Taryll speaks out on Twitter (on Cascios)

VeryLittleSusieVeryLittleSusie Posts: 1,483
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Taryll speaks out on Twitter
Tuesday, 07 December 2010 13:05 | | |
Taryll shares the following thoughts on his Twitter regarding the new Cascio tracks on MICHAEL album release of which he bleives are not his Uncle's.

I've always admired the talent of Teddy Riley, but after hearing him lie on Oprah I am terribly disappointed.
I remember when Teddy and I were at Encore listening to KYHU. We both knew it wasn't my Uncle. He stopped working on it because (and I quote) "it didn't sound enough like Michael. Michael doesn't swing like that." He also said he was only working on the Cascio records in hopes that he would eventually be given a "real Michael Jackson song." As he knows, I never agreed with that logic. I'll never forget when Teddy called me telling me, "I'm so excited, I finally got a 'Michael record.' It's called Hollywood Tonight and it's him.
Frank hurt and betrayed my Uncle years ago, so when I learned about Eddie I wasn't completely shocked. The names are different but the story's the same. People taking advantage of my Uncle and now his legacy. I wish Oprah would have asked about the ridiculous amount these FAKE songs were sold to the estate for. I will always love, protect and stand by my Uncle. I will forever be loyal to him and NOTHING can change that.



  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I just think that if MJ would be really dead this would be very sad. Family and friends "fighting" for Michael´s music.

    On the other hand, it is hard not to dettach oneself from the opinion that his family is the only one who can be loyal towars him for what the concept family represents.

    We are just in the middle of all of this. IDK, to me the Cascios seem very honest and they never asked one penny from Michael and kept their secret link to MJ for 25 years, that´s good for their trust.
    T.R has been workig with Michael as well and surely he knows how his voice sounds in a studio.

    MJ loved his nephews as well.

    This is nuts.
  • So Taryll said this:
    "Frank hurt and betrayed my Uncle years ago, so when I learned about Eddie I wasn't completely shocked."

    If that is true, how come we have recent pics of MJ with the Cascios?! And if I recall, one of the Cascios (I believe Frank!) testified for the defense during the 2005 trial. This info is in Aphrodite Jones' book, which I can't check right now because I've lent it to someone.

    I have trouble believing that after staying quiet about a friendship with MJ for 20+ years and defending him during the worst time of his life the Cascios would betray Michael... And with such a large family, with many siblings and nephews, why would Michael feel the need for a second family? Why would he keep befriending "strangers" the way he did? Could it be because he couldn't trust many in his own family?!
  • So Taryll said this:
    "Frank hurt and betrayed my Uncle years ago, so when I learned about Eddie I wasn't completely shocked."

    If that is true, how come we have recent pics of MJ with the Cascios?! And if I recall, one of the Cascios (I believe Frank!) testified for the defense during the 2005 trial. This info is in Aphrodite Jones' book, which I can't check right now because I've lent it to someone.

    I have trouble believing that after staying quiet about a friendship with MJ for 20+ years and defending him during the worst time of his life the Cascios would betray Michael... And with such a large family, with many siblings and nephews, why would Michael feel the need for a second family? Why would he keep befriending "strangers" the way he did? Could it be because he couldn't trust many in his own family?!
  • 2007 timeline:
    <!-- m -->http://mjjtimeline.blogspot.com/2009/08/2007.html<!-- m -->

    October 31:
    - Access Hollywood airs a preview of Michael's photoshoot for Ebony magazine.
    - Michael & the kids celebrates Halloween at the Cascio family house in Franklin Lakes, New Jersey.

    If Frank Cascio "hurt and betrayed" MJ years ago, why was MJ spending Halloween with the Cascios in 2007? Not saying this MJJ timeline website is the gospel, but I do recall reading of MJ spending time with the Cascios in 2007 from other sources as well... So I don't buy Taryll's story of betrayal.

    Another question is, though: Did MJ record music at the Cascios in 2007 (as we're told)? Looking at that timeline, Michael might have spent 1 week at the Cascios, between Oct. 31 - Nov. 7, but it's unclear whether he spent any more time with them in 2007. <!-- s:?: -->:?:<!-- s:?: -->
  • So Taryll said this:
    "Frank hurt and betrayed my Uncle years ago, so when I learned about Eddie I wasn't completely shocked."

    If that is true, how come we have recent pics of MJ with the Cascios?! And if I recall, one of the Cascios (I believe Frank!) testified for the defense during the 2005 trial. This info is in Aphrodite Jones' book, which I can't check right now because I've lent it to someone.

    I have trouble believing that after staying quiet about a friendship with MJ for 20+ years and defending him during the worst time of his life the Cascios would betray Michael... And with such a large family, with many siblings and nephews, why would Michael feel the need for a second family? Why would he keep befriending "strangers" the way he did? Could it be because he couldn't trust many in his own family?!

    I completely agree with you on all of that!
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    On this thread they have a very recent pic of MJ and Frank Cascio, <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=19&t=16319<!-- l --> , but when I looked up pics of MJ and Taryll, the most recent I found is the 3T studio one of the two of them and Taryll is practically nude. Does anyone know of a good recent pic?
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    I kind of believe the story of the Cascios....you would have to wonder why MJ had to have a substitute family anyway. What was wrong with his own???

    I can only assume that his relationship with his real family was not a good one, other than his mother and children.

    Most people that surrounded MJ, were leeches, including the family. Maybe they were expecting a "free ride" and never got that, and are all very bitter.....

    Maybe they expected MJ to financially help them out, but instead he chose to give the money to needy charities, and not family. <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: --> <!-- s:mrgreen: -->:mrgreen:<!-- s:mrgreen: -->

    I would be pissed off too.
  • "Frank hurt and betrayed my Uncle years ago, so when I learned about Eddie I wasn't completely shocked. The names are different but the story's the same. People taking advantage of my Uncle and now his legacy."

