Is it MJ Singing? Controversy Theory

mj33mj33 Posts: 42
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I've been trying to figure out the reason for all the controversy over if it's MJ singing or not in the songs on the new album. Family and people saying it's not him on some of the songs and other people saying it's all MJ... oh the confusion.

So I just thought of a theory that just hit me now and it could be quite brilliant by MJ...

All the controversy is so people start concentrating on Michael Jackson's music again and not the tabloid trash and lies that most people seem to concentrate on. Now people and media are listening to his magical music and questioning if its him which is pretty cool IMHO <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->


  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    I like your theory! Simple and sweet!
  • wishingstarwishingstar Posts: 2,927
    Great thoughts! I always thought it was interesting that nobody seemed to ever question the song This Is It, did they? That was supposedly found after June 25th as well....something with Paul Anka. It was even less perfectly produced.....or was it <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    Anyways....great thoughts mj33!
    Have a beautiful day!
    Blessings Always
  • Great thoughts! I always thought it was interesting that nobody seemed to ever question the song This Is It, did they? That was supposedly found after June 25th as well....something with Paul Anka. It was even less perfectly produced.....or was it <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
    Anyways....great thoughts mj33!
    Have a beautiful day!
    Blessings Always

    I like your thoughts...and welcome, by the way. I see you are a fairly new poster. Yes, let's hope it get's people concentrating more on the music and specifically the words...

    Interesting thoughts about TII too...because his brothers were brought in to provide backup vocals or something to the song so it wasn't completed either (according to reports). Blessings.
  • Hmmmmmm, yeah!!! I like.

    He would certainly enjoy making his music HIS way without harsh criticism. The new stuff won't be compared to the Thriller album, nor will the expectations be as high. He also knows that people will always show the dead some empathy even if they hate it.

    I've been trying to figure out the reason for all the controversy over if it's MJ singing or not in the songs on the new album. Family and people saying it's not him on some of the songs and other people saying it's all MJ... oh the confusion.

    So I just thought of a theory that just hit me now and it could be quite brilliant by MJ...

    All the controversy is so people start concentrating on Michael Jackson's music again and not the tabloid trash and lies that most people seem to concentrate on. Now people and media are listening to his magical music and questioning if its him which is pretty cool IMHO <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    Folks may not be aware that the estate's heavy debt load is tied to their 50% share of the Sony/ATV catalog. The way that debt is structured means that if the estate defaults on the loan, Sony will gain control of the catalog and make astronomical profits, far more than any album sales could bring. In other words, Sony could potentially profit more for the failure of all these Jackson projects than their wildest success. Michael himself said he feared for his own life because of this. The conflict of interest is staggering.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    Folks may not be aware that the estate's heavy debt load is tied to their 50% share of the Sony/ATV catalog. The way that debt is structured means that if the estate defaults on the loan, Sony will gain control of the catalog and make astronomical profits, far more than any album sales could bring. In other words, Sony could potentially profit more for the failure of all these Jackson projects than their wildest success. Michael himself said he feared for his own life because of this. The conflict of interest is staggering.
    There are clearly two sides to the story, that he is either a debt-ridden pitiable victim or a camoflaged billionaire genius fully choreographing the controversy. Or are the two inexplicably intertwined, and both true at the same time. <!-- s:( -->:(<!-- s:( --> <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? --> <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    Welcome mj33 and I agree with you. Along that same line, on TMZ Harvey encouraged listeners to buy and listen to Invincible because he said there was this awesome song where Michael sings with a very low voice (almost doesn't sound like him if I didn't know better). So with all this controversy MJ's other poorly advertized album is also getting discussed. (Invincible should be just behind Thriller in sales.) Oprah openly advertizing 'Michael' to her 10 million viewers with all this controversy over his voice so it is bound to increase sales, and just before Christmas too.
  • mj33mj33 Posts: 42
    Thanks for the welcome guys, I've actually been visiting this site for near on a year though, I just don't post often.

    I do hope it is Michael pulling the strings from behind the scenes regardless I believe the truth will shine its light on all the lies in due time... and if someone is trying to manipulate things for their own gain it will come back and bite them in the ass. I like to think God is the boss of everybody and everything so if you are a bad or evil person or even a demon if God commands you to do something, you have to do it! So I believe God is on Michael's side so he is 'Invincible' and 'Unbreakable' and far stronger physically, mentally and spiritually then anything that can be thrown at him... and a bonafide musical genius.
  • DoDo Posts: 850
    This dark scenario popped up in my head after reading the previous posts here. We are happy with Teddy twittering Michael is alive and makes his appearance on Oprah, we are happy that de Cascio family is talking with respect and love about Michael, also appearing on Oprah (they never talked about Michael before, for which I have very much respect for them, but now, on Oprah), LMP decides to give one last interview about Michael on Oprah (but.....she has a new album coming out) and, oh yeah, the family is also happy to be interviewed by Oprah, even Michaels children are there to be asked about their dad. Some of them are also talking about Michael in present tense! Wow, this really makes our day every time. But very strange: Not one of all the people mentioned above adresses Oprah about her badmouthing on Michael the past 15 years. All of them must know how much this has hurt Michael, but no, they don't talk about that. I simply cannot understand that at all. Why are they all willing to be on Oprah, knowing that she had a major role in keeping the allegations to Michael alive, destroying his person and intigrity, without wanting an apology from her in public. If I were his mother, I wouldn't even want to talk to her, knowing what she has done to my son. But.....and that's my dark scenario......they all have an interest to keep Michael 'alive' and to bring the new album to anyone's attention: Teddy Riley, the Cascio's, and...the family. And Harpo Productions IS related to Sony (Sony Pictures Television). Sony could have made a deal with Oprah to invite all people, related to the new album, to her show. It's both benefitting Sony (interest in the new album by many viewers, just before Christmas) and Oprah (for ratings).
    Even LPM had a 'free' promotion of her new album. I just HATE to think this way and I hope this is not true. But I feel that's the case that noone mentioned Oprah's attitude to Michael: to make the fans (and new fans) happy and keep them off track (everything is OK, and yes, it is Michaels voice) to make them buy as many albums as they can.
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