Marlon contradicting the Dave Dave story on Larry King....

msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
I was watching this interview with Marlon and I found it interesting where he talks about MJ helping a burn victim and him paying his bills. He also states that MJ hired him. Now didn't the Dave Dave on Larry King say that MJ never paid any of his medical expenses? I believe this story contradicts itself. Here's the video:


  • Thank you for sharing this - it's very interesting.

    He's not he only one who contradicted the DD story. I believe Miko did too. I remember when I saw the DD interview it appeared like DD was very uncomfortable giving MJ praise for what he did and to me that only confirmed that MJ himself would be the only one uncomfortable with praising himself like that.

  • something else that struck me about the dd thing was when the camara hit dd how he sort of suddenly slumped down in the chair. was it my imagination. almost like he was suddenly surprised that something didn't look the way it was supposed to with him sitting more upright.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    I would think that Michael would take this particular scripture very seriously. Marlon also mentioned that he wanted to get a reward from the Lord. Matthew 6:1-4
    1Take heed that ye do not your alms (giving money) before men, to be seen of them: otherwise ye have no reward of your Father which is in heaven.

    2Therefore when thou doest thine alms, do not sound a trumpet before thee, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may have glory of men. Verily I say unto you, They have their reward.

    3But when thou doest alms, let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth:

    4That thine alms may be in secret: and thy Father which seeth in secret himself shall reward thee openly
    I agree that it is another strong proof that it is Michael, who doesn't want to toot his own horn about his giving. We've read these other testimonies of people who had received healing at the hand of Michael, and MJ told them not to tell anyone, just like Christ always said to the individuals who He healed. "Tell no man", but of course they always probably did anyway. I posted about that similarity elsewhere.
  • 2good2btrue2good2btrue Posts: 4,210
    I agree that it is another strong proof that it is Michael, who doesn't want to toot his own horn about his giving. We've read these other testimonies of people who had received healing at the hand of Michael, and MJ told them not to tell anyone, just like Christ always said to the individuals who He healed. "Tell no man", but of course they always probably did anyway. I posted about that similarity elsewhere.

    Thats why I don't believe "Breaking News" is Michael...I don't believe he would sing about himself, in that way.....
  • something else that struck me about the dd thing was when the camara hit dd how he sort of suddenly slumped down in the chair. was it my imagination. almost like he was suddenly surprised that something didn't look the way it was supposed to with him sitting more upright.

    Yeah I noticed that too, I thought it was only me, and I think he was looking at something.
  • I agree that it is another strong proof that it is Michael, who doesn't want to toot his own horn about his giving. We've read these other testimonies of people who had received healing at the hand of Michael, and MJ told them not to tell anyone, just like Christ always said to the individuals who He healed. "Tell no man", but of course they always probably did anyway. I posted about that similarity elsewhere.
    Thats why I don't believe "Breaking News" is Michael...I don't believe he would sing about himself, in that way.....
    I think in Breaking News- Michael is pointing out how the press used to objectify him by not seeing him as a person but this thing "MichaelJackson" - this creation they hound and follow- and want to topple. He is not touting his horn in that one at all. I think in the booklet it talks about how he made fun of how they said his name in this breathless "MichaelJackson" way he so perfectly imiates.

    Oh wow- excellent point about DD on LK. I had not watched that clip in the past- I never thought it was worth my time and went by what I had READ about it (that it cannot possibly be Michael)- then I about fell out of my chair! It was SO obvioulsy Michael. From the first "ahh" - I was convinced. The characteristc way Michael intonats his sentences...there was NO mistaking that. And the eyes...
    And now Marlon contradicts the "story." <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->
  • I agree that it is another strong proof that it is Michael, who doesn't want to toot his own horn about his giving. We've read these other testimonies of people who had received healing at the hand of Michael, and MJ told them not to tell anyone, just like Christ always said to the individuals who He healed. "Tell no man", but of course they always probably did anyway. I posted about that similarity elsewhere.
    Thats why I don't believe "Breaking News" is Michael...I don't believe he would sing about himself, in that way.....
    I think in Breaking News- Michael is pointing out how the press used to objectify him by not seeing him as a person but this thing "MichaelJackson" - this creation they hound and follow- and want to topple. He is not touting his horn in that one at all. I think in the booklet it talks about how he made fun of how they said his name in this breathless "MichaelJackson" way he so perfectly imiates.

    Oh wow- excellent point about DD on LK. I had not watched that clip in the past- I never thought it was worth my time and went by what I had READ about it (that it cannot possibly be Michael)- then I about fell out of my chair! It was SO obvioulsy Michael. From the first "ahh" - I was convinced. The characteristc way Michael intonats his sentences...there was NO mistaking that. And the eyes...
    And now Marlon contradicts the "story." <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    That's a great explanation for Breaking News. I agree with you.

    Something else I just noticed is that when the interviewer says that the doors were swung open for everyone to see who the Jacksons are Marlon explains that the world really didn't understand who they were except through the eyes of the media (which is tainted) so they were giving a glimpse to the world of who the Jacksons are - that they are like other families. They had been filming this in Jan 2009 with planning in 2008 but in reality the planning had to of started earlier with an idea and discussion amongst the group, right?

    I find this really interesting because we've also been given a rare glimpse of "the man" in TII. I have always felt that the timing of the reality show was no coincidence. And, if it's not coincidence what is the reason for the show...

    Another thing, Marlon seems a little nervous when they start talking directly about Michael but seems a little emotional at one point talking about the passing of Michael. And of all the stories he could have picked where Michael helped people, he chose Dave Dave as an example. It's like he's deliberately bringing attention to Dave Dave.

  • I find this really interesting because we've also been given a rare glimpse of "the man" in TII. I have always felt that the timing of the reality show was no coincidence. And, if it's not coincidence what is the reason for the show...

    Another thing, Marlon seems a little nervous when they start talking directly about Michael but seems a little emotional at one point talking about the passing of Michael. And of all the stories he could have picked where Michael helped people, he chose Dave Dave as an example. It's like he's deliberately bringing attention to Dave Dave.

    I also just remembered that they always ran the pre-view for show before TII- every time I saw it. Yes, just like TII humanized Michael for many, the brothers' show humanized them.

  • I find this really interesting because we've also been given a rare glimpse of "the man" in TII. I have always felt that the timing of the reality show was no coincidence. And, if it's not coincidence what is the reason for the show...

    Another thing, Marlon seems a little nervous when they start talking directly about Michael but seems a little emotional at one point talking about the passing of Michael. And of all the stories he could have picked where Michael helped people, he chose Dave Dave as an example. It's like he's deliberately bringing attention to Dave Dave.

    I also just remembered that they always ran the pre-view for show before TII- every time I saw it. Yes, just like TII humanized Michael for many, the brothers' show humanized them.

    Exactly. And if that was their goal - then their mission was accomplished. But, that had to only be the starting point of their plan...

    Some think that Michael wouldn't include his family in his hoax and that they are piggybacking off of Michael. Perhaps Michael did plan this as a "Jackson Family" event with several drama's unfolding. However, Michael is always the star and he knows it.

    I don't have anything clearly set in my mind as for the reason of this hoax but one thing I am convinced of is that Michael Joe Jackson is alive. Blessings.
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