Timeline for Sleep



  • Even my mother, who worked in the Red Cross (almost like a nurse), when she heard this story, said it does not make sense to give propofol for sleeping, there are many healthy ways to combat insomnia. I believe that Michael, who is a healthy and clever man, in any case would never have taken the propofol.
    But I do not think that anyone died in his place that day.


    Well, I am not going to say that. He may have let someone give him that drug. He was a terrible insomniac and not a doctor, so who knows. For surgeries he has had in the past he would have most definitely had some sort of anesthesia and he may have been fascinated by the effect. Also, some crooked doctor may have told him that it was a good idea.
    But, don't get me wrong. I have nothing but hearsay to that effect, I am just speculating that even smart human beings do things they think are okay. One thing is for sure, I would not believe for one minute what the defense in the Conrad Murray case is selling. If Michael died, there is no way I could sell myself on the idea of him swallowing propofol or injecting himself with it. He is way smarter than that, because most ANYBODY is smarter that that.
  • Why would Michael need to cancel rehearsals? They were finished rehearsing.

    I don't think they were done rehearsing. They were just done at the Staples Center. They still had props to work in. They surely would have rehearsed a couple of days at the 02.
  • HeartsongHeartsong Posts: 177
    Even my mother, who worked in the Red Cross (almost like a nurse), when she heard this story, said it does not make sense to give propofol for sleeping, there are many healthy ways to combat insomnia. I believe that Michael, who is a healthy and clever man, in any case would never have taken the propofol.
    But I do not think that anyone died in his place that day.


    That's exactly right, propofol for sleeping makes no sense. It's not even as if they'd tried any other sleep meds before jumping to GA; just anti anxiety meds then boom, straight to knock out. There are better, safer meds that can be used for sleep. And like I said before, why go through using all the other meds first if using propofol is a typical option.We are being led to believe that nothing else worked, therefore propofol was the only option. Murray could have just put him out staight away as soon as he came home, no fuss, if this was as common (if unsafe) a scenario as Murray would have us believe. Why drag it out all night? This late attempt to put MJ out after all the other meds makes no sense unless the "pams" were all given in order to make him so out of it he wouldn't know propofol was being used. I don't think MJ gave consent for propofol at all. I think it's all an elaborate cover up to frame Michael Jackson as a drug addict and thus make his "death" his fault and inevitable. I really wish those cctv tapes would turn up...

    Also,why the inconsistencies in testimonies? Alvarez says he was instructed by Murray to "clean up", to pick up all the syringes, bottles etc and yet in day 4 testimony from investigator Elissa Fleak she mentions finding a propofol bottle inside a cut open IV bag (?), plus other drugs including lidocaine, diazepam plus prescriptions- the list is extensive. Did Alvarez lie, just not get it all or was he caught and it was confiscated and replaced in it’s original position in the room? And a lot of this stuff was found and tagged on the 29th not the 25th . So four days between the "death" and the final evidence bagging. What the hell?!
  • ImageImage Posts: 108
    To reading_on.

    It 's true: also a clever man can make mistakes. However, because of everything I've seen and with the faith I have in Michael, I think he is alive. Sure, I could be wrong, that's just my opinion.

    Did you read what I wrote on the topic "Milkman" in "All odd things"? I'd like to have your opinion about it.

    Ciao (= bye)
  • To reading_on.

    It 's true: also a clever man can make mistakes. However, because of everything I've seen and with the faith I have in Michael, I think he is alive. Sure, I could be wrong, that's just my opinion.

    Did you read what I wrote on the topic "Milkman" in "All odd things"? I'd like to have your opinion about it.

    Ciao (= bye)

    Hello image

    Everyone wants Michael to be alive. You are in a good crowd <!-- s:-) -->:-)<!-- s:-) -->

    I am not sure what you are looking for as the comment. I don't usually even look at any videos from youtube that people try to string together for the hoax. I like making up my own mind about things. People can do anything on their computers. I watched this one because you asked me to comment.
    Personally it looks like too things.
    1) Someone being distastefully silly
    2) Someone promoting Readerware.

    On a final note. Everyone I have come in contact with in a hospital setting called this "milk". I don't find it unusual for a patient to call it that. Be aware that I am not saying that Michael did this. I believe nothing 100% until I could prove it. I don't believe believe the picture in that thread and has anything to do with anything.
  • ImageImage Posts: 108
    Ok, anyhow thank you for your answer, reading_on.
  • on 1294688404:
    <br />
    I want to ask a question. Did anyone of you got operated? I did. The day of my operation they administered anesthesia, obviously. Now the side effect once you wake up you throw up. Anesthesia makes you throw up often, I was throwing up  2 3 days, and also being dizzy.  This is not only me, but all people who got operated has that side effect. I have a doctor friend who told me that this is a major side effect from propofol. If Michael has been administered propofol every night or day to sleep, wouldn't he be throwing up, and being groggy, and more tired? This does not sound justified. There is more than meets the eye. My scenario is, Michael never got home on June 25. There was an impersonator who really looked like Michael in his bed, whom was really really sick and did not mind to die. This was all a master plan from Michael, and Murray was part of the plan. Murray administered propofol to that impersonator, and he is the one who died. They removed the tapes so they had no evidence that, it was not the real MJ. Michael made his escape. He is the one who took his money and his jewelry. Just my opinion. I am 100% sure Michael never took propofol. Blessings to all.
    <br /><br />The thing is that: the amount propofol that "Dr" conrad murray gave mike, would make him sleep for 10 minutes. And the amount they gave you under your operation, must have been taken more than 10 minutes.<br />I don't think I ever heard of a operation how took only 10 minutes.<br />So how groggy do you get after only "sleeping" for 10 minutes?? And how good are your body's co-ordinations after 10 minutes with propofol in your blood???
    <br /><br />My operation lasted 1 hr. Why would someone take propofol for 10 mins. What rest did you have in 10 mins?? Does not make sense<br />
    <br /><br />Sorry I know this is an old topic here, but I thought I should explain something. I use propofol to knock out animals on a daily basis- propofol induces unconsciousness in the animal NOT sleep, however, one of the side effects of propofol is making you really sleepy when you come round from the anesthetic, so that is probably what Murray and MJ as aiming for, the hangover effect of the drug after it has stopped causing unconsciousness- this effect makes it fantastic for insomniacs I imagine, as it will make you very relaxed (has a muscle relaxant component) and just dopey as heck!<br /><br />as for the vomiting, not everyone experiences those side effects, it is mostly young tall slim women who get it in humans- a lot of people just wake up feeling tired or out of it (hence the drugged up recording we hear of MJ after taking a slug of this, supposedly). Animals also tolerate it well, but usually wake up crying  and disorientated.
  • on 1366524771:
    <br />
    on 1294688404:
    <br />
    I want to ask a question. Did anyone of you got operated? I did. The day of my operation they administered anesthesia, obviously. Now the side effect once you wake up you throw up. Anesthesia makes you throw up often, I was throwing up  2 3 days, and also being dizzy.  This is not only me, but all people who got operated has that side effect. I have a doctor friend who told me that this is a major side effect from propofol. If Michael has been administered propofol every night or day to sleep, wouldn't he be throwing up, and being groggy, and more tired? This does not sound justified. There is more than meets the eye. My scenario is, Michael never got home on June 25. There was an impersonator who really looked like Michael in his bed, whom was really really sick and did not mind to die. This was all a master plan from Michael, and Murray was part of the plan. Murray administered propofol to that impersonator, and he is the one who died. They removed the tapes so they had no evidence that, it was not the real MJ. Michael made his escape. He is the one who took his money and his jewelry. Just my opinion. I am 100% sure Michael never took propofol. Blessings to all.
    <br /><br />The thing is that: the amount propofol that "Dr" conrad murray gave mike, would make him sleep for 10 minutes. And the amount they gave you under your operation, must have been taken more than 10 minutes.<br />I don't think I ever heard of a operation how took only 10 minutes.<br />So how groggy do you get after only "sleeping" for 10 minutes?? And how good are your body's co-ordinations after 10 minutes with propofol in your blood???
    <br /><br />My operation lasted 1 hr. Why would someone take propofol for 10 mins. What rest did you have in 10 mins?? Does not make sense<br />
    <br /><br />Sorry I know this is an old topic here, but I thought I should explain something. I use propofol to knock out animals on a daily basis- propofol induces unconsciousness in the animal NOT sleep, however, one of the side effects of propofol is making you really sleepy when you come round from the anesthetic, so that is probably what Murray and MJ as aiming for, the hangover effect of the drug after it has stopped causing unconsciousness- this effect makes it fantastic for insomniacs I imagine, as it will make you very relaxed (has a muscle relaxant component) and just dopey as heck!<br /><br />as for the vomiting, not everyone experiences those side effects, it is mostly young tall slim women who get it in humans- a lot of people just wake up feeling tired or out of it (hence the drugged up recording we hear of MJ after taking a slug of this, supposedly). Animals also tolerate it well, but usually wake up crying  and disorientated.<br />
    <br />so it would not be necessary to incubate or yes ?
  • More than that..... it is ESSENTIAL to intubate. Propofol relaxes the muscles so much the person on it is unable to breath for themselves-- as the thorax will not contract to allow breathing movements anymore.<br /><br />Murray would definately have had to intubate Michael for safety's sake- i suppose thats why gas canisters of 02 were being taken to his room? Has anyone ever mentioned finding ET tubes in his room for intubation?
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