New Hoax Videos are SOOOOO bad!

Alfie3121Alfie3121 Posts: 3
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
Hey Guys!

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I have been following the Hoax Vids from the beginning, and even from the beginning there were some videos which would really be clutching at straws on very minor bits of information, but they were all very interesting and insightful.

However, some of the videos in the last few months have been AWFUL! This is all culminating in a video I saw this morning where the video advised "Just check out Smooth Criminal from This Is It" it then cut to a copy of the Smooth Criminal performance from This Is It back to front and in turn the rest of the video was reversed (back to front)... So I'm watching and thinking "ok what am I looking out for here?"... and then the video stops and text appeared... "DID YOU SEE THAT!? SINCE WHEN DID MICHAEL DO DANCE MOVES WITH HIS LEFT HAND!!? THIS IS OBVIOUSLY A DOUBLE!" <!-- s:o -->:o<!-- s:o -->

Is this what we have come to people, videos with nothing new and just really stupid mistakes. I don't know about you but everytime I see a new video with a title like 'NEW EVIDENCE' I get a lil excited; but these recent videos are making our whole belief and us as as a group, less credible!

Imagine if a non believer went on Youtube and that was the first hoax video they watched!?

I'm not trying to knock or belittle anyones opinion, but come on guys, is anyone with me here?


  • m8ightym8ighty Posts: 99
    LOl i feel your pain. i have watched some ridiculous videos with over the top claims or very insignificant claims. Im a believer, but some believers, if they know something closely related Like Lisa Marie or far from related like Justin Bieber, is about to have an interview or something, they will fight tooth and nail to find something, anything. And no offense, but sometimes it disgust me because the believers are no longer coming off ass investigators or researchers, but heart broken fans that wont let go. We cant have people thinking that we have some delusional infatuation.
  • I am going to take this opportunity to mention a pet peeve of mine about all hoax videos.....POOR SPELLING! POOR GRAMMAR! I swear, I have yet to see one single hoax video that doesn't have either a spelling or grammar mistake or both....and I'm not referring to videos made by non-English speaking people...are people in such a hurry to get them up that they don't run a spell check first? This has always confounded me! And every time I see a spelling or grammar mistake, I feel it lessens the impact/legitimacy of the hoax video....I'll be watching along, totally getting into the message of the video and then BAM! There it is! A blatant spelling error or grammatical error....I shake my head once again in disbelief...

    I realize that this will probably not change, but I still wanted to mention it as it has bugged me for a long, long time.

    Despite this, I do appreciate the effort made by folks to make their hoax videos....just want to suggest that more time is taken to be sure mistakes are corrected before posting.
  • I am going to take this opportunity to mention a pet peeve of mine about all hoax videos.....POOR SPELLING! POOR GRAMMAR! I swear, I have yet to see one single hoax video that doesn't have either a spelling or grammar mistake or both....and I'm not referring to videos made by non-English speaking people...are people in such a hurry to get them up that they don't run a spell check first? This has always confounded me! And every time I see a spelling or grammar mistake, I feel it lessens the impact/legitimacy of the hoax video....I'll be watching along, totally getting into the message of the video and then BAM! There it is! A blatant spelling error or grammatical error....I shake my head once again in disbelief...

    I realize that this will probably not change, but I still wanted to mention it as it has bugged me for a long, long time.

    Despite this, I do appreciate the effort made by folks to make their hoax videos....just want to suggest that more time is taken to be sure mistakes are corrected before posting.

    I totally agree with you, and am so happy to see that someone else feels the same way!
  • m8ightym8ighty Posts: 99
    I am going to take this opportunity to mention a pet peeve of mine about all hoax videos.....POOR SPELLING! POOR GRAMMAR! I swear, I have yet to see one single hoax video that doesn't have either a spelling or grammar mistake or both....and I'm not referring to videos made by non-English speaking people...are people in such a hurry to get them up that they don't run a spell check first? This has always confounded me! And every time I see a spelling or grammar mistake, I feel it lessens the impact/legitimacy of the hoax video....I'll be watching along, totally getting into the message of the video and then BAM! There it is! A blatant spelling error or grammatical error....I shake my head once again in disbelief...

    I realize that this will probably not change, but I still wanted to mention it as it has bugged me for a long, long time.

    Despite this, I do appreciate the effort made by folks to make their hoax videos....just want to suggest that more time is taken to be sure mistakes are corrected before posting.

