Oh what a tangled web we weave

When first we practise to deceive.......

So after all the mudslinging, thread locking and revelations of unscrupulous behaviour , are you, like me, left wondering just who to trust here?


  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    I just trust myself, and that is even difficult at times <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • When first we practise to deceive.......

    So after all the mudslinging, thread locking and revelations of unscrupulous behaviour , are you, like me, left wondering just who to trust here?

    Thank you for the question.

    Not at all. The Bible says to put your trust in God. We are also warned to beware of the wolves in sheep clothing. All this does is show that we need to be wise and use discernment in our dealings with others. There is always a lesson to be learned. Blessings on your day.
  • In the end, we can't trust anyone. Sometimes not even ourselves - when our minds are clouded with emotions and our eyes play tricks on us. But at the end of the day, you have to trust that truth and goodness are more powerful than anything. We have to be able to hold our own, without relying on others, while still being able to come together. I think it's very important.
  • @voiceforthesilent and jacilovesmichael : very well said
  • lilwendylilwendy Posts: 788
    @voiceforthesilent - AMEN!!! I couldn't have said it better myself.

    @jacilovesmichael - Yes!!! It's all about the truth! Truth will prevail.
  • loyalfanloyalfan Posts: 1,641
  • Reading the comments on the forum the last 2 weeks since TS' last post
    (which is now locked) as well as four others... <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    I am saddened to read that people can not trust anyone anymore, not even themselves. Not even Michael then since some people say not to trust anyone and that would include him.

    This is what Satan wants you to do. <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: --> Satan wants you to become divided and non-trusting.

    Please reconsider your thoughts on this subject and know that not all people on this forum are out to play games and some of us can still be trusted.

    And yes all faith and trust should be in God but, we are humans on earth and we should be able to trust each other regardless of the past 2 weeks.

  • When first we practise to deceive.......

    So after all the mudslinging, thread locking and revelations of unscrupulous behaviour , are you, like me, left wondering just who to trust here?

    I am wearing protective gear, so the mud does not stick for too long... in fact it washes away quite quickly! It would be more FUN with paintballs, we would see different shades and patterns emerging in the "tangled web"...

    Trust? What a beautiful word! I love surrounding myself with trusting friends, it is so much more Fun and Relaxing... It feels pretty lonely otherwise! I don't like it at all! <!-- s:cry: -->:cry:<!-- s:cry: -->
    Who do I trust in the tangled web Today? God trusts me, I trust God & myself and 1.5 others... <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) --> The door is open to other diamonds and pearls... Knock Knock... OOOH! You look nice without your mask... Come in! <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    With L.O.V.E
  • When first we practise to deceive.......

    So after all the mudslinging, thread locking and revelations of unscrupulous behaviour , are you, like me, left wondering just who to trust here?

    Trust, hmm

    But It was nice to see, Freda Josephine Mc Donald, aka Josephine Baker, had a short-lasting resurrection here on the board, she had forgotten quickly and later remembered, when someone reminded her of it.
    So I wanted to find out more about who the real JB was and I learned, she was a fascinating woman, who had numerous female lovers, both while she was single and married, which I had not known before.

    I think, one can only fully trust someone personally known, it is difficult on the web.
    There are players out there and if you don't know their agenda, you can't speculate about it.
    Michael used to say: " ... Don't believe everything you read and hear. Just because it's in black and white, does not mean it's the Gospel... " " ...And in a world filled with distrust, we must still dare to believe ... "

    So I trust Michael and "still dare to believe" - what I choose to.
    And I still hope, at least one of the locked threads will be opened again after some consideration.
  • matthew 10:16
    i am sending you out like sheep among wolves. therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Reading the comments on the forum the last 2 weeks since TS' last post
    (which is now locked) as well as four others... <!-- s8-) -->8-)<!-- s8-) -->

    I am saddened to read that people can not trust anyone anymore, not even themselves. Not even Michael then since some people say not to trust anyone and that would include him.

    This is what Satan wants you to do. <!-- s:twisted: -->:twisted:<!-- s:twisted: --> Satan wants you to become divided and non-trusting.

    Please reconsider your thoughts on this subject and know that not all people on this forum are out to play games and some of us can still be trusted.

    And yes all faith and trust should be in God but, we are humans on earth and we should be able to trust each other regardless of the past 2 weeks.

    I agree. There are many sincere and honest people on these boards along with a few in minority who are not so transparent. I am reminded of LoyalFan sharing here deepest pains on finding her husband and Hesoutamylife sharing with us the tradgedy of losing her son. Suspiciousmind is honest enough to request we pray for the situation with her husband and I'm_convincedmjalive has told us of the trials and racism she has personally experienced with her family .These are just a few examples off the top of my head. There are many more. Two weeks of turmoil should not be able to undo 12+ months of journeying along side on one another. Let's not throw the baby out with the bath water. We may find we have lost what was truly precious.
  • anewfananewfan Posts: 1,125
    When first we practise to deceive.......

    So after all the mudslinging, thread locking and revelations of unscrupulous behaviour , are you, like me, left wondering just who to trust here?

    That's a good question. I think there are good people on this forum who are trustworthy and here for the right reasons (MJ). I also think there are people on this forum who I feel I wouldn't trust as far as I could pick them up and throw them. The problem is, who are the good guys and who are the bad guys? It's hard to tell. There are some very good actors on this forum.

    All I know is that I have kept it real the whole time I've been here. People may choose to believe that or not. I guess at this point, all we all have is our words. I believe, in time, however, people's true characters start to show through their words. I would think it would be very hard to keep up a false identity (let alone more than one) for very long, but I could be wrong.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    When first we practise to deceive.......

    So after all the mudslinging, thread locking and revelations of unscrupulous behaviour , are you, like me, left wondering just who to trust here?
    IMO from birth (depending on our environment and personality) we are conditioned to wear masks, to keep our thoughts to ourselves to be respectful, to move about in the world. I've lived enough years and experienced enough people to know every single one had their secrets, agendas, quirky eccentric sides. Since I've re-studied all the things I held as "Gospel truth" before, I've discovered that NOTHING is as it seems. So true, "half of everything you see, hear and read is a lie." I love everyone, but I take everything with a grain of salt, decide for myself. I don't take myself or others too seriously.

    It doesn't take too long after reading everyone's posts, that you get a certain perception of a person, and over time you start sensing certain traits such as defensive, evasive, bad-tempered, arrogant, game-player, shy, gentle, loving and on and on. What you truly are eventually comes out somehow.

    I trust the God of the Universe, that He will bring about good in the long run, perhaps not at the moment. I trust the people around me that have proven themselves over time. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) --> The revelations and arguments on this site recently, changed NOTHING for me at all. <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->
  • seems this thread is turning into affirming that we all know who is the one who really has our back and he/she is not to be messed with <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->
  • SarahliSarahli Posts: 4,265
    I agree with Im_convinced... if we don't trust anyone then it means that we suspect everyone... I am for just being myself and seeking God's guidance. We must still dare to trust. Of course we don't really know each other here but if we stay true to ourselves no matter what happens in between, we are the winners.
  • I am like the freaking ostrich with his buried in the sand,,, I really don't give a rats a^^ what is going on here as long as the site stays .

    I want to read and i want to continue and as far as I am concerned the drama seems to be over so shall we all carry on now !!!! Just my opinion <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D -->

    Ohhh and who is it that really has our backs??? Mo or Souza ???
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    seems this thread is turning into affirming that we all know who is the one who really has our back and he/she is not to be messed with <!-- s;) -->;)<!-- s;) -->

    So help me to understand who that one is because i am lost as usual <!-- s:lol: -->:lol:<!-- s:lol: -->
  • MissGMissG Posts: 7,403
    Please reconsider your thoughts on this subject and know that not all people on this forum are out to play games and some of us can still be trusted.

    Absolutely. I agree 100%
  • interesting...
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