    Maybe he meant Frank DiLeo - that would make more sense...
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    What i am going to write my sound harsh but i get the imperssion, after reading those comments, that MJ was the hen with the golden eggs to anyone and "family" believe to have more right to Michael´s legacy than anyother business person.

    The truth is that the only ones who have the right to anything Michael made are his children and that´s it.

    Nephews, friends , cousins and other people "fight" for "his legacy" and I am starting to question their true intentions. Looks like they just want to squeeze whatever they can out from Michael.
  • What i am going to write my sound harsh but i get the imperssion, after reading those comments, that MJ was the hen with the golden eggs to anyone and "family" believe to have more right to Michael´s legacy than anyother business person.

    The truth is that the only ones who have the right to anything Michael made are his children and that´s it.

    Nephews, friends , cousins and other people "fight" for "his legacy" and I am starting to question their true intentions. Looks like they just want to squeeze whatever they can out from Michael.

    And also..I'm trying to think: what good would it do to TR if he were lying? I mean WHY? Is he getting paid handsomely? I just can't believe it. Adding the fact he and Akon are beLIEvers...it's not making sense AT ALL.
    While Taryll might be a/bitter; b/ pissed for not being in on the hoax (he might not know there is any); c/ it is the role he's been asigned for the hoax's sake

  • I'm starting to question the intentions of many Jackson family members, especially 3T, now. First off, why are they always taking to Twitter to solve their problems? I'm pretty sure they are aware that it will start controversy, so that's the only reason (that I can think of) for them tweeting. No other Jacksons spend that much time on Twitter talking about this. It seems almost as if they're using Michael as a platform to advertise their "Code Z The Series" movies. And second, why are they always so bitter? I haven't heard them say one positive thing about MICHAEL (the album) or anything like it. They spend all this time preaching "Keep Michael's legend alive!" But the second he gets the chance to take it to the next level they try to stop everything. They spend too much time focused on other people's actions, and putting negative energy out.

    The Jackson's and their friends are the PRIME reason people aren't buying albums. Fans turn to them (even though they should think for themselves) for the answers, and they feed them this.

    The Cascios seemed like genuine people, I don't understand how they could be distrustful. They kept that secret like champs. 25 YEARS! And Teddy Riley? He isn't doing this for pay. I mean Sony would be wasting money because (obviously) a lot of fans aren't buying it. I'm pretty fed up right about now.
  • 1. Twitter is "the thing" for some people. The 3T nephews are ALWAYS posting good things on there about MJ. If you don't know what you are talking about shut up... <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->

    2. It is quite possible that the family may have heard of Cascio's, but possibly never met... You see I use the word "possibly" meaning I am guessing... <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->

    3. The whole dispute thing is funny, the emotional tug of war thing is deep... the contrast of it all, hey I went from crying to laughing in the 25 min segment on Oprah <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| --> <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: --> <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:| -->:|<!-- s:| --> <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    very well orchestrated I must say LOLOL <!-- s:ugeek: -->:ugeek:<!-- s:ugeek: -->
  • When I read this I thought of something interesting that I'd heard some time ago. Tito was pissed at Mike because he didn't go to one of his son's weddings (one of the 3T boys), and they kinda followed suit. There were also issues with the production of their music and his involvement. They did really well in the UK, right? Who knows, it could've been just a rumor..... <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
    On this thread they have a very recent pic of MJ and Frank Cascio, <!-- l -->viewtopic.php?f=19&t=16319<!-- l --> , but when I looked up pics of MJ and Taryll, the most recent I found is the 3T studio one of the two of them and Taryll is practically nude. Does anyone know of a good recent pic?
  • I'm starting to question the intentions of many Jackson family members, especially 3T, now. First off, why are they always taking to Twitter to solve their problems? I'm pretty sure they are aware that it will start controversy, so that's the only reason (that I can think of) for them tweeting. No other Jacksons spend that much time on Twitter talking about this. It seems almost as if they're using Michael as a platform to advertise their "Code Z The Series" movies. And second, why are they always so bitter? I haven't heard them say one positive thing about MICHAEL (the album) or anything like it. They spend all this time preaching "Keep Michael's legend alive!" But the second he gets the chance to take it to the next level they try to stop everything. They spend too much time focused on other people's actions, and putting negative energy out.

    The Jackson's and their friends are the PRIME reason people aren't buying albums. Fans turn to them (even though they should think for themselves) for the answers, and they feed them this.

    The Cascios seemed like genuine people, I don't understand how they could be distrustful. They kept that secret like champs. 25 YEARS! And Teddy Riley? He isn't doing this for pay. I mean Sony would be wasting money because (obviously) a lot of fans aren't buying it. I'm pretty fed up right about now.

    I feel you. Taryll and co. are just ranting on Twitter without actually taking any action which seems really ridiculous, esp. as they have full mouths about being behind MJ whatever happens in order to preserve his legacy. Now WHAT are they, specifically, DOING to achieve that? So far the only thing they've managed to do is stir up controversy, confuse the fans (some of which, as a result, have decided to boycott the album) and throw dirt on TR, who to be honest seems more genuine than most members of the family. So that's about it from their part. They'd better be acting on behalf of MJ or else they might end up being backlashed by the same people who are now backlasing TR because of Taryll's accusations.
  • becbec Posts: 6,387
    To me it's obvious that the whole thing is orchestrated by MJ.
  • I got the "Michael" album and noticed that the "Thank You" page in the booklet thanks both Taryll and Taj Jackson - plus Jackie Jackson. I wonder why. <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s:roll: -->:roll:<!-- s:roll: -->
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