    LOL yup! It kinda ruins their credibility. I tried showing my friend ( a non believer ) a video, and of course we came across incorrect grammar, and immediately he said "I cant take this video seriously, they cant even spell correctly" and immediately i was deflated because this person had to complete this video and upload it in warp speed that they didn't have time to run it past a colleague or review it themselves.
  • There is no spell or grammar checks in video creation programs, not in the three different ones I have used anyway. No one is perfect, mistakes are made and sometimes even when reviewing a video a misspelled word/words may not be noticed. I am not going to redo a video for a single misspelled word, I may have missed. It can take a few minutes to several hours to publish a video (especially if it is HD) on to your computer and then it can take 30 minutes to several hours to upload that video to youtube (depending on the file format the video was saved as).

    Are some videos reaching? Sure but perhaps the video creator doesn't see it that way. Maybe they do think that what they are sharing is valid information, clues etc. It really is the perspective of the individual...both the viewer and the creator. Is some of the information in hoax videos incorrect? Sure, new information may have come forward after a video was created. That doesn't mean that the entire video is worthless though.

    The videos I have a problem believing, are the recent ones that are appearing with their "anonymous informers". The others that bother me are the abstract ones that just don't come out and say whatever it is they are trying to convey and leave it up to the viewer to try to figure it out. Honestly, if you have discovered something or think you have then share it plainly and don't play mind games. LastSevenWords comes to mind but many people rave about how great these videos are. I disagree but again that is just my opinion.
  • LOL yup! It kinda ruins their credibility. I tried showing my friend ( a non believer ) a video, and of course we came across incorrect grammar, and immediately he said "I cant take this video seriously, they cant even spell correctly" and immediately i was deflated because this person had to complete this video and upload it in warp speed that they didn't have time to run it past a colleague or review it themselves.
    Many videos are being created by people for whom English is not their first language. Translators don't always translate into grammatically correct English. If you had viewed the video and realized that there were these errors than why show a non-believer this particular video in the first place?

    Show it to a colleague? Whom would that be?
    Most of the people creating videos aren't professionals in the film and video industry. I currently work as a nanny. I never created a video before Michael's "death" and I honestly have no one to show it to as a review, there is just me. I am also not a professional investigator.

    The people making hoax videos are from all walks of life, from all age groups and from all over the world. I am personally just glad that there are individuals who are taking the time to create these videos, in an effort to show that Michael is alive and this is a hoax. It can be a tedious and time consuming process to create these hoax videos. So yes, I appreciate all their efforts.
  • Hey Serenitys_Dream!

    Oh I can always let spelling mistakes slide, they can happen and can disturb the credibility slightly, and like I said I'm even cool with some of the stretching that people do to find clues, it's videos like my example, where it's just a completely useless video that is belittling what we all believe!

    Example, comparing pictures of Michael's ears, to me that's stretching BUT there may be a point there, it's all good. But when people are putting up back to front videos and then claiming that "Michael wasn't left handed" isn't that just ruining the hard word that you and many others put in to great, eye opening videos!

    Of course this is just a discussion and I wanted people to share opinions on videos they have seen of late, but it's just a shame as I know these videos are turning believers into non believers.

    Anymore thoughts anyone?
  • Alfie3121 - I agree that some of the hoax videos, especially some of the newer ones, are farfetched. I just don't bother watching most of them anymore.

    In regards to the errors, there is a difference between a non-native English speaker's errors and blatant spelling and/or grammatical errors. At least to me there is. Video makers could type the text portion of their videos into a program that does have a spellcheck, and then copy it into the video program. I would think that if someone is going to take the time to create a video, they could take just a few extra minutes to double check the spelling.
  • becca26becca26 Posts: 789
    I really liked Jonellstar's videos they were interesting...what ever happend to her? <!-- s:? -->:?<!-- s:? -->
  • Serenity....I really respect and admire your work on this Forum and appreciate very much all the time and effort you have put into your videos and fact, yours are some of the very few in which I don't recall seeing many, if any, typos....since you have become such a prolific video maker, I do appreciate hearing your perspective about this, as I didn't realize how difficult it would be to correct a be perfectly frank, I hesitated even mentioning my pet peeve because I have really tried to maintain a positive tone in my posts to this forum and I knew if I said something, I was taking a chance that I might offend someone...but I literally have noticed this from the very first hoax video I viewed over a year ago and finally decided that this thread might be the time and place to mention I mentioned in my original post, I do realize that English is a second language for some video makers...I have taken that into consideration....what I am talking about here are videos that are chockful of typos to the point of if these are only made by non-English speakers, then I in any form of communication, I believe we are taken more seriously if we use the correct vocabulary, spelling and grammar to make our point. I guess what I'm asking people to think about is this: TAKE YOUR TIME! I often wonder if the videos that are full of typos are sent out too quickly due to the excitement of the video maker to share their ideas. To quote that old David Carradine TV Show, "Kung Fu"....."BREATHE, Grasshopper!"

