Randy tried to swindle MJ out of fortune! Did you know?

VeryLittleSusieVeryLittleSusie Posts: 1,483
edited January 1970 in General Hoax Investigation
World of Jax & robbers
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Singer says his brother and pal tried to cheat him out of fortune


Sunday, June 17th 2007, 4:00 AM

Jackson claims he was nearly swindled out of his fortune during his kiddie-sex trial and only the wise counsel of the Rev. Jesse Jackson and billionaire Ron Burkle saved him.

The behind-the-scenes battle over the pop star's finances is detailed in a sworn deposition he gave for a federal lawsuit scheduled to go to trial this week.

There is a possibility that Jackson himself might even be called to testify.

The seven hours of transcripts obtained by the Daily News reveal that the agitated entertainer was convinced his money woes were fueled by a cadre of disloyal advisers who stole from him while he was busy fighting criminal charges.

The Gloved One even fingered a man close to his older brother Randy as a key villain.

It was an ordeal that left Jackson bitter about the industry in which he's spent his entire life.

"It's full of sharks, charlatans and imposters," he said in testimony taken last summer in Paris.

"Because there's a lot of money involved, there's a bunch of schmucks in there," Jackson said. "It's the entertainment world, full of thieves and crooks. That's not new. Everybody knows that."

A Santa Maria, Calif., jury acquitted him of child molestation charges in June 2005, after which he retreated into the seclusion of his Neverland ranch.

But during breaks in the trial, Jackson says he was being pressured to sign off on a multimillion-dollar financing deal by Don Stabler, an associate brought in by brother Randy, his go-to guy on financial matters during much of his career.

Jackson initially took a liking to Stabler after Randy introduced them.

"He reminded me of people that live in mid-America like Indiana," Jackson testified.

Stabler was persistent, at one point during the trial sending a message through one of Jackson's Nation of Islam security guards that questioned the singer's faithfulness to his African-American heritage.

It was a sore point for someone who has denied he purposely lightened his skin.

By then, Jackson had turned to Burkle, the billionaire pal of former President Bill Clinton, for financial help. Burkle brought in Jesse Jackson, who's known Michael Jackson since his Jackson 5 days, to help with the consultation.

Burkle was calling him on the cell phone during bathroom breaks, warning him not to sign anything, Michael Jackson said.

Stabler wasn't happy, Jackson said.

"[Stabler] said, 'What's the problem? You're not down, you're with the Jews now. You're not down with blacks anymore,'" Jackson testified.

"It was unkind," Jackson added. "It was mean. It was meanspirited. It was nasty. Simply because he couldn't get me to sign something that he wanted me to sign."

The next time Jackson saw Stabler "he wanted to take my head off." And his brother Randy wasn't too happy, either.

Randy later claimed that Jackson and his staff had run up a $700,000 bill on his American Express card during the trial, which Jackson said he would repay.

It wasn't the first time that Stabler teamed with Randy in trying to get him to sign off on a deal, Jackson claimed.

At a meeting in a bungalow at the Neverland ranch, Jackson said he had his mother at his side when he fought off another proposal.

"And I vehemently told them, 'No, I am not signing this,'" Jackson recalled. "And I just remember how angry, the intensity of the anger in the room. And so they marched out."

Jackson made his comments when he was grilled by lawyers for the Hackensack, N.J., finance company that is suing the singer in Manhattan Federal Court. The firm, Prescient Acquisition, is owned by businessman Darien Dash, who claims Jackson stiffed his company out of $48 million.

According to Dash's lawyer Steven Altman, Dash was due the money for helping Jackson refinance a $272 million bank loan and secure $573 million in financing to buy out Sony's half of the Beatles' song catalogue that Jackson co-owned.

But Jackson claimed he's never heard of Dash, a cousin of hip-hop impresario Damon Dash, and doesn't remember signing any agreement.



  • Very interesting!
  • Everybody wanted something from MJ...he's been giving and giving and people have been taking and taking...it's better to give then receive (tick for MJ)...those who take take take will eventually have to give give give in another way. I'm not judging the family but...those are the only people you should trust and be totally honest with (nobody is perfect) but family is family...if you family isn't there for you and turns on you...who do you turn to?
  • Whether this is a truly based article or has a reliable source or not, I think it is very sad but true that in the entertainment industry there are only a very few people to be trusted. Unfortunately we cannot detect $-signs eyes <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> and when a family member or a "friend" is introducing someone to Michael, I think it's quite logical that at first he accepts this person because he trusts his family/friends, at least I would imagine that. I don't know if Randy swindle MJ out on purpose and possibly that this money smelling shark, Don Stabler, has a lot of sly persuasiveness. Anyway, Stabler's true evil character appeared when there was no deal <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> Bad intentions or not, Randy owes Michael alot, at least a part in the hoax.
  • mjboogiemjboogie Posts: 1,067
    Whether this is a truly based article or has a reliable source or not, I think it is very sad but true that in the entertainment industry there are only a very few people to be trusted. Unfortunately we cannot detect $-signs eyes <!-- s:shock: -->:shock:<!-- s:shock: --> and when a family member or a "friend" is introducing someone to Michael, I think it's quite logical that at first he accepts this person because he trusts his family/friends, at least I would imagine that. I don't know if Randy swindle MJ out on purpose and possibly that this money smelling shark, Don Stabler, has a lot of sly persuasiveness. Anyway, Stabler's true evil character appeared when there was no deal <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> Bad intentions or not, Randy owes Michael alot, at least a part in the hoax.
    Yeah reminds me of Jermaine introducing MJ to Thome <!-- s:evil: -->:evil:<!-- s:evil: --> .
  • msteetee34msteetee34 Posts: 1,234
    Sometimes I have mixed feelings about Randy. I don't really know what to think of him. Hopefully this story is false. Sometimes it makes you think though with Randy and Jermaine's kids staying with Mother Katherine along with their mother Alejandra.
  • I don't know if I should believe everything I read, but I did hear one interview of Michael and he did say that his brothers wanted money from him, or stole money. Now I cannot confirm this. If it is true, that is unforgivable.
  • Notice this article was posted on the 7th day of the week 6-17-07 (6+1=7) 777 on Sunday at EXACTLY 4:00 AM. Wow!<br /> <br />Anyway, I wonder if this story is in fact true. Should we question Randy's loyalty? <br />Randy has been very close to MJ their entire lives. And Randy was there every single day <br />during Michael's 2005 trial. Its something to think about. If Michael couldn't see through this Stabler<br />character's lies, then why would we expect Randy could.
  • paula-cpaula-c Posts: 7,221
    I do not know what to think of this and to what extent it is true," or lie ::)
  • RKRK Posts: 3,019
    Wasn't it Randy who got Tom Messarau on board to replace Mark Gerragos in the '05 trial? Thank God he did. I think that's all I need to convince me Randy had MJ's interests at heart. :geek:
  • on 1314756624:
    <br />Wasn't it Randy who got Tom Messarau on board to replace Mark Gerragos in the '05 trial? Thank God he did. I think that's all I need to convince me Randy had MJ's interests at heart. :geek: <br />
    <br /> <br />That's one way to look at it...him truly having Michael's best interests at heart.  On the flip-side it also could be said that he was looking out for his own best interest (IF any of that story is true).  If he was "earning" off of Michael there wouldn't be much coming his way if the defense didn't win...ya know?  I'm not stating an opinion either way...my mind just always looks at things from all possible angles.  You hear so many differing accounts regarding relationships within the family...I'd only take Michael's word for the truth of how it really is between him and any of them.  <br /> <br />Care to comment Mr. Jackson?  ;)  :lol:  (couldn't resist)
  • MJonmindMJonmind Posts: 7,290
    TS, if you're reading, how about it, does MJ completely trust all his siblings, and parents to ONLY have his best interests at heart?<br /><br />It seems I've read other times the family would use Katherine to get at MJ's heart to do what they wanted. I guess she loves all her children equally which is good, but not when MJ is an adult and entitled to make his own decisions and earn his own money. I wonder if MJ was upset with his mom for going along with them in that.<br />
    TheMoonIsDancing<br />If Michael couldn't see through this Stabler<br />character's lies, then why would we expect Randy could.
    <br />Possible.<br />
    RK<br />Wasn't it Randy who got Tom Messarau on board to replace Mark Gerragos in the '05 trial? Thank God he did. I think that's all I need to convince me Randy had MJ's interests at heart. 
    <br />Yes I remember in one video MJ is calling for Janet and Randy to make sure they’re coming in the courtroom.<br /><br />It's seem possible to me that it is only these last few years that his siblings have realized MJ's true worthiness of respect and honor, and that before this their hearts were filled with jealousy, frustration and anger over why MJ seemed blessed but not them, except of course for Janet. (A little like the story of Joseph in the Bible.)<br /><br />
  • DoDo Posts: 850
    I remember I read a story about Randy (actually also about his then girlfriend Tanya Zilkie and Karen Faye among them), making money of off Michael by setting up a membership site for fans where they could order packages of Michael goodies but never receiving anything after paying:<br /><br />
    Michael Jackson fired Karen Faye, Evvy Tavasci and Randy Jackson's then girlfriend, Tanya Zilkie because Randy and Karen had put together a Michael Jackson fan club membership site without Michael's knowledge in which members were to receive a package of Michael goodies upon ordering a subscription ($49.95 a month). This was going on during Michael's trial and by November, fans began complaining that they never received what they paid for. Michael found out and refunded their money and fired Karen Faye and her assistant Evvy Tavasci along with Randy's girlfriend Tanya who had been running the web site in place of Randy.
      <br /> <br />Read more: http://wiki.answers.com/Q/Why_did_Michael_Jackson_fire_Karen_Faye#ixzz1Wb4rozbA <br /> <br />Now ofcourse I don't know to which extent Randy was involved in this, but it gives me a strange taste in my mouth.<br />The story posted by VeryLittleSusie I've never heard of before, but if this is true, OMG, what a dark world Michael lived in.
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