ was aways super-cautious to protect his music and rights.
3. Sony and MJ share ownership of Sony/ATV music publishing company whose values (= licenses = publishing rights) are quite vulnerable because of illegal copies / leakings circulating the net.
4. This is a HUGE topic not only for the whole entertainment business as it hits economy, politics, and societies everywhere to a major extent (see what damage "wikileaks" could do, not to mention hacking attacks, stalking and threads on the net).
5. The insider says that MJ was on good terms with Sony`s top executives always (true!) but has had his problems only with some heads of sections like Tommy Mottola (remember he was fired because of MJ`s claims back then).
6. Sony at large used to help MJ a lot (also financialwise).
7. Sony`s "make.believe" sounds very much Michael ... and may also point to a common goal.
8. The insider tells us to watch the major news (for 12 months at least) on these topics as I understand
- piracy = copyright infringements
- efforts to protect data and publishing rights on the www
- illegal leakings
- fake and forgeries (sounds and pictures, films and books)
- people responsible (those who do - or let happen - these things) are going to be exposed

So I understand some of these people - at Sony as well as with the estate - are going to be exposed and might lose their jobs ... Exposed for editing footage, remastering and polishing demo tapes and using look- and sound-alikes? To make money by fooling the public and capitalize on the fan`s purchasing power?

A major case of identity theft (using Michael Jackson, the brand)?

It`s not that far fetched to think of an international campaign for net protection purposes for all kind of national, economic, business, political and personal interests of all users worldwide. It`s about time.

Can you imagine the impact it would have? The death of the planet`s most famous person ever - and the aftermath - was "made.believe" to show the world ---- the bigger picture.

What do you think?


  • [youtube:2lmt4f32]
  • This is really interesting. I wonder if the "insider" knew about this when they made that video. It's like saying, which came first, the chicken or the egg....hmmm..

    I guess all we can do right now is to keep watching and connect the dots, right? Blessings.
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