    I don't know what to make of the "insider" videos that have sprung up trolls on this forum, the anonymity factor can be used for evil or good....and if any trolls are reading this post, let me just say the following: more than any other emotion, I feel pity for you....this Forum is actually a beautiful place and it saddens me greatly...even makes me doubt mankind....when such ugliness is exposed.

    That being said, I apologize if I've hurt anyone's feelings. Truly.
  • Hey Heisinme

    Totally agree with you my friend and Serenity's vids are some of my faves. Whether we like it or not and as many of us as there are, us believers are a minority and it does sadden me when I see new videos coming out that are just plain silly.

    Even with typos, credibility can be intact but the theme and content sometimes is just disrespectful and unneeded.

    I got caught up in an argument with a youtuber recently (be it more them arguing). They chose to make a whole video on that rumor from years ago that Michael passed many years ago and was buried at Neverland, it was originally published by the Onion - a satirical website - they put all over their video "HOW INTERESTING" and "PEOPLE MUST BE INFORMED OF THIS" and I politely posted "you do know this is an old rumor, I don't know if this needs a hoax video dedicating to it". Maybe a lil disrespectful on my part but I felt in a sea of fantastic hoax videos, here was a video that brought absolutely nothing new except old, horrible rumors. The videos author went into a violent rant about how they were Michael's number 1 fan and anymore comments from me they knew 'people' who could take me off youtube.

    It's this kinda thing that really makes me sad, but of course none of us can stop what happens on Youtube. My real reason for starting this thread was to share thoughts and feelings about the most recent videos and are these poorer videos swaying your belief at all?

    It's just upsetting when you watch these newer vids and think "are we running out of clues, is no more evidence?" Do you guys ever feel that way?

  • rayvynrayvyn Posts: 139
    Serenity, I'm with you-- if you have something, then come out and say it.

    Stop doling out clues like cookies-- either you know or you don't. It makes me think you're not credible, and you're playing around.
  • fidelfidel Posts: 28
    Hi, i stopped to watch hoax vids. I only have 2 or 3 persons i follow and ignore if they sometimes forget to check spelling because the infos they provide are very good and saves my time to research again or read books and articles again. Most hoax videos are no real investigation at all and just fantasy association. At the end you dont know what to make out of this. It is nice but you forget 5 minutes later what you were looking at.
  • DatrootDatroot Posts: 1,314
    I am going to take this opportunity to mention a pet peeve of mine about all hoax videos.....POOR SPELLING! POOR GRAMMAR! I swear, I have yet to see one single hoax video that doesn't have either a spelling or grammar mistake or both....and I'm not referring to videos made by non-English speaking people...are people in such a hurry to get them up that they don't run a spell check first? This has always confounded me! And every time I see a spelling or grammar mistake, I feel it lessens the impact/legitimacy of the hoax video....I'll be watching along, totally getting into the message of the video and then BAM! There it is! A blatant spelling error or grammatical error....I shake my head once again in disbelief...

    I realize that this will probably not change, but I still wanted to mention it as it has bugged me for a long, long time.

    Despite this, I do appreciate the effort made by folks to make their hoax videos....just want to suggest that more time is taken to be sure mistakes are corrected before posting.

    I know we are not at School here but I do agree with you. For me, anyway, it does lessen the impact of a video when the spelling and grammar are poor.
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    This whole MJ hoax thing is a grass-roots phenomenon. We are ordinary people from almost all countries, ages and walks of life, all trying our best, thinking to the edge of our brain's capacity. <!-- s:D -->:D<!-- s:D --> One of my favorite quotes is from The Muppets Take Manhattan, where the cook says, "Peoples is peoples!" because that says it all!
  • TracyKTracyK Posts: 163
    I don't mind when someone has a spelling error at all! I am THE typo NINJA and I have typos quite frequently. I am not sure about the majority of video makers, but it can take me literally a week just to make a video. You have to find clips of video and or audio, upload these to your computer, take them into a conversion tool, put them into your movie maker, go through all of the clips/audio and take from them what you want. You type in your text and add pictures and most often audio so the video is not so boring to watch. It is a very tedious process and can be really frustrating at times. I give kudos to those who take the time out of their lives to do this for us. It's very easy for some, not so much for others, like me. I do go over my videos to make sure that I do not have typos, but they can and have escaped me. If that makes me a less credible movie maker, so be it. But I personally have no issues with it. Although, I do find it quiet embarrassing when I see typos after uploading to youtube. I do agree that there are some video makers that have some really out there beliefs. To each his own I say. Anyway, good topic for people who needed to get this off their chests : )
  • Thanks for your viewpoint, Tracy....I found it valuable! And thanks for understanding others' needs to vent a little sometimes.... peace!
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