Oddities in TII and Jackson Family Dynasty

EyeHeartMJEyeHeartMJ Posts: 77
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Since coming to this forum it got me thinking about This Is It and how it may relate. I've seen the movie a fair few times and one thing I noticed the other night was when he uses Diana Ross' voice and the J5 background. MJ may have gotten permission but I always thought he wasn't allowed to use the name anymore, and Berry Gordy got into legal battles over the name etc. Just something I noticed.

Last night in bed I was thinking about what else may be odd about it, & Earth Song popped in my head. Now, the text at the start says "thanks to a few cameras" they were able to capture his rehearsals. In Earth Song, MJ actually speaks about how he loves trees, and he likes to bring "hope and awakening" to people. Don't you think him talking suggests it was a planned film, and not just impromptu rehearsals? I mean, WHEN and WHY would he have recorded himself saying that? Was it meant to be incorporated into the "concerts"?

The most obvious set-up is the dancer at the start who says "life is hard, right. Been searching for something, blah blah..............this is it." I mean, the dancers would have known the name of the tour if this was in April 2009. Obviously we all saw the name of the tour when MJ spoke at the 02 with the red curtains. So this guy just happens to say a whole phrase that fits so perfectly? Come on...seriously?

And why was MJ only touring London? He has fans worldwide, and he said the Bad tour was to make it fair, since his last Victory tour was the USA only. So why UK specifically? My mum didn't believe he is alive, but even SHE said every time she sees that crowd at the O2, something doesn't look right to her.

My mum bought the Family Dynasty series a fair while back, and before I even considered the possibility of a hoax, I started to wonder if it was fake because I could sense something wasn't authentic. Maybe only some was acted but a couple of indications were when Tito is telling one of the boys (Jackie's son I think) about the famous story of Joe coming home to find the broken guitar, hitting Tito, and then telling him to show him what he could do. Jackie's son was acting as though he'd never even heard the story! Everyone's heard it, so of course all their kids would've too. Also when Jermaine starts telling the brothers why he stayed at Motown when the rest left the company. Jermaine gets all teary and seriously, wouldn't you think he would've told them years and years ago? It just happens to be RIGHT THEN with all the cameras around? Seems so false to me. As much as I enjoyed watching though... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

I haven't watched TII or Jackson Family Dynasty in full recently but I'm planning to soon with a more analytical approach...but these are just some of the things I noticed from memory.


  • Off topic, but what I remember from the Jackson Family Dynasty show was Jermaine and Halima's sofa cushions. I really liked them. Just thought I'd share!
  • Hahaha that made me laugh <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->
  • My mum bought the Family Dynasty series a fair while back, and before I even considered the possibility of a hoax, I started to wonder if it was fake because I could sense something wasn't authentic. Maybe only some was acted but a couple of indications were when Tito is telling one of the boys (Jackie's son I think) about the famous story of Joe coming home to find the broken guitar, hitting Tito, and then telling him to show him what he could do. Jackie's son was acting as though he'd never even heard the story! Everyone's heard it, so of course all their kids would've too. Also when Jermaine starts telling the brothers why he stayed at Motown when the rest left the company. Jermaine gets all teary and seriously, wouldn't you think he would've told them years and years ago? It just happens to be RIGHT THEN with all the cameras around? Seems so false to me. As much as I enjoyed watching though... <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    In MJ's book, Moonwalk, he tells the same story about Tito and the broken guitar so yes, I agree the family SHOULD know the story that started it ALL! Needless to say Jackie's son, Sigmund (aka: Siggy), has a rap music career so IMO most likely he heard the story about Uncle Tito messin' with Papa Joe's Guitar... I will have to watch that episode again as I haven't watched it in quite awhile ~ thanks for sharing!
  • I think the entire family, even Michael's kids, would know about the stories WE ALL know about. Of course they would...well maybe not the very young kids like Marlon's grandkids...but in the Oprah show all the kids said they grew up watching Ed Sullivan etc, so it's ridiculous. They obviously told that story in the series to recap it for the viewers; Jackie's son is in his 20s or something. But didn't you get the sense that sometimes it seemed they were acting?

    Someone else mentioned Halima's tshirt said "MJ lives", I completely forgot about that part. I thought it was a bit strange, or inappropriate or something, being just Jermaine's wife. Bit of a set up, again for the cameras. Why the heck would she be wearing a top about her brother in law just casually, that happens to say he lives...

    I can't remember the exact event in that series but I think there were moments after MJ's "death" that they said some inappropriate things or acted strangely considering the circumstances. I'll watch it again soon & report back anything else I notice LOL